48,514 research outputs found

    Variable selection with Random Forests for missing data

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    Variable selection has been suggested for Random Forests to improve their efficiency of data prediction and interpretation. However, its basic element, i.e. variable importance measures, can not be computed straightforward when there is missing data. Therefore an extensive simulation study has been conducted to explore possible solutions, i.e. multiple imputation, complete case analysis and a newly suggested importance measure for several missing data generating processes. The ability to distinguish relevant from non-relevant variables has been investigated for these procedures in combination with two popular variable selection methods. Findings and recommendations: Complete case analysis should not be applied as it lead to inaccurate variable selection and models with the worst prediction accuracy. Multiple imputation is a good means to select variables that would be of relevance in fully observed data. It produced the best prediction accuracy. By contrast, the application of the new importance measure causes a selection of variables that reflects the actual data situation, i.e. that takes the occurrence of missing values into account. It's error was only negligible worse compared to imputation

    The arboreal gas and the supersphere sigma model

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    We discuss the relationship between the phase diagram of the Q=0 state Potts model, the arboreal gas model, and the supersphere sigma model S^{0,2} = OSP(1/2) / OSP(0/2). We identify the Potts antiferromagnetic critical point with the critical point of the arboreal gas (at negative tree fugacity), and with a critical point of the sigma model. We show that the corresponding conformal theory on the square lattice has a non-linearly realized OSP(2/2) = SL(1/2) symmetry, and involves non-compact degrees of freedom, with a continuous spectrum of critical exponents. The role of global topological properties in the sigma model transition is discussed in terms of a generalized arboreal gas model.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figure

    Ward identities and combinatorics of rainbow tensor models

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    We discuss the notion of renormalization group (RG) completion of non-Gaussian Lagrangians and its treatment within the framework of Bogoliubov-Zimmermann theory in application to the matrix and tensor models. With the example of the simplest non-trivial RGB tensor theory (Aristotelian rainbow), we introduce a few methods, which allow one to connect calculations in the tensor models to those in the matrix models. As a byproduct, we obtain some new factorization formulas and sum rules for the Gaussian correlators in the Hermitian and complex matrix theories, square and rectangular. These sum rules describe correlators as solutions to finite linear systems, which are much simpler than the bilinear Hirota equations and the infinite Virasoro recursion. Search for such relations can be a way to solving the tensor models, where an explicit integrability is still obscure.Comment: 48 page

    Perturbative Quantum Field Theory on Random Trees

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    In this paper we start a systematic study of quantum field theory on random trees. Using precise probability estimates on their Galton-Watson branches and a multiscale analysis, we establish the general power counting of averaged Feynman amplitudes and check that they behave indeed as living on an effective space of dimension 4/3, the spectral dimension of random trees. In the `just renormalizable' case we prove convergence of the averaged amplitude of any completely convergent graph, and establish the basic localization and subtraction estimates required for perturbative renormalization. Possible consequences for an SYK-like model on random trees are briefly discussed.Comment: 44 page

    Constructive Tensor Field Theory

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    We provide an up-to-date review of the recent constructive program for field theories of the vector, matrix and tensor type, focusing not on the models themselves but on the mathematical tools used.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1401.500

    Random Tensors and Quantum Gravity

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    We provide an informal introduction to tensor field theories and to their associated renormalization group. We focus more on the general motivations coming from quantum gravity than on the technical details. In particular we discuss how asymptotic freedom of such tensor field theories gives a concrete example of a natural "quantum relativity" postulate: physics in the deep ultraviolet regime becomes asymptotically more and more independent of any particular choice of Hilbert basis in the space of states of the universe.Comment: Section 6 is essentially reproduced from author's arXiv:1507.04190 for self-contained purpose of the revie

    On the Invariance of Residues of Feynman Graphs

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    We use simple iterated one-loop graphs in massless Yukawa theory and QED to pose the following question: what are the symmetries of the residues of a graph under a permutation of places to insert subdivergences. The investigation confirms partial invariance of the residue under such permutations: the highest weight transcendental is invariant under such a permutation. For QED this result is gauge invariant, ie the permutation invariance holds for any gauge. Computations are done making use of the Hopf algebra structure of graphs and employing GiNaC to automate the calculations.Comment: 24 pages, latex generated figures. Minor changes in revised versio