79 research outputs found

    Pseudodeterminants and perfect square spanning tree counts

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    The pseudodeterminant pdet(M)\textrm{pdet}(M) of a square matrix is the last nonzero coefficient in its characteristic polynomial; for a nonsingular matrix, this is just the determinant. If ∂\partial is a symmetric or skew-symmetric matrix then pdet(∂∂t)=pdet(∂)2\textrm{pdet}(\partial\partial^t)=\textrm{pdet}(\partial)^2. Whenever ∂\partial is the kthk^{th} boundary map of a self-dual CW-complex XX, this linear-algebraic identity implies that the torsion-weighted generating function for cellular kk-trees in XX is a perfect square. In the case that XX is an \emph{antipodally} self-dual CW-sphere of odd dimension, the pseudodeterminant of its kkth cellular boundary map can be interpreted directly as a torsion-weighted generating function both for kk-trees and for (k−1)(k-1)-trees, complementing the analogous result for even-dimensional spheres given by the second author. The argument relies on the topological fact that any self-dual even-dimensional CW-ball can be oriented so that its middle boundary map is skew-symmetric.Comment: Final version; minor revisions. To appear in Journal of Combinatoric

    Simplicial and Cellular Trees

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    Much information about a graph can be obtained by studying its spanning trees. On the other hand, a graph can be regarded as a 1-dimensional cell complex, raising the question of developing a theory of trees in higher dimension. As observed first by Bolker, Kalai and Adin, and more recently by numerous authors, the fundamental topological properties of a tree --- namely acyclicity and connectedness --- can be generalized to arbitrary dimension as the vanishing of certain cellular homology groups. This point of view is consistent with the matroid-theoretic approach to graphs, and yields higher-dimensional analogues of classical enumerative results including Cayley's formula and the matrix-tree theorem. A subtlety of the higher-dimensional case is that enumeration must account for the possibility of torsion homology in trees, which is always trivial for graphs. Cellular trees are the starting point for further high-dimensional extensions of concepts from algebraic graph theory including the critical group, cut and flow spaces, and discrete dynamical systems such as the abelian sandpile model.Comment: 39 pages (including 5-page bibliography); 5 figures. Chapter for forthcoming IMA volume "Recent Trends in Combinatorics

    On the structure of Borel stable abelian subalgebras in infinitesimal symmetric spaces

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    Let g=g_0+g_1 be a Z_2-graded Lie algebra. We study the posets of abelian subalgebras of g_1 which are stable w.r.t. a Borel subalgebra of g_0. In particular, we find out a natural parametrization of maximal elements and dimension formulas for them. We recover as special cases several results of Kostant, Panyushev, Suter.Comment: Latex file, 35 pages, minor corrections, some examples added. To appear in Selecta Mathematic
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