10,837 research outputs found

    Reproducing formulas for generalized translation invariant systems on locally compact abelian groups

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    In this paper we connect the well established discrete frame theory of generalized shift invariant systems to a continuous frame theory. To do so, we let Γj\Gamma_j, j∈Jj \in J, be a countable family of closed, co-compact subgroups of a second countable locally compact abelian group GG and study systems of the form ∪j∈J{gj,p(⋅−γ)}γ∈Γj,p∈Pj\cup_{j \in J}\{g_{j,p}(\cdot - \gamma)\}_{\gamma \in \Gamma_j, p \in P_j} with generators gj,pg_{j,p} in L2(G)L^2(G) and with each PjP_j being a countable or an uncountable index set. We refer to systems of this form as generalized translation invariant (GTI) systems. Many of the familiar transforms, e.g., the wavelet, shearlet and Gabor transform, both their discrete and continuous variants, are GTI systems. Under a technical α\alpha local integrability condition (α\alpha-LIC) we characterize when GTI systems constitute tight and dual frames that yield reproducing formulas for L2(G)L^2(G). This generalizes results on generalized shift invariant systems, where each PjP_j is assumed to be countable and each Γj\Gamma_j is a uniform lattice in GG, to the case of uncountably many generators and (not necessarily discrete) closed, co-compact subgroups. Furthermore, even in the case of uniform lattices Γj\Gamma_j, our characterizations improve known results since the class of GTI systems satisfying the α\alpha-LIC is strictly larger than the class of GTI systems satisfying the previously used local integrability condition. As an application of our characterization results, we obtain new characterizations of translation invariant continuous frames and Gabor frames for L2(G)L^2(G). In addition, we will see that the admissibility conditions for the continuous and discrete wavelet and Gabor transform in L2(Rn)L^2(\mathbb{R}^n) are special cases of the same general characterizing equations.Comment: Minor changes (v2). To appear in Trans. Amer. Math. So

    Optimal Window and Lattice in Gabor Transform Application to Audio Analysis

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    This article deals with the use of optimal lattice and optimal window in Discrete Gabor Transform computation. In the case of a generalized Gaussian window, extending earlier contributions, we introduce an additional local window adaptation technique for non-stationary signals. We illustrate our approach and the earlier one by addressing three time-frequency analysis problems to show the improvements achieved by the use of optimal lattice and window: close frequencies distinction, frequency estimation and SNR estimation. The results are presented, when possible, with real world audio signals

    Fast learning algorithm for Gabor transformation, A

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    Includes bibliographical references.An adaptive learning approach for the computation of the coefficients of the generalized nonorthogonal 2-D Gabor transform representation is introduced in this correspondence. The algorithm uses a recursive least squares (RLS) type algorithm. The aim is to achieve minimum mean squared error for the reconstructed image from the set of the Gabor coefficients. The proposed RLS learning offers better accuracy and faster convergence behavior when compared with the least mean squares (LMS)-based algorithms. Applications of this scheme in image data reduction are also demonstrated

    Spreading function representation of operators and Gabor multiplier approximation

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    Modification of signals in the time-frequency domain are used in many applications. However, the modification is often restricted to be purely multiplicative. In this paper, it is shown that, in the continuous case, a quite general class of operators can be represented by a twisted convolution in the short-time Fourier transform domain. The discrete case of Gabor transforms turns out to be more intricate. A similar representation will however be derived by means of a special form for the operator's spreading function (twisted spline type function). The connection between STFT- and Gabor-multipliers, their spreading function and the twisted convolution representation will be investigated. A precise characterization of the best approximation and its existence is given for both cases. Finally, the concept of Gabor multipliers is generalized to better approximate ''overspread'' operators

    Gabor Frame Sets of Invariance - A Hamiltonian Approach to Gabor Frame Deformations

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    In this work we study families of pairs of window functions and lattices which lead to Gabor frames which all possess the same frame bounds. To be more precise, for every generalized Gaussian gg, we will construct an uncountable family of lattices {Λτ}\lbrace \Lambda_\tau \rbrace such that each pairing of gg with some Λτ\Lambda_\tau yields a Gabor frame, and all pairings yield the same frame bounds. On the other hand, for each lattice we will find a countable family of generalized Gaussians {gi}\lbrace g_i \rbrace such that each pairing leaves the frame bounds invariant. Therefore, we are tempted to speak about "Gabor Frame Sets of Invariance".Comment: To appear in "Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications

    Multidimensional Gabor-Like Filters Derived from Gaussian Functions on Logarithmic Frequency Axes

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    A novel wavelet-like function is presented that makes it convenient to create filter banks given mainly two parameters that influence the focus area and the filter count. This is accomplished by computing the inverse Fourier transform of Gaussian functions on logarithmic frequency axes in the frequency domain. The resulting filters are similar to Gabor filters and represent oriented brief signal oscillations of different sizes. The wavelet-like function can be thought of as a generalized Log-Gabor filter that is multidimensional, always uses Gaussian functions on logarithmic frequency axes, and innately includes low-pass filters from Gaussian functions located at the frequency domain origin

    Gabor Frame Decomposition of Evolution Operators and Applications

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    We compute the Gabor matrix for Schr\"odinger-type evolution operators. Precisely, we analyze the Heat Equation, already presented in \cite{2012arXiv1209.0945C}, giving the exact expression of the Gabor matrix which leads to better numerical evaluations. Then, using asymptotic integration techniques, we obtain an upper bound for the Gabor matrix in one-dimension for the generalized Heat Equation, new in the literature. Using Maple software, we show numeric representations of the coefficients' decay. Finally, we show the super-exponential decay of the coefficients of the Gabor matrix for the Harmonic Repulsor, together with some numerical evaluations. This work is the natural prosecution of the ideas presented in \cite{2012arXiv1209.0945C} and \cite{MR2502369}.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure
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