10,236 research outputs found

    ICT research bursaries : a compendium of research reports a report on the ICT Research Bursaries 2002–03

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    An assessment of the ways in which teachers evaluate software, Bridging the gap: ICT in the transition year, Colouring outside the lines: research into the potential of using new digital technologies to increase home-school interactivity in a conductive education environment, The development and use of a computer-based model for assessing thinking skills, The Hedley Walter High School: cultural change in learning through the use of new technologies, ICT and subject literacies: a study of the relationship between ICT and subject literacies in the secondary school, An investigation into the visual and kinaesthetic affordances of interactive whiteboards, Making IT happen: patterns of ICT use among a group of UK school staff, Networking success: an investigation of the effectiveness of the Birmingham Grid for Learning's ICT Research Network, The Ripple Project: the whole school impact of conducting learner-centred ICT projects in infant classrooms, The use of interactive whiteboards in the primary school: effects on pedagogy, Video conferencing in the mathematics lesson, Trainee teachers and 'impact' learning: A study of trainees' views on what helps them to use ICT effectively in their subject teaching, An investigation of how different ways of presenting information using ICT may affect children's thinking, New Opportunities Funding: Did it work? A follow-up to NOF training, The HomE-Work Project, e-Learning in broadband-connected classrooms, Digital video and bilingual children with special educational needs: Supporting literacy activities, Sustainability and evolution of ICT-supported classroom practice, The impact of prior technological experiences on children's ability to use play as a medium for developing capability with new ICT tools, How can the use of an interactive whiteboard enhance the nature of teaching and learning in secondary mathematics and modern foreign languages?, Already at a disadvantage? ICT in the home and children's preparation for primary school, The impact of technology on children with physical disabilities: an evaluative case study at a special school in the West Midlands, Bedding in: factors that facilitate implementation and integration of ICT in classroom practice, Developing a networked learning community with ICT - learning the hard way, Exploring the elements that make an effective web-based science lesso

    Harnessing Technology School survey 2007: analysis and key findings

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    The report provides an analysis of the findings of the Harnessing Technology Schools Survey undertaken in 2006-07. The survey was a nationally representative survey of the use and implementation of ICT in schools in England

    Quadros interactivos no ensino da matemática

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    Mestrado em Ensino de MatemáticaSer profissional de educação hoje em dia requer muita habilidade e profissionalismo e actualizações. Motivar, cativar a atenção, debater, comunicar é importante no meio escolar. O factor insucesso escolar é cada vez mais referido e pronunciado, sendo importante arranjar estratégias que fomentem a qualidade do ensino e combatam o insucesso escolar. O aparecimento das novas tecnologias, nomeadamente os quadros interactivos, contribuíram para novos recursos pedagógicos, sendo uma porta aberta na resolução de alguns problemas na Educação. A presente dissertação tem como tema os quadros interactivos no ensino da Matemática. Esta está dividida em partes. Na primeira parte é apresentada a definição de quadro interactivo, algumas sugestões de utilização, quais as vantagens e desvantagens de um quadro interactivo, que tipo de quadros existem no mercado: SMARTBoard, Magicboard/StarBoard da Hitachi, Promethean, Interwrite, Clasus, entre outros nesta fase abordo ainda outros softwares matemáticos que podem ser utilizados nos quadros: GeoGebra, Cabri, etc. Numa segunda fase abordo experiências em sala de aula de diferentes anos (desde o pré-escolar até ao Ensino Superior), apresentando algumas aulas realizadas no quadro interactivo. Por fim, faço referência os quadros interactivos pelo mundo, apresentando alguns países e algumas escolas. Apresento um capítulo onde falo do projecto Inovar com QI. Finalmente, apresento análises de inquéritos realizados a professores e alunos sobre o impacto dos quadros interactivos em sala de aula e deixo algumas propostas de futuros trabalhos de pesquisa. ABSTRACT: Working in education nowadays requires much skill, professionalism and updating. Motivating, capturing attention, discussing and communicating are all important in the classroom. Lack of achievement at school is an increasingly frequent topic of debate and it is important to find strategies that promote quality teaching and combat that failure. The emergence of new technologies, namely interactive whiteboards, has contributed to new pedagogical resources, and is an open door to solving some problems in education. The subject of this dissertation is interactive whiteboards in the teaching of Mathematics. It is divided in two parts. The first presents a definition of the interactive whiteboard, some suggestions for its use, the advantages and disadvantages of interactive whiteboards and the types of boards available on the market: SMARTBoard, Magicboard/StarBoard by Hitachi, Promethean, Interwrite and Clasus, among others. This part also covers other types of mathematics software that can be used with the board: GeoGebra, Cabri, etc. The second part deals with experience in the classroom with different age-groups (from nursery to higher education), presenting some lessons carried out with the interactive whiteboard. At the end, reference is made to the use of interactive whiteboards throughout the world, presenting cases from some countries and some schools. One chapter deals with the «Inovar com QI» Project. Finally, analyses are presented of surveys carried out with teachers and pupils about the impact of interactive whiteboards in the classroom, and some proposals are made for future investigation

    Becta review 2006. Evidence on the progress of ICT in education.

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    This is the review of the use and impact of ICT in the education system prior to the publication of the Government's e-Strategy for the education system, known as Harnessing Technology. The Review drew upon Becta's surveys of schools and FE colleges as well as other research to assess the impact of technology within the education system and the progress made in achieving Government policies in 2005-06

    Harnessing technology review 2007. Progress and impact of technology in education. Full Report.

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    This is the first review of the use and impact of ICT in the education system following the publication of the Government's e-Strategy for the education system, known as Harnessing Technology. The Review drew upon Becta's surveys of schools and FE colleges as well as other research to assess the impact of technology within the education system and the progress made in achieving the system outcomes of the policy

    Harnessing technology review 2007. Progress and impact of technology in education. Summary report.

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    This is the summary of the first review of the use and impact of ICT in the education system following the publication of the Government's e-Strategy for the education system, known as Harnessing Technology. The Review drew upon Becta's surveys of schools and FE colleges as well as other research to assess the impact of technology within the education system and the progress made in achieving the system outcomes of the policy

    Evaluation of curriculum online: report of the follow up survey of schools

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    This report contains the findings of the second survey of schools carried out as part of the evaluation of curriculum online. One questionnaire collected school-level information for each school and additional questionnaires collected data for selected subject areas

    What the research says about interactive whiteboards

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    Learning outcome dependency on contemporary ICT in the New Zealand middle school classroom

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    Often studies of children's technology use in the classroom is internally focused and small scale. This study attempts a globalised exploratory overview of an entire New Zealand middle school to understand the technology usages across a range of curriculum and learning outcomes. Observations of the use of technology in the classroom during eight different lessons were conducted followed by structured-open-ended interviews. From our classroom observations and through teacher interviews, we have been able to identify three levels of the dependency of learning outcome on contemporary-ICT