2,120 research outputs found

    Combined artificial bee colony algorithm and machine learning techniques for prediction of online consumer repurchase intention

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    A novel paradigm in the service sector i.e. services through the web is a progressive mechanism for rendering offerings over diverse environments. Internet provides huge opportunities for companies to provide personalized online services to their customers. But prompt novel web services introduction may unfavorably affect the quality and user gratification. Subsequently, prediction of the consumer intention is of supreme importance in selecting the web services for an application. The aim of study is to predict online consumer repurchase intention and to achieve this objective a hybrid approach which a combination of machine learning techniques and Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm has been used. The study is divided into three phases. Initially, shopping mall and consumer characteristic’s for repurchase intention has been identified through extensive literature review. Secondly, ABC has been used to determine the feature selection of consumers’ characteristics and shopping malls’ attributes (with > 0.1 threshold value) for the prediction model. Finally, validation using K-fold cross has been employed to measure the best classification model robustness. The classification models viz., Decision Trees (C5.0), AdaBoost, Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Neural Network (NN), are utilized for prediction of consumer purchase intention. Performance evaluation of identified models on training-testing partitions (70-30%) of the data set, shows that AdaBoost method outperforms other classification models with sensitivity and accuracy of 0.95 and 97.58% respectively, on testing data set. This study is a revolutionary attempt that considers both, shopping mall and consumer characteristics in examine the consumer purchase intention.N/

    모바일 기기를 통한 식품 구매행동

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :농업생명과학대학 농경제사회학부(지역정보전공),2019. 8. 문정훈.The number of people using mobile devices with a touch-screen interface for online shopping is increasing rapidly. This study focused on the use of mobile devices (as opposed to PCs) when shopping for groceries online. Essay 1 discusses the differences between the use of mobile devices and PCs with regard to consumers grocery purchasing behaviors in online shopping malls. To achieve the aim of the study, online grocery purchase records from consumer household panels was analyzed. The results show that using a mobile device significantly influences consumers purchasing behavior. Essay 2 discusses the effect of touching on a product through a screen (vs. clicking on a product) on consumers in online shopping malls. The experiments were conducted with 107 participants. The results indicate that touch screens positively affect affective thinking style, mental simulation of a product, shopping enjoyment, and price premium. In addition, the main paths that affect the price premium differ when using a touch screen rather than a mouse.터치 인터페이스 기반인 모바일 기기를 사용하여 온라인 쇼핑을 하는 사람들이 급속도로 증가하고 있다. 본 연구는 온라인에서 식료품을 구입할 때 PC와 비교하여 모바일 기기의 사용이 미치는 영향에 초점을 맞추었다. 첫번째 연구에서는 온라인 쇼핑몰에서 모바일 기기 사용과 PC 사용의 차이가 소비자의 식료품 구매패턴에 미치는 영향을 확인하였다. 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위해 소비자 패널들의 온라인 식료품 구매 지출내역을 분석하였다. 분석결과, 사용하는 기기의 차이에 따라 온라인 쇼핑몰에서 소비자의 구매 행동이 달라진다는 것을 보여준다. 두번째 연구에서는 온라인 쇼핑몰에서 화면을 통해 제품을 터치하는 것이 마우스를 사용할 때와 비교하여 소비자 구매행동에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 본 연구의 목적을 위해 107명의 참가자들을 대상으로 실험을 진행했다. 그 결과, 스크린을 통한 제품의 터치는 사고 방식, 제품에 대한 정신적 시뮬레이션, 쇼핑에 대한 즐거움, 가격 프리미엄에 유의미한 영향을 미쳤다. 또한, 사용하는 인터페이스의 차이(터치 vs. 클릭)에 따라가격 프리미엄에 영향을 미치는 주요 경로가 다르다는 것을 보여준다.Essay 1: Difference in Online Grocery Purchasing Behaviors when Using Mobile Devices and PCs 1. Introduction · · 1 1.1 Research Background · · 1 1.2 Research Objectives · · 4 2. Literature Review · · 5 2.1 Features of Mobile Commerce · · 5 2.2 Difference in Devices (PC vs. Mobile) · · 7 3. Research Model and Hypotheses · · 11 3.1 Research Model · · 11 3.2 Hypotheses Development · · 11 4. Methodology · · 14 4.1 Data Collection · · 14 4.2 Operationalization of Smartphone Group (vs. PC group) · · 15 4.3 Operationalization of Purchasing Behavior · · 17 5. Data Analysis and Results · · 20 5.1 Sample Characteristics · · 20 5.2 Descriptive Statistics of Major Variables · · 22 5.3 Correlation Analysis · · 23 5.4 Hypothesis Test · · 25 6. Discussion · · 32 6.1 Summary of Findings · · 32 6.2 Contribution and Limitation · · 34 Essay 2: The Effect of Product Image Touch on Consumers Grocery Purchasing Behavior 1. Introduction · · 39 1.1 Research Background · · 39 1.2 Research Objectives · · 41 2. Theoretical Background · · 42 2.1 Thinking Style · · 42 2.2 Embodied Cognition Theory · · 45 3. Research model and Hypotheses · · 48 4. Methodology · · 53 4.1 Stimulus Material & Measurements Development · · 53 4.2 Procedure of Experiment · · 56 5. Data Analysis and Results · · 58 5.1 Data Collection · · 58 5.2 Demographic Information · · 58 5.3 Descriptive Statistics of Major Variables · · 60 5.4 Assessment of Measurement Model · · 61 5.5 Hypothesis Test · · 63 6. Discussion · · 68 6.1 Summary of Findings · · 68 6.2 Contribution and Limitation · · 70 Reference · · 74 Appendix A. Survey of Essay 1 · · 85 Appendix B. Stimulus of Essay 2 · · 86 Appendix C. Survey of Essay 2 · · 92 Abstract in Korean · · 98Maste

    Enhancing shopping experiences in smart retailing

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    The retailing market has undergone a paradigm-shift in the last decades, departing from its traditional form of shopping in brick-and-mortar stores towards online shopping and the establishment of shopping malls. As a result, “small” independent retailers operating in urban environments have suffered a substantial reduction of their turnover. This situation could be presumably reversed if retailers were to establish business “alliances” targeting economies of scale and engage themselves in providing innovative digital services. The SMARTBUY ecosystem realizes the concept of a “distributed shopping mall”, which allows retailers to join forces and unite in a large commercial coalition that generates added value for both retailers and customers. Along this line, the SMARTBUY ecosystem offers several novel features: (i) inventory management of centralized products and services, (ii) geo-located marketing of products and services, (iii) location-based search for products offered by neighboring retailers, and (iv) personalized recommendations for purchasing products derived by an innovative recommendation system. SMARTBUY materializes a blended retailing paradigm which combines the benefits of online shopping with the attractiveness of traditional shopping in brick-and-mortar stores. This article provides an overview of the main architectural components and functional aspects of the SMARTBUY ecosystem. Then, it reports the main findings derived from a 12 months-long pilot execution of SMARTBUY across four European cities and discusses the key technology acceptance factors when deploying alike business alliances

    what drives consumers to shop online?

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    Thesis(Master) -- KDI School: Master of Business Administration, 2012masterpublishedSagynov, Ese

    E-Mall and Virtual Trial Room

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    Looking over the new era of technology and its genres growth, the cities are turning smart and the requirements with the best technology is made must. Looking over the current trends and human generation. The idea of E-mall is being proposed, where the humans around need entertainment without hanging around in the busy world. Nowadays everyone wants to look fashionable. But, it is difficult for ordinary users to make a decision on the current trend of fashions, whether it's clothing, accessories or many others. Moreover, when you are shopping online and want to try a better look with your selected stuffs present in shop cart. However, current existing e-commerce websites needs many inputs for live trial of their online shopping list this would influence the user experience. And, it would help many users to select their personal brand accessories. Hence, we have introduced such system live that would allow user to do almost all the trials from the location they want. The proposed system would be platform independent and made up of mostly all the free-source development tools so that If taken Commercially later we will keep the cost as low as possible, or would be kept as brand with some tie-ups or an individual platform. This may further make it accessible in small time running even in the malls by IoT

    The influence of electronic word of mouth to convert intention into actual purchase behavior

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    The proliferation of Internet users has provided a huge opportunity for businesses to anticipate the increasing value of online retail. In Thailand, the number of Internet users shows promise for e-commerce, and yet success in revenues has not emerged. Understanding the behavior in performing the actual transaction will provide valuable information and help to remove the barriers that prevent consumers opting for online shopping. The purpose of the present study is to examine factors that turn consumer intention into actual purchase in the online context among Thai consumers. The theoretical framework in the present study was developed using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by incorporating trust, perceived informativeness and electronic word of mouth. Stratified random sampling was employed to select sample among students from selected universities in Thailand. Data were collected using questionnaires. A total of 826 effective samples were collected and the analyses were carried out using both descriptive analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM). The results indicate moderate level of intention and actual purchase in online context. Online purchase intention is found to be a significant determinant of actual online purchase. Perceived usefulness, perceived informativeness and trust are the factors that influence online purchase intention respectively. There were significant indirect influences of electronic word of mouth on purchase intention mediated by direct influences of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trust, and perceived informativeness. The results are also beneficial for both business sector and government sector to understand Thai online consumer behavior and gain clearer picture of the factor driven behind the consumer’s need that can be used to spur their demands to buy more online

    How social shopping retains customers? Capturing the essence of website quality and relationship quality

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    Social shopping as a result of the advancement of social media applications is increasing considerably in e-commerce. As a consequence of the multi-faceted phenomenon of social shopping, website managers encounter a lot of challenges in providing their quality website experience to satisfy their customers’ needs and in developing relationships among participants, and community. In short, providing excellent quality website experience is crucial to support online customers. Therefore, it is necessary to offer further theoretical conceptualizations as well as detailed empirical evidence for such phenomena in which social shopping are supported and enabled. Thus, this paper attempts to investigate the factors affecting purchase intention of social shopping including two constructs: website quality (i.e., system, information, and service quality) and relationship quality (i.e., satisfaction, commitment, and trust). Additionally we aim to identify the mediating roles of commitment and trust. The empirical results show that the perceived system and service quality are important antecedents of customer satisfaction, but not for the effect of perceived information quality on customer satisfaction. Furthermore, it shows that customer satisfaction significantly influences commitment, trust, and purchase intention, and trust in turn significantly affect commitment. Our empirical results confirm that commitment and trust partially mediate the relationship between satisfaction and purchase intention in social shopping context