16,502 research outputs found

    Thirty Years of Spatial Econometrics

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    In this paper, I give a personal view on the development of the field of spatial econometrics during the past thirty years. I argue that it has moved from the margins to the mainstream of applied econometrics and social science methodology. I distinguish three broad phases in the development, which I refer to as preconditions, takeoff and maturity. For each of these phases I describe the main methodological focus and list major contributions. I conclude with some speculations about future directions.

    Conventional versus network dependence panel data gravity model specifications

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    Past focus in the panel gravity literature has been on multidimensional fixed effects specifications in an effort to accommodate heterogeneity. After introducing conventional multidimensional fixed effects, we find evidence of cross-sectional dependence in flows. We propose a simultaneous dependence gravity model that allows for network dependence in flows, along with computationally efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo estimation methods that produce a Monte Carlo integration estimate of log-marginal likelihood useful for model comparison. Application of the model to a panel of trade flows points to network spillover effects, suggesting the presence of network dependence and biased estimates from conventional trade flow specifications. The most important sources of network dependence were found to be membership in trade organizations, historical colonial ties, common currency and spatial proximity of countries.Series: Working Papers in Regional Scienc

    Selected Challenges From Spatial Statistics For Spatial Econometricians

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    Griffith and Paelinck (2011) present selected non-standard spatial statistics and spatial econometrics topics that address issues associated with spatial econometric methodology. This paper addresses the following challenges posed by spatial autocorrelation alluded to and/or derived from the spatial statistics topics of this book: the Gaussian random variable Jacobian term for massive datasets; topological features of georeferenced data; eigenvector spatial filtering-based georeferenced data generating mechanisms; and, interpreting random effects.Artykuł prezentuje wybrane, niestandardowe statystyki przestrzenne oraz zagadnienia ekonometrii przestrzennej. Rozważania teoretyczne koncentrują się na wyzwaniach wynikających z autokorelacji przestrzennej, nawiązując do pojęć Gaussowskiej zmiennej losowej, topologicznych cech danych georeferencyjnych, wektorów własnych, filtrów przestrzennych, georeferencyjnych mechanizmów generowania danych oraz interpretacji efektów losowych

    Empirical Validation of Agent Based Models: A Critical Survey

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    This paper addresses the problem of finding the appropriate method for conducting empirical validation in agent-based (AB) models, which is often regarded as the Achilles’ heel of the AB approach to economic modelling. The paper has two objectives. First, to identify key issues facing AB economists engaged in empirical validation. Second, to critically appraise the extent to which alternative approaches deal with these issues. We identify a first set of issues that are common to both AB and neoclassical modellers and a second set of issues which are specific to AB modellers. This second set of issues is captured in a novel taxonomy, which takes into consideration the nature of the object under study, the goal of the analysis, the nature of the modelling assumptions, and the methodology of the analysis. Having identified the nature and causes of heterogeneity in empirical validation, we examine three important approaches to validation that have been developed in AB economics: indirect calibration, the Werker-Brenner approach, and the history-friendly approach. We also discuss a set of open questions within empirical validation. These include the trade-off between empirical support and tractability of findings, the issue of over-parameterisation, unconditional objects, counterfactuals, and the non-neutrality of data.Empirical validation, agent-based models, calibration, history-friendly modelling

    Network dependence in multi-indexed data on international trade flows

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    Faced with the problem that conventional multidimensional fixed effects models only focus on unobserved heterogeneity, but ignore any potential cross-sectional dependence due to network interactions, we introduce a model of trade flows between countries over time that allows for network dependence in flows, based on sociocultural connectivity structures. We show that conventional multidimensional fixed effects model specifications exhibit cross-sectional dependence between countries that should be modeled to avoid simultaneity bias. Given that the source of network interaction is unknown, we propose a panel gravity model that examines multiplenetwork interaction structures, using Bayesian model probabilities to determine those most consistent with the sample data. This is accomplished with the use of computationally efficient Markov Chain Monte Carlo estimation methods that produce a Monte Carlo integration estimate of the log-marginal likelihood that can be used for model comparison. Application of the model to a panel of trade flows points to network spillover effects, suggesting the presence of network dependence and biased estimates from conventional trade flow specifications. The most important sources of network dependence were found to be membership in trade organizations, historical colonial ties, common currency, and spatial proximity of countries.Series: Working Papers in Regional Scienc


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    Recently, Bodla and Bhatti (2007) revisited Davidson and MacKinnon’s (2002) well-known J test and noted that thought the test is simple to compute but lack small sample exact test computation properties. This paper is one of the attempts to compute a new version of the J test and compare its power performance with the various existing tests to see the relative strength of our test to be called as an approximately most powerful test. The main objective of this paper is to study Monte Carlo evidence on finite sample performance of the now modified non-nested tests of mismeasured regression models in EVM, Errors in Variables Models, setting to see if the power performance of the new test.Nonnested models, power & size of a test, Monte Carlo Simulation

    Using VARs and TVP-VARs with many macroeconomic variables

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    This paper discusses the challenges faced by the empirical macroeconomist and methods for surmounting them. These challenges arise due to the fact that macroeconometric models potentially include a large number of variables and allow for time variation in parameters. These considerations lead to models which have a large number of parameters to estimate relative to the number of observations. A wide range of approaches are surveyed which aim to overcome the resulting problems. We stress the related themes of prior shrinkage, model averaging and model selection. Subsequently, we consider a particular modelling approach in detail. This involves the use of dynamic model selection methods with large TVP-VARs. A forecasting exercise involving a large US macroeconomic data set illustrates the practicality and empirical success of our approach