1,428 research outputs found

    On the spectrum of shear flows and uniform ergodic theorems

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    The spectra of parallel flows (that is, flows governed by first-order differential operators parallel to one direction) are investigated, on both L2L^2 spaces and weighted-L2L^2 spaces. As a consequence, an example of a flow admitting a purely singular continuous spectrum is provided. For flows admitting more regular spectra the density of states is analyzed, and spaces on which it is uniformly bounded are identified. As an application, an ergodic theorem with uniform convergence is proved.Comment: 18 pages, no figure

    Periodic solutions for a class of evolution inclusions

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    We consider a periodic evolution inclusion defined on an evolution triple of spaces. The inclusion involves also a subdifferential term. We prove existence theorems for both the convex and the nonconvex problem, and we also produce extremal trajectories. Moreover, we show that every solution of the convex problem can be approximated uniformly by certain extremal trajectories (strong relaxation). We illustrate our results by examining a nonlinear parabolic control system

    On constructions preserving the asymptotic topology of metric spaces

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    We prove that graph products constructed over infinite graphs with bounded clique number preserve finite asymptotic dimension. We also study the extent to which Dranishnikov's property C, and Dranishnikov and Zarichnyi's straight finite decomposition complexity are preserved by constructions such as unions, free products, and group extensions.Comment: 13 pages, accepted for publication in NC Journal of Mathematics and Statistic

    On large indecomposable Banach spaces

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    Hereditarily indecomposable Banach spaces may have density at most continuum (Plichko-Yost, Argyros-Tolias). In this paper we show that this cannot be proved for indecomposable Banach spaces. We provide the first example of an indecomposable Banach space of density two to continuum. The space exists consistently, is of the form C(K) and it has few operators in the sense that any bounded linear operator T on C(K) satisfies T(f)=gf+S(f) for every f in C(K), where g is in C(K) and S is weakly compact (strictly singular)
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