4 research outputs found

    Clasificación de las dimensiones de la tecnologí­a de la información utilizando criterios de desarrollo sostenible

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    The purpose of this research was to rank Information Technology (IT) dimensions using sustainable development criteria. The present research belongs to the category of applied research in terms of objective and descriptive survey in terms of data collection. To this end, the six dimensions of IT have been ranked according to three areas of sustainable development. Ratings were done using Gray Relational Analysis (GRA) through the GRAY RELATION software. It is worth noting that the statistical population included all managers of executive organizations in the northwest provinces of Iran. The result of using the GRA methodology to rank the IT components through sustainable development dimensions has ranked the six dimensions in terms of scores obtained as follows service quality, information quality, system satisfaction, perceived benefits, system quality, and IT usage.El propósito de esta investigación fue clasificar las dimensiones de la Tecnologí­a de la Información (TI) utilizando criterios de desarrollo sostenible. La presente investigación pertenece a la categorí­a de investigación aplicada en términos de encuesta objetiva y descriptiva en términos de recolección de datos. Con este fin, las seis dimensiones de TI se han clasificado de acuerdo con tres áreas de desarrollo sostenible. Las clasificaciones se realizaron utilizando el Análisis relacional de Gray (GRA) a través del software GRAY RELATION. Vale la pena señalar que la población estadí­stica incluyó a todos los gerentes de organizaciones ejecutivas en las provincias del noroeste de Irán. El resultado de utilizar la metodologí­a GRA para clasificar los componentes de TI a través de dimensiones de desarrollo sostenible ha clasificado las seis dimensiones en términos de puntajes obtenidos de la siguiente manera: calidad del servicio, calidad de la información, satisfacción del sistema, beneficios percibidos, calidad del sistema y uso de TI

    An evaluation of information and communication technology application in South African construction industry

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    Abstract: The construction industry is evolving like other allied industries. New innovations are borne out of the quest to achieve more value for money, while also retaining a competitive edge in the international sphere. A comprehensive study on the application of information and communication technology (ICT) for construction work in South Africa, particularly the stages of construction work, is lacking. This study seeks to evalaute information and communication technology tools used for construction activities in the South Africa construction industry. The research evaluates the level of awareness of construction professionals as to the use of new ICT tools in the fourth industrial revolution era. It also discusses the ICT tools used at the planning stage of construction, the design and the construction stage. It employed the Professional Client/Consultants Service Agreement Committee (PROCSA) template but limited it to stage 0 to 5. It also discusses the challenges, drivers and benefits of using ICT tools for construction activities in South Africa. The primary data was collected through a questionnaire which was distributed online via Questionpro platform to South African construction professionals in Gauteng Province only. One hundred and fifty (150) questionnaires were distributed. One hundred and twenty (120) of the responses were valid and used for the analysis. This accounted for eighty per cent (80%) of the total survey. In ensuring the reliability of the research questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha coefficient reliability was conducted on the scaled research questions. Compare mean was used to address the level of awareness of ICT tools and ICT tools used at the planning, design, and construction stages. Factor analysis was used to analyze the factors which serve as challenges to, drivers of, and benefits of the effective use of ICT tools. The study revealed that professionals have different awareness levels of ICT tools. They are more aware of ICT tools that are the core of their professional duties. At the planning stage of construction work in South Africa, all professionals use design/estimation and simulation-based tool most. In the design stage, the most frequently used tools are the computer-based tools and the design/estimation-based tools which are used by engineers, architects, and construction project managers. At the construction stage, computer-based tools and administrative tools are the highest-ranked tools. The exploratory factor analysis revealed that the challenges to the use of ICT in the South African construction industry are classified into people, cost, standardization, and management-related problems. The measures to ensure the effective use of ICT tools for construction processes in South Africa are also grouped into user-related factors, ICT knowledge and end-uses. The benefits from the effective use of ICT tools for construction...M.Tech. (Construction Management

    Modelo de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en una empresa constructora

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    [EN] The management of intangibles and high added value, will be key to the survival and competitiveness in the current global economic climate. It is for this reason that business communication and management of intellectual capital will be a differential element in the new form of business management. Based on the need to update the communication process of the construction companies has made a theoretical model of communication management , establishing standard procedures for setting the parameters required to optimize the process and give the company a system of effective information and efficient, you will improve deriving a series meant to the organization. Such as improved product quality , supplier management , work environment and economic efficiency , etc.[CA] La gestió dels aspectes intangibles i d'alt valor afegit, seran claus per a la supervivència i la competitivitat empresarial en l'actual clima econòmic mundial. És per això, que la comunicació empresarial i la gestió del capital intel·lectual serà un element diferencial en la nova forma de gestió empresarial. Basats en la necessitat d'actualitzar el procés de comunicació de les empreses constructores s'ha realitzat un model teòric de gestió de la comunicació, establint procediments estàndards per a fixar els paràmetres necessaris per a optimitzar el procés i dotar a l'empresa d'un sistema de la informació eficaç i eficient, derivant una sèrie de millorares significades per a l'organització. Com ara, la millora de la qualitat del producte, gestió amb proveïdors, ambient laboral o rendiment econòmic, etc.[ES] La gestión de los aspectos intangibles y de alto valor añadido, serán claves para la supervivencia y la competitividad empresarial en el actual clima económico mundial. Es por ello, que la comunicación empresarial y la gestión del capital intelectual será un elemento diferencial en la nueva forma de gestión empresarial. Basados en la necesidad de actualizar el proceso de comunicación de las empresas constructoras se ha realizado un modelo teórico de gestión de la comunicación, estableciendo procedimientos estándares para fijar los parámetros necesarios para optimizar el proceso y dotar a la empresa de un sistema de la información eficaz y eficiente, derivando una serie de mejoraras significadas para la organización. Tales como, la mejora de la calidad del producto, gestión con proveedores, ambiente laboral o rendimiento económico, etc.Lahuerta Amat, J. (2015). Modelo de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en una empresa constructora. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/57343.Archivo delegad