4,138 research outputs found

    Relative Influence of Social Media Socio-Technical Information Security Factors on Medical Information Breaches in selected Medical Institutions in Uganda

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    This manuscript presents a study based on research conducted to assess the relative impact of social media (SM) socio-technical information security factors on medical information breaches in selected medical institutions in Uganda. The study was motivated by reported cases of medical data breaches through the use of SM. Procedurally, the study used an online survey method using Google Forms and a literature search technique. Data were solicited from 566 medical students from Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST), and Kampala International University (KIU), accordingly. The key datasets collected included respondent’s demographic profile, SM usage characteristics, and medical information breaches. Through literature search, key SM socio-technical information security factors were identified. Afterwards, Spearman’s rank correlational analysis was performed to determine the type of relationships existing between SM socio-technical information security factors and medical information breaches. According to the percentage distribution summary of medical information breaches, the respondent’s level of agreement ranges from 39% to 43%. Spearman’s rank correlational coefficients (r-value) indicate significant levels (p ? 0.05) of correlational relationships for the key factors identified. However, 6 of the factors presented negative and stronger relationships, while 3 factors yielded weaker correlational relationships. Relatively, the results showed stronger relationships between the social dimensional factors, compared to the technical dimension. The negative relationships could imply that an increase in end-user compliance levels of SM socio-technical information security factors would minimize the occurrence of medical information breaches on SM. While the stronger relationship factors indicate the key SM usage factors associated with medical information breaches. Overall, the study outcome would provide empirical basis for medical institutions, SM researchers, and practitioners to rationalize and leverage SM usage in operations

    FutureWare: Designing a Middleware for Anticipatory Mobile Computing

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    Ubiquitous computing is moving from context-awareness to context-prediction. In order to build truly anticipatory systems developers have to deal with many challenges, from multimodal sensing to modeling context from sensed data, and, when necessary, coordinating multiple predictive models across devices. Novel expressive programming interfaces and paradigms are needed for this new class of mobile and ubiquitous applications. In this paper we present FutureWare, a middleware for seamless development of mobile applications that rely on context prediction. FutureWare exposes an expressive API to lift the burden of mobile sensing, individual and group behavior modeling, and future context querying, from an application developer. We implement FutureWare as an Android library, and through a scenario-based testing and a demo app we show that it represents an efficient way of supporting anticipatory applications, reducing the necessary coding effort by two orders of magnitude

    Publicidade personalizada e privacidade dos dados no Facebook: o caso de Portugal

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    The evolution of the technological world has allowed companies and consumers to be increasingly connected, especially due to social networks. Along with the development of social networks, personalised advertising has grown exponentially, becoming the most effective advertising strategy as it allows companies to interact with consumers in a customised way and offer products and services that are in accordance with their profiles. However, although personalised advertising offers benefits to both companies and consumers, in recent years the concern about data privacy has increased. Thus, this research aims to understand the gap existing between personalised advertising and data privacy concerns, since users want to receive ads with high predictive ability of their needs, however the collection and use of their data causes insecurity in relation to their privacy. As a way to achieve this objective, a mixed-methods approach was used by creating a questionnaire based on the existing literature. A total of 583 valid responses were collected and analysed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 28 software for quantitative data analysis and NVivo Software version 12 for qualitative data analysis The results allowed the support of three research hypotheses and the rejection of four hypotheses. The conclusions obtained indicate that personalised advertising causes data privacy concerns and through the thematic analysis performed to one of the qualitative questions it was possible to determine 17 situations in which respondents stated that this type of advertising threatened their privacy. Furthermore, the statistically significant result of the chi-square test suggests that consumers seek to protect their data on Facebook, not supporting the privacy paradox. Furthermore, this research suggests the existence of a relationship between personalised advertising and cyber-paranoia, as consumers believe they are constantly being ‘listened to’ through their mobile phone’s microphone and that their conversations are used for delivering personalised advertisements, while also believing that everything they do on the Internet is monitored and used for advertising purposes. Finally, since no literature was found on cyber-paranoia and personalised advertising, it can be considered that this study presents an innovative contribution. However, since this investigation is an exploratory study, there is a need for further literature on this subject.A evolução do mundo tecnológico permitiu que as empresas e os consumidores estivessem cada vez mais conectados, especialmente devido às redes sociais. A par do desenvolvimento das redes sociais, a publicidade personalizada cresceu exponencialmente, tornando-se na estratégia de publicidade mais eficaz pois permite às empresas interagir com os consumidores de uma forma customizada e oferecer produtos e serviços que estejam de acordo com os seus perfis. No entanto, apesar de a publicidade personalizada oferecer benefícios tanto para as empresas como para os consumidores, nos últimos anos verificou-se o aumento da preocupação com a privacidade dos dados. Assim, esta investigação tem como objetivo compreender a lacuna que existe entre a publicidade personalizada e a preocupação com a privacidade dos dados, pois os utilizadores querem receber anúncios com elevada capacidade de previsão das suas necessidades, no entanto a recolha e a utilização dos seus dados causa insegurança em relação à sua privacidade. Como forma a atingir este objetivo, foi utilizado um método de investigação misto através da criação de um questionário baseado na literatura existente. Um total de 583 respostas válidas foram recolhidas e analisadas utilizando o software IBM SPSS Statistics versão 28 para a análise dos dados quantitativos e o Software NVivo versão 12 para a análise dos dados qualitativos. Os resultados permitiram o suporte de três hipóteses de investigação e a rejeição de quatro hipóteses. As conclusões obtidas indicam que a publicidade personalizada causa preocupação com a privacidade dos dados, sendo que através da análise temática realizada a uma das perguntas qualitativas foi possível determinar 17 situações em que os inquiridos afirmaram que este tipo de publicidade ameaçava a sua privacidade. Além disso, o resultado estatisticamente significativo do teste qui-quadrado sugere que os consumidores têm comportamentos que visam proteger os seus dados no Facebook, não suportando o paradoxo da privacidade. Ademais, esta investigação sugere a existência de uma relação entre a publicidade personalizada e a ciberparanoia visto que os consumidores acreditam que estão constantemente a ser ‘ouvidos’ através do microfone do seu telemóvel e que as suas conversas são utilizadas para a criação de anúncios personalizados, considerando também que tudo o que fazem na Internet é monitorizado e usado para fins publicitários. Por fim, uma vez que não foi encontrada literatura sobre a publicidade personalizada e a ciberparanoia, pode-se considerar que este estudo apresenta um contributo inovador. Contudo, sendo esta investigação um estudo exploratório, é necessário haver mais literatura sobre este tema.Mestrado em Gestã

    End user programming of awareness systems : addressing cognitive and social challenges for interaction with aware environments

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    The thesis is put forward that social intelligence in awareness systems emerges from end-Users themselves through the mechanisms that support them in the development and maintenance of such systems. For this intelligence to emerge three challenges have to be addressed, namely the challenge of appropriate awareness abstractions, the challenge of supportive interactive tools, and the challenge of infrastructure. The thesis argues that in order to advance towards social intelligent awareness systems, we should be able to interpret and predict the success or failure of such systems in relationship to their communicational objectives and their implications for the social interactions they support. The FN-AAR (Focus-Nimbus Aspects Attributes Resources) model is introduced as a formal model which by capturing the general characteristics of the awareness-systems domain allows predictions about socially salient patterns pertaining to human communication and brings clarity to the discussion around relevant concepts such as social translucency, symmetry, and deception. The thesis recognizes that harnessing the benefits of context awareness can be problematic for end-users and other affected individuals, who may not always be able to anticipate, understand or appreciate system function, and who may so feel their own sense of autonomy and privacy threatened. It introduces a set of tools and mechanisms that support end-user control, system intelligibility and accountability. This is achieved by minimizing the cognitive effort needed to handle the increased complexity of such systems and by enhancing the ability of people to configure and maintain intelligent environments. We show how these tools and mechanisms empower end-users to answer questions such as "how does the system behave", "why is something happening", "how would the system behave in response to a change in context", and "how can the system’s behaviour be altered" to achieve intelligibility, accountability, and end-user control. Finally, the thesis argues that awareness applications overall can not be examined as static configurations of services and functions, and that they should be seen as the results of both implicit and explicit interaction with the user. Amelie is introduced as a supportive framework for the development of context-aware applications that encourages the design of the interactive mechanisms through which end-users can control, direct and advance such systems dynamically throughout their deployment. Following the recombinant computing approach, Amelie addresses the implications of infrastructure design decisions on user experience, while by adopting the premises of the FN-AAR model Amelie supports the direct implementation of systems that allow end-users to meet social needs and to practice extant social skills

    A multi-analytical approach to studying customers motivations to use innovative totally autonomous vehicles

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    Increasing technological innovation means level 5 fully autonomous vehicle pods (AVPs) that do not require a human driver are approaching reality. However, the adoption of AVPs continues to lag behind predictions. In this paper, we draw on Mowen's (2000) 3M model taking a multi-analytical approach utilising PLS-SEM and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis, to investigate how personality trait sets motivate consumers to adopt AVPs. Based on a survey of 551 US respondents, we identify four necessary traits and five combinations of traits that predict adoption. We contribute to consumer psychology theory by advancing the understanding of the motivational mechanisms of consumers’ adoption of autonomous vehicles that are triggered and operationalised by personality traits and conceptualising innovativeness as a complex multidimensional construct. From a managerial perspective, our findings highlight the significance of incorporating elements that are congruent with target customers’ personality traits, when designing, manufacturing and commercializing innovative products

    Virtual workplaces : when metaphors breakdown

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1998.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 79-81).Our model of work is shaped by the places we choose to work and the tools we choose to work with. As we introduce new technologies and build new environments our model is changing. Today's virtual workplaces are grounded in models of work that have been reformed from our experiences using current technology in physical workspace. However we are discovering opportunities and possibilities for work in collaborative, virtual environments that question physical models. Emerging patterns of distributed collaboration in persistent virtual environments are changing the way we work in time and space, recasting our notion of workplace. Virtual workplaces are interpreted and experienced through metaphors that describe a space of potential for work occurrences. Through the lens of metaphors, this research focuses on breakdowns between collaborative work and the environment in which work occurs. If what we understand and predict is based on what we already know, then by examining the breakdowns between design and use of collaborative environments we can illuminate the space of possibilities for collaborative work.by Thomas W.I. Gallemore.M.S
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