12 research outputs found

    The influence of social presence on enjoyment and intention to use of a robot and screen agent by elderly users

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    When using a robot or a screen agent, elderly users might feel more enjoyment if they experience a stronger social presence. In two experiments with a robotic agent and a screen agent (both n=30) this relationship between these two concepts could be established. Besides, both studies showed that social presence correlates with the Intention to Use the system, although there were some differences between the agents. This implicates that factors that influence social presence are relevant when designing assistive agents for elderly people

    A Meta-Analysis of Enjoyment Effect on Technology Acceptance: The Moderating Role of Technology Conventionality

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    Recent advancements in Information and Communication Technology lead to the development of affordable, novel, out of the ordinary, and unconventional information technology artifacts. Such innovative technologies including virtual reality, wearable technology, and robots; feature unique human-computer interfaces, untraditional hardware designs, enable unique and atypical affordances, and provide their users with unprecedented experiences. As these artifacts become more pervasive, it is important to understand whether established Information Systems theories apply to this new paradigm. This meta-analysis introduces the definition of technology conventionality and investigates its moderating role on the effect of perceived enjoyment on users’ behavioural intention to use the technology with the aim of contrasting the effect sizes across conventional and unconventional technologies. Findings indicate that perceived enjoyment plays an important role in shaping users’ behavioural intention for both conventional and unconventional technologies. Implications for practice and future research are discussed

    Robot-on-Robot Gossiping to Improve Sense of Human-Robot Conversation

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    S. Mitsuno, Y. Yoshikawa and H. Ishiguro, "Robot-on-Robot Gossiping to Improve Sense of Human-Robot Conversation," 2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), Naples, Italy, 2020, pp. 653-658, doi: 10.1109/RO-MAN47096.2020.9223442.The 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication [31 AUG - 04 SEPT, 2020