264,573 research outputs found

    Deciding Regularity of Hairpin Completions of Regular Languages in Polynomial Time

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    The hairpin completion is an operation on formal languages that has been inspired by the hairpin formation in DNA biochemistry and by DNA computing. In this paper we investigate the hairpin completion of regular languages. It is well known that hairpin completions of regular languages are linear context-free and not necessarily regular. As regularity of a (linear) context-free language is not decidable, the question arose whether regularity of a hairpin completion of regular languages is decidable. We prove that this problem is decidable and we provide a polynomial time algorithm. Furthermore, we prove that the hairpin completion of regular languages is an unambiguous linear context-free language and, as such, it has an effectively computable growth function. Moreover, we show that the growth of the hairpin completion is exponential if and only if the growth of the underlying languages is exponential and, in case the hairpin completion is regular, then the hairpin completion and the underlying languages have the same growth indicator

    Dissecting Power of a Finite Intersection of Context Free Languages

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    Let exp⁥k,α\exp^{k,\alpha} denote a tetration function defined as follows: exp⁥1,α=2α\exp^{1,\alpha}=2^{\alpha} and exp⁥k+1,α=2exp⁥k,α\exp^{k+1,\alpha}=2^{\exp^{k,\alpha}}, where k,αk,\alpha are positive integers. Let Δn\Delta_n denote an alphabet with nn letters. If L⊆Δn∗L\subseteq\Delta_n^* is an infinite language such that for each u∈Lu\in L there is v∈Lv\in L with ∣u∣<∣vâˆŁâ‰€exp⁥k,α∣u∣\vert u\vert<\vert v\vert\leq \exp^{k,\alpha}\vert u\vert then we call LL a language with the \emph{growth bounded by} (k,α)(k,\alpha)-tetration. Given two infinite languages L1,L2∈Δn∗L_1,L_2\in \Delta_n^*, we say that L1L_1 \emph{dissects} L2L_2 if ∣L1∩L2∣=∞\vert L_1\cap L_2\vert=\infty and ∣(Δn∗∖L1)∩L2∣=∞\vert(\Delta_n^*\setminus L_1)\cap L_2\vert=\infty. Given a context free language LL, let Îș(L)\kappa(L) denote the size of the smallest context free grammar GG that generates LL. We define the size of a grammar to be the total number of symbols on the right sides of all production rules. Given positive integers n,kn,k with k≄2k\geq 2, we show that there are context free languages L1,L2,
,L3k−3⊆Δn∗L_1,L_2,\dots, L_{3k-3}\subseteq \Delta^*_n with Îș(Li)≀40k\kappa(L_i)\leq 40 k such that if α\alpha is a positive integer and L⊆Δn∗L\subseteq\Delta_n^* is an infinite language with the growth bounded by (k,α)(k,\alpha)-tetration then there is a regular language MM such that M∩(⋂i=13k−3Li)M\cap\left(\bigcap_{i=1}^{3k-3}L_i\right) dissects LL and the minimal deterministic finite automaton accepting MM has at most k+α+3k+\alpha+3 states

    Geodesic growth in virtually abelian groups

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    We show that the geodesic growth function of any finitely generated virtually abelian group is either polynomial or exponential; and that the geodesic growth series is holonomic, and rational in the polynomial growth case. In addition, we show that the language of geodesics is blind multicounter.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, improved readabilit

    On the Commutative Equivalence of Context-Free Languages

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    The problem of the commutative equivalence of context-free and regular languages is studied. In particular conditions ensuring that a context-free language of exponential growth is commutatively equivalent with a regular language are investigated

    Groups and semigroups with a one-counter word problem

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    We prove that a finitely generated semigroup whose word problem is a one-counter language has a linear growth function. This provides us with a very strong restriction on the structure of such a semigroup, which, in particular, yields an elementary proof of a result of Herbst, that a group with a one-counter word problem is virtually cyclic. We prove also that the word problem of a group is an intersection of finitely many one-counter languages if and only if the group is virtually abelian
