8 research outputs found

    My Early Researches on Fuzzy Set and Fuzzy Logic

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    This paper presents the author’s works on fuzzy sets and fuzzy systems in early 1980’s to celebrate the 100-year birthday of Lotfi A. Zadeh. They were originally published in Chinese. The first part of the paper is about an isomorphic theorem on fuzzy subgroups and fuzzy series of invariant subgroups, which could be a theoretical basis when the multiple-valued computer system will be reconsidered or redeveloped in the future. The second part of the paper describes the convergence theorem of fuzzy integral of type II which was contributed by Wenxiu Zhang and Ruhuai Zhao. Both fuzzy integral of type I developed by M. Sugeno and the fuzzy integral of type II have been playing an important role in the design of various engineering devices for last 40 years

    Roughness in Fuzzy Cayley Graphs

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    Rough set theory is a worth noticing approach for inexact and uncertain system modelling. When rough set theory accompanies with fuzzy set theory, which both are a complementary generalization of set theory, they will be attended by potency in theoretical discussions. In this paper a definition for fuzzy Cayley subsets is put forward as well as fuzzy Cayley graphs of fuzzy subsets on groups inspired from the definition of Cayley graphs. We introduce rough approximation of a Cayley graph with respect to a fuzzy normal subgroup. We introduce the approximation rough fuzzy Cayley graphs and fuzzy rough fuzzy Cayley graphs. The last approximation is the mixture of the other approximations. Some theorems and properties are investigated and proved

    Classification of Distinct Fuzzy Subgroups of the Dihedral Group Dp nq for p and q distinct primes and n ∈ N

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    In this dissertation, we classify distinct fuzzy subgroups of the dihedral group Dpnq, for p and q distinct primes and n ∈ N, under a natural equivalence relation of fuzzy subgroups and a fuzzy isomorphism. We aim to present formulae for the number of maximal chains and the number of distinct fuzzy subgroups of this group. Our study will include some theory on non-abelian groups since the classification of distinct fuzzy subgroups of this group relies on the crisp characterization of maximal chains. We give the definition of a natural equivalence relation introduced by Murali and Makamba in [67] which we will use in this study. Based on this definition, we introduce two counting techniques that we will use to compute the number of distinct fuzzy subgroups of Dpnq. In this dissertation, we use the criss-cut counting technique as our primary method of enumeration, and the cross-cut method serves as a means of verifying results we obtain from our primary method. To classify distinct fuzzy subgroups of this group, we begin by investigating the dihedral groups Dpnq, for p and q distinct primes and specific values of n = 2 and 3 to observe a trend. We classify the flags of these groups using the characterization of flags introduced in [93]. From this characterization, we then present formulae for the number of distinct fuzzy subgroups attributed to the flags of Dp 2q and Dp 3q . To generalise results for Dpnq, for p and q distinct primes and n ∈ N, we characterize the flags of this group and classify them as either cyclic, mdcyclic for 1 ≤ m ≤ n, or b-cyclic. Finally, we establish a general formula for the number of distinct fuzzy subgroups obtainable from these flags. We conclude by comparing results obtained from using our general formula to those obtained by other researchers for the same group. Based on the results from this study, we give an outline of future research wor

    Studies of equivalent fuzzy subgroups of finite abelian p-Groups of rank two and their subgroup lattices

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    We determine the number and nature of distinct equivalence classes of fuzzy subgroups of finite Abelian p-group G of rank two under a natural equivalence relation on fuzzy subgroups. Our discussions embrace the necessary theory from groups with special emphasis on finite p-groups as a step towards the classification of crisp subgroups as well as maximal chains of subgroups. Unique naming of subgroup generators as discussed in this work facilitates counting of subgroups and chains of subgroups from subgroup lattices of the groups. We cover aspects of fuzzy theory including fuzzy (homo-) isomorphism together with operations on fuzzy subgroups. The equivalence characterization as discussed here is finer than isomorphism. We introduce the theory of keychains with a view towards the enumeration of maximal chains as well as fuzzy subgroups under the equivalence relation mentioned above. We discuss a strategy to develop subgroup lattices of the groups used in the discussion, and give examples for specific cases of prime p and positive integers n,m. We derive formulas for both the number of maximal chains as well as the number of distinct equivalence classes of fuzzy subgroups. The results are in the form of polynomials in p (known in the literature as Hall polynomials) with combinatorial coefficients. Finally we give a brief investigation of the results from a graph-theoretic point of view. We view the subgroup lattices of these groups as simple, connected, symmetric graphs