33,847 research outputs found

    R&D Cooperation and Innovation Activities of Firms - Evidence for the German Manufacturing Industry -

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    The aim of the paper is to investigate in a simultaneous equation framework the role of R&D cooperation in the innovation process under two specific aspects. First, the analysis is concentrated on the impact of R&D cooperation - in line with other factors - on firm's innovation input and output. Second, it will be analyzed how the number of cooperation partners affects the development of new products. Starting with the discussion of theoretically expected effects of successfully R&D cooperation on the innovation activities of firms, the importance of inter-organizational arrangements in R&D is empirically investigated for firms in the German manufacturing industry. The estimation results can be summarized as follows: In the German manufacturing industry, R&D cooperations are used complementary in the innovation process, enhancing the innovation input and output of firms measured by the intensity of inhouse R&D respectively the realization of product innovations. On the input side, the intensity of inhouse R&D also stimulates the probability and the number of R&D cooperations with other firms and institutions.R&D cooperation, innovation behaviour, technological opportunities, manufacturing industry


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    In recent times, the theory of purchasing and supply operations has been widely studied under a variety of labels and for a number of reasons. Realizing competitive advantage from organizational alignment and relation to materials supply is for a form of backward integration. In the process, the manufacturing organization obeys demands from distributors; purchasing is in turn re-structured and managed to achieve improved customer value for manufacturing; thereafter, the process addresses the suppliers to the organization (external integration) typically involving supplier rationalization and the introduction of supplier evaluation systems. Based on previous research, there was finding that strategic purchasing has been impact to communication, coordination and collaboration with supplier which is increase supplier involvement. According to a survey 100 respondent which was conducted by means questionnaires and 94 completed questionnaires were returned. Six responses were considered incomplete and had to be discarded, and this left 86 valid responses. This study result are strategic purchasing has a positive significant effect to communication is 0.314; positive significant effect to coordination is 0.336; and positive significant effect collaboration is 0.365. Communication and Collaboration directly will bring significant contribution to supplier involvement, but coordination is not directly. Key words: Strategic purchasing, communication, collaboration, coordination, supplier involvement

    Innovation Effects of Science-Related Technological Opportunities - Theoretical Considerations and Empirical Findings for Firms in the German Manufacturing Industry -

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    This paper investigates the innovation effects of science-related technological opportunities. Against the background of theoretical considerations about the interrelation of innovation and the adaptation of external (knowledge) resources, the impacts of technological opportunities stemming from scientific institutions on firms' innovation input and output are empirically analyzed for the German manufacturing industry. The investigations focus on the question whether science-related technological opportunities are used as complements or substitutes in the innovation process. The estimations indicate complementary relationships between firms' innovation input and technological opportunities stemming from scientific institutions. The adaptation of science-related knowledge resources has stimulating effects on the intensity of inhouse R&D. The results for the innovation output effects are ambiguous. On the one hand, empirical evidence for complementary impacts on the realisation of improved products could be found. On the other hand, science-related technological opportunities have no enhancing effects on the probability of realizing new products. Obviously, knowledge from universities and research institutes stimulates the development of new products more indirectly by increasing inhouse capacities and enhancing R&D efficiency.innovation activities, technological opportunities, scientific institutions, manufacturing industry

    Taking a “Deep Dive”: What Only a Top Leader Can Do

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    Unlike most historical accounts of strategic change inside large firms, empirical research on strategic management rarely uses the day-to-day behaviors of top executives as the unit of analysis. By examining the resource allocation process closely, we introduce the concept of a deep dive, an intervention when top management seizes hold of the substantive content of a strategic initiative and its operational implementation at the project level, as a way to drive new behaviors that enable an organization to shift its performance trajectory into new dimensions unreachable with any of the previously described forms of intervention. We illustrate the power of this previously underexplored change mechanism with a case study, in which a well-established firm overcame barriers to change that were manifest in a wide range of organizational routines and behavioral norms that had been fostered by the pre-existing structural context of the firm.Strategic Change, Resource Allocation Process, Top-down Intervention

    Innovation in services: corporate culture and investment banking

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    The article discusses service innovation in the investment banking industry. Service industry innovations differ from innovations in industries that produce physical products because they rarely have intellectual property and patent protections. However, investment banking services are typically a series of interrelated businesses such as consulting, wealth management and accounting, and innovations require a business wide coordinated approach. The authors argue that a strong corporate culture can support rather than hinder innovation. The creation of such a culture requires strong leadership and an emphasis on innovation in hiring and promotions

    Developing Alliance Capabilities in a New Era

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    alliance, capability

    Firm-Specific Advantages Intra-Regional Sales and Performance of Multinational Enterprises

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    This paper is an extension of recent work that has examined the intra-regional sales of large multinational enterprises (MNEs). First, we examine the interaction between the performance of MNEs and four proxies for their firm-specific advantages (FSAs). This includes: firm size, knowledge (as represented by R&D), marketing ability, and industry type. We find that FSAs in R&D and service sector type are best exploited within the home region. In contrast, the FSA firm size is better exploited by global and bi-regional firms. Second, we find that a service MNE tends to be more home-region oriented and has a higher proportion of intra-regional sales than a manufacturing firm.firm-specific advantages, intra-regional sales, multinational enterprises, performance, geographic scope, and home region