11 research outputs found

    On the number of NN-free elements with prescribed trace

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    In this paper we derive a formula for the number of NN-free elements over a finite field Fq\mathbb{F}_q with prescribed trace, in particular trace zero, in terms of Gaussian periods. As a consequence, we derive a simple explicit formula for the number of primitive elements, in quartic extensions of Mersenne prime fields, having absolute trace zero. We also give a simple formula in the case when Q=(qm−1)/(q−1)Q = (q^m-1)/(q-1) is prime. More generally, for a positive integer NN whose prime factors divide QQ and satisfy the so called semi-primitive condition, we give an explicit formula for the number of NN-free elements with arbitrary trace. In addition we show that if all the prime factors of q−1q-1 divide mm, then the number of primitive elements in Fqm\mathbb{F}_{q^m}, with prescribed non-zero trace, is uniformly distributed. Finally we explore the related number, Pq,m,N(c)P_{q, m, N}(c), of elements in Fqm\mathbb{F}_{q^m} with multiplicative order NN and having trace c∈Fqc \in \mathbb{F}_q. Let N∣qm−1N \mid q^m-1 such that LQ∣NL_Q \mid N, where LQL_Q is the largest factor of qm−1q^m-1 with the same radical as that of QQ. We show there exists an element in Fqm∗\mathbb{F}_{q^m}^* of (large) order NN with trace 00 if and only if m≠2m \neq 2 and (q,m)≠(4,3)(q,m) \neq (4,3). Moreover we derive an explicit formula for the number of elements in Fp4\mathbb{F}_{p^4} with the corresponding large order LQ=2(p+1)(p2+1)L_Q = 2(p+1)(p^2+1) and having absolute trace zero, where pp is a Mersenne prime

    Twelve new primitive binary trinomials

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    We exhibit twelve new primitive trinomials over GF(2) of record degrees 42 643 801, 43 112 609, and 74 207 281. In addition we report the first Mersenne exponent not ruled out by Swan's theorem [10] — namely 57 885 161 — for which none primitive trinomial exists. This completes the search for the currently known Mersenne prime exponents

    Testing Irreducibility of Trinomials over GF(2)

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    The focus of this paper is testing the irreducibility of polynomials over finite fields. In particular there is an emphasis on testing trinomials over the finite field GF(2). We also prove a the probability of a trinomial satisfying Swan\u27s theorem is asymptotically 5/8 as n goes to infinity

    Properties of digital representations

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    Let A\mathcal{A} be a finite subset of N\mathbb{N} including 00 and fA(n)f_\mathcal{A}(n) be the number of ways to write n=∑i=0∞ϵi2in=\sum_{i=0}^{\infty}\epsilon_i2^i, where ϵi∈A\epsilon_i\in\mathcal{A}. The sequence (fA(n)) mod 2\left(f_\mathcal{A}(n)\right) \bmod 2 is always periodic, and fA(n)f_\mathcal{A}(n) is typically more often even than odd. We give four families of sets (Am)\left(\mathcal{A}_m\right) with ∣Am∣=4\left|\mathcal{A}_m\right|=4 such that the proportion of odd fAm(n)f_{\mathcal{A}_m}(n)'s goes to 11 as m→∞m\to\infty. We also consider asymptotics of the summatory function sA(r,m)=∑n=m2rm2r+1−1fA(n)s_\mathcal{A}(r,m)=\displaystyle\sum_{n=m2^r}^{m2^{r+1}-1}f_{\mathcal{A}}(n) and show that sA(r,m)≈c(A,m)∣A∣rs_{\mathcal{A}}(r,m)\approx c(\mathcal{A},m)\left|\mathcal{A}\right|^r for some c(A,m)∈Qc(\mathcal{A},m)\in\mathbb{Q}

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    The great trinomial hunt

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    A trinomial is a polynomial in one variable with three nonzero terms, for example P = 6x 7 + 3x 3 − 5. If the coefficients of a polynomial P (in this case 6, 3, −5) are in some ring or field F, we say that P is a polynomia