2,002,001 research outputs found

    Information technology in educational management as an emerging discipline

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    This chapter introduces the application of computerized management information systems in schools and presents a brief history of the dynamic area of Information Technology in Educational Management (ITEM). Subsequently, the background of this special issue and a framework for its contents are portrayed. Finally, an overview is presented of the contents of the special issue

    Testing the spirit of the information age

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    Every age has a 'spirit," The Information Age seems to be a more extreme case than most eras, with the constant barrage of messages promising social and individual salvation. Information and information technology are heralded as\ud great, new possibilities not just for reform but perfection, with some even predicting the end of physical death (using information technology. by the end of the next century. The intensity of our current period's fascination with technology is partly due to the technology itself-ideas or sales pitches get out to more people more quickly than ever before in history, and, as a result it\ud is easy to be blinded by all the promises and hype. It is no accident that ideas like "ecommerce" and "knowledge management' are unifying concepts for many in this era, but although there is nothing intrinsically wrong with them, there is something amiss with how they are discussed. This essay comments on the latter issue, the hyperbole of the Information Age, from three perspectives: 1) as a consumer of information technology; 2) as an educator in a field (archives and records management) utilizing information technology; and 3) as an individual convinced about the relevancy of basic Judaic-Christian beliefs as one means to shift critically the many conflicting and confusing messages promulgated by the so-called modern Information\ud Age

    Ways of not reading Gertrude Stein

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    I situate the controversial critical strategies of “distant reading” and “surface reading” in the reception history of Gertrude Stein, an author whose work was frequently declared “unreadable.” I argue that an early twentieth-century history of compromised forms of reading, including women’s reading and information work, subtends both the technology with which distant reading may be carried out and the ways in which an author’s work comes to be understood as a “corpus.

    Cultural consequences of computing technology

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    Computing technology is clearly a technical revolution, but will most probably bring about a cultural revolution\ud as well. The effects of this technology on human culture will be dramatic and far-reaching. Yet, computers and\ud electronic networks are but the latest development in a long history of cognitive tools, such as writing and printing.\ud We will examine this history, which exhibits long-term trends toward an increasing democratization of culture,\ud before turning to today's technology. Within this framework, we will analyze the probable effects of computing on\ud culture: dynamical representations, generalized networking, constant modification and reproduction. To address the\ud problems posed by this new technical environment, we will suggest possible remedies. In particular, the role of\ud social institutions will be discussed, and we will outline the shape of new electronic institutions able to deal with the\ud information flow on the internet

    Oral History: Memories Transcribed

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    Oral history began as oral tradition, the passing down of information from generation to generation. Now we commit most everything to paper. However, there are still places in the world where the passing of history is truly an oral tradition. Within our own families, oral tradition is the main way most of us retain our favorite family stories. Unfortunately, by not recording these stories, they frequently undergo changes as they pass from parent to child, also, with the advent of technology and the decline of the extended family, these family stories are becoming lost

    The Effects of Technology and Innovation on Society

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    Various models of the information society have been developed so far and they are so different from country to country that it would be rather unwise to look for a single, allencompassing definition. In our time a number of profound socio-economic changes are underway. The application of these theories and schools on ICT is problematic in many respects. First, as we stated above, there is not a single, widely used paradigm which has synthesised the various schools and theories dealing with technology and society. Second, these fragmented approaches do not have a fully-fledged mode of application to the relationship of ICT and (information) society. Third, SCOT, ANT, the evolutionary- or the systems approach to the history of technology when dealing with information society – does not take into account the results of approaches studying the very essence of the information age: information, communication and knowledge. The list of unnoticed or partially incorporated sciences, which focuses on the role of ICT in human information processing and other cognitive activities, is much longer

    Entering the digital world (Pedometrics 2009)

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    Development in pedometrics has not only shaped the research agenda in soil science but also attracted the attention of practitioners from other communities such as environmental modelling and land management who require digital information on soils. At the same time, demands from these communities and developments in information technology help to fuel and drive the research agenda of pedometrics. These factors have combined to draw scientists with diverse backgrounds and interests into the field of pedometrics over its short history as a distinctive subdiscipline of soil science

    The Value of RFID Technology Enabled Information to Manage Perishables

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    We address the value of RFID technology enabled information to manage perishables in the context of a supplier that sells a random lifetime product subject to stochastic demand and lost sales. The product's lifetime is largely determined by the time and temperature history in the supply chain. We compare two information cases to a Base case in which the product's time and temperature history is unknown and therefore its shelf life is uncertain. In the first information case, the time and temperature history is known and therefore the remaining shelf life is also known at the time of receipt. The second information case builds on the first case such that the supplier now has visibility up the supply chain to know the remaining shelf life of inventory available for replenishment. We formulate these three different cases as Markov decision processes, introduce well performing heuristics of more practical relevance, and evaluate the value of information through an extensive simulation using representative, real world supply chain parameters.simulation;value of information;RFID;perishable inventory
