59 research outputs found

    Analysis of Influencing Factors of Knowledge Sharing in the Virtual Academic Community: Based on the Motivation and Demand Theory

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    Virtual academic community is an important position for academic exchange activities of contemporary academic users, while knowledge sharing and communication are the key to its survival and development, as well as its core value. Based on the influence of the characteristics of the virtual academic community on the content of knowledge sharing, the paper integrated the motivation and demand theory, and established the influencing factor model of knowledge sharing in the virtual academic community. The results show that pleasure in helping people, trust and social connections have the significant positive influence on knowledge sharing behavior, Trust and social connections have the significant positive influence on knowledge sharing quality of members in virtual academic community, and reputation and reciprocity have little influence on knowledge sharing quality

    A Cross-cultural Comparative Study of Continued Usage of Social Networking Services

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    The Role of Confirmation in IS Continuance Theory: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis

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    This paper provides a meta-analysis of Information Systems Continuance (ISC) theory, specifically focusing on the relationships that Confirmation has with Satisfaction, Perceived Usefulness and Continuance Intention. A comprehensive literature review for the years 2001 to 2012 revealed 75 ISC studies from 72 papers. The results of this meta-analysis indicate the robustness of ISC theory and model, with large effect sizes for the three key relationships. Moderator analyses indicate larger effect sizes for nonconvenience samples (versus convenience samples) and educational/eLearning Information Systems and personal Information Systems (versus corporate Information Systems). Implications of the results are discussed, along with implications for researchers and practitioners. Meta-analysis limitations as well as future directions for this meta-analysis are presented

    Keefektifan Online Knowledge Sharing Behavior (Studi Kasus: Blended Learning Itb)

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    Penerapan blended learning dapat mengintegrasikan manfaat yang diperoleh dari knowledge management dan e-learning. Pendekatan dengan mengombinasikan interaksi tatap muka dan interaksi online ini idealnya mampu meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di perguruan tinggi. Salah satu tantangan dalam penerapan blended learning adalah pelaksanaan online knowledge sharing yang konsisten dan berkesinambungan. Penelitian ini berupaya untuk menemukan cara meningkatkan keefektifan Online Knowledge Sharing Behavior (OKSB). Model OKSB pada penelitian ini mengintegrasikan model Knowledge Sharing Behavior dari Chen dkk. (2009) yang berbasis pada Theory of Planned Behavior dengan model Ma dan Yuen (2010) yang berbasis pada teori pengembangan dan pemeliharaan hubungan sosial. Penelitian ini memandang OKSB dipengaruhi oleh faktor intention, self-efficacy, social interaction, serta faktor kepuasan teknologi. Uji empiris dilakukan dengan melibatkan 110 orang mahasiswa peserta kelas blended learning ITB. Pengolahan data dengan menggunakan metode PLS menunjukkan bahwa social interaction yang terdiri dari perceived online attachment motivation dan perceived online relationship commitment menjadi faktor yang paling mempengaruhi OKSB. Namun, penelitian ini tidak mampu membuktikan bahwa knowledge sharing intention memengaruhi OKSB

    Improving the Quality of Knowledge Assets: Governance Mechanisms and Their Implications

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    Knowledge management initiatives are less likely to be successful if knowledge repositories do not provide high-quality knowledge assets. Two mechanisms employed by organizations to ensure knowledge quality are using experts to control or edit users’ contributions (such as in a refereed repository), and using a community of users to review, rate, or edit existing contributions (such as in a community-driven wiki). The goal of this paper is to explore these two mechanisms by drawing upon the concept of societal governance from sociology, identify the conditions under which they are preferable, and discuss their impact on how users contribute to and reuse information from knowledge repositories. Propositions are suggested and implications are discussed

    Adaptation to Work Processes Embedded in IS Packages: An Organizational Routines Perspective

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    Although the adoption of information system (IS) packages offers many benefits over the development of custom-made IS, organizations often face severe difficulties in their adaptation to work processes embedded in the product and get unexpected and undesirable effects such as a decrease in IS post-adoption usage. By adopting organizational routines theory as its theoretical lens for interpreting results, this qualitative study’s goal is to better understand this adaptation process and how it relates to IS post-adoption behavior. This proposed dissertation should contribute to IS theory and practice by providing insights on: the effects of possible misfits between IS packages designed for large business organizations yet applied within less conventional organizations, the organizations’ internal dynamics as they adapt to work processes embedded in IS packages and their influence on IS package post-adoption behavior, and the role of technology’s material properties in organizational change and organizational routines

    Peer-to-Peer Service Quality and Its Consequences in Virtual Communities

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    Virtual communities are an increasingly popular way to conduct business over the Internet. However, from the service provider’s point of view they pose special challenges. In particular, unless the provider itself engages in content or service provision, the service relies entirely on its members for provision of services. The members should thus be seen as resources for service provision. This type of networked service production system implies challenges in terms of service quality management and, subsequently, value creation for community members. This paper explores these issues by revisiting service marketing and service operations literature on service quality. Our analysis of the literature indicates that firms facilitating virtual communities need to ensure the quality of their service by not only ensuring technical quality but also by nurturing the social aspects of the community that have an impact on the willingness of community members to provide service to each other

    “On Here, I’m Team Jacob: Exploring Feelings of Belongingness in Virtual Communities

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    Virtual communities have become important for enthusiasts to meet, share, and express their affection for a wide range of products, ideas, and brands. While virtual communities have been studied previously, the literature is lacking a perspective on virtual communities surrounding products, ideas and brands that users are embarrassed to admit they care about (that is, that they have a negative public affiliation towards), but that nonetheless are a representation of the user’s identity (brand congruity). This study presents a research model positing that, within a virtual community environment, feelings of negative affiliation and brand congruity will influence users’ feelings of belonging to the virtual community, and negative public affiliation will also moderate the relationship between brand congruity and belongingness. Our results indicate significant relationships between negative public affiliation and brand congruity with feelings of belongingness. Our study has implications for the field, as well as for practitioners

    Understanding Users’ Continuance Intention to Answer Questions in Online Question Answering Communities

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    This study develops a research model to investigate the antecedents of users’ continuance intention to answer questions in online question answering (Q&A) communities based on the literature of knowledge contribution and behavioral continuance. The research model is tested by using the data collected from 241 users of a famous online Q&A community in China (i.e., “Yahoo! Answers China”). The results indicate that satisfaction is the key determinant of continuance intention to answer questions. Satisfaction is, in turn, influenced by reputation enhancement, enjoyment in helping others and advancement of the online community. This study has implications for both theory and practice on the management and design of online Q&A communities

    Developing Consumers’ Brand Loyalty in Companies’ Microblogs: The Roles of Social- and Self- Factors

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    This paper aims to explore how social- and self-factors may affect consumers’ brand loyalty while they follow companies’ microblogs. Drawing upon the commitment-trust theory, social influence theory, and self-congruence theory, we propose that network externalities, social norms, and self-congruence are the key determinants in the research model. The impacts of these factors on brand loyalty will be mediated by brand trust and brand commitment. We empirically test the model through an online survey on an existing microblogging site. The findings illustrate that network externalities and self-congruence can positively affect brand trust, which subsequently leads to brand commitment and brand loyalty. Meanwhile, social norms, together with self-congruence, directly posit influence on brand commitment. Brand commitment is then positively associated with brand loyalty. We believe that the findings of this research can contribute to the literature. We offer new insights regarding how consumers’ brand loyalty develops from the two social-factors and their self-congruence with the brand. Company managers could also apply our findings to strengthen their relationship marketing with consumers on microblogging sites
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