109 research outputs found

    Endogenous fantasy and learning in digital games.

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    Many people believe that educational games are effective because they motivate children to actively engage in a learning activity as part of playing the game. However, seminal work by Malone (1981), exploring the motivational aspects of digital games, concluded that the educational effectiveness of a digital game depends on the way in which learning content is integrated into the fantasy context of the game. In particular, he claimed that content which is intrinsically related to the fantasy will produce better learning than that which is merely extrinsically related. However, this distinction between intrinsic and extrinsic (or endogenous and exogenous) fantasy is a concept that has developed a confused standing over the following years. This paper will address this confusion by providing a review and critique of the empirical and theoretical foundations of endogenous fantasy, and its relevance to creating educational digital games. Substantial concerns are raised about the empirical basis of this work and a theoretical critique of endogenous fantasy is offered, concluding that endogenous fantasy is a misnomer, in so far as the "integral and continuing relationship" of fantasy cannot be justified as a critical means of improving the effectiveness of educational digital games. An alternative perspective on the intrinsic integration of learning content is described, incorporating game mechanics, flow and representations

    Designing Dynamic Online Lessons with Multimedia Representations

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    The focus of this paper is on the use of multimedia representations in the online lesson. The information presented here may be of interest to online instructors with varied levels of experience, yet it is geared more toward those who are new to online teaching. A central feature of this paper is the importance of the lesson plan, which can include identification of how multimedia will be used to create instructional messages for the lesson. The potential exists to increase the quality of instruction through the careful use of static and dynamic multimedia representations. Support for the use of multiple representations is documented in the research literature

    Pengembangan LKPD Berbasis Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar dan Aplikasi Canva for Education Kelas 4 SD/MI

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan LKPD (Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik) berbasis Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar dan aplikasi Canva for Education pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila kelas 4 SD. Penelitian ini merupakan pengembangan instrumen pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) untuk Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (SD/MI). Metode yang digunakan adalah Four-D, yaitu Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah mahamurid PGMI IAIN Pontianak yang mengambil mata kuliah Pengembangan PPKn SD/MI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila SD/MI yang dikembangkan melalui proses Four-D dinyatakan valid dan reliabel berdasarkan uji ahli. Instrumen pembelajaran tersebut terdiri dari kegunaan LKPD sebesar 100%, kualitas LKPD sebesar 96%, desain dan layout LKPD sebesar 100%. Instrumen pembelajaran PPKn SD/MI ini diharapkan dapat digunakan oleh mahamurid PGMI IAIN Pontianak sebagai referensi dalam mengembangkan bahan ajar yang berkualitas untuk pembelajaran PPKn di SD/MI

    Self-Explanation Prompts in iFractions: The Effect on Students with Different Levels of Ability

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the help element that is the self-explanation prompts in iFractions educational game software, on the achievement of students with different levels of ability. A total of 40 students from a school in Pulau Pinang participated in this survey. The study was conducted using quasi -experimental with a 3 x 2 factorial design where the questionnaires involved were the pre-test and post-test. The self-explanation prompts was developed using the cartoon concept. The study data was analysed using SPSS version 20 software with the t-test parametric comparison analysis. The findings of the study indicate that the self-explanation prompts in iFractions has helped to improve the students’ achievements when compared to MyCD software without the self-explanation prompts. High ability students and low ability students who used the self-explanation prompts showed significantly better achievements. Students with different levels of ability who used iFractions with self-explanation prompts found that it has helped them make the fractions abstract concept concrete and facilitate the proper construction of fractions schema. Therefore, the design of any educational software must be constructive in parallel with the combination of scaffolding element which is the self-explanation prompts. Keywords: Self- explanation prompts; high ability; low abilit


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    Beberapa faktor yang menunjang keberhasilan siswa dalam memahami representasi visual berbentuk diagram dalam buku pelajaran diantarannya adalah aktivitas kognitif dan strategi membaca visual. Pada pelajaran Biologi diagram merupakan salah satu media visual yang digunakan untuk merepresentasikan bentuk sebenarnya seperti pada morfologi tumbuhan. Saat ini masih banyak ditemukan siswa yang gagal dalam memahami diagram morfologi tumbuhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis aktivitas kognitif, strategi membaca visual serta hubungannya dengan pemahaman siswa SMA terhadap diagram morfologi tumbuhan Magnoliophyta. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif yang melibatkan 20 orang siswa dari salah satu SMA swasta di Kota Bandung. Proses penelitian meliputi pengumpulan data aktivitas kognitif melalui laporan verbal dengan instrumen Think aloud protocol, selanjutnya data strategi membaca visual diperoleh melalui hasil analisis aktivitas siswa berdasarkan hasil rekaman video dan hasil coretan siswa pada lembar diagram yang disajikan. sementara itu pada data pemahaman siswa dikumpulkan melalui hasil pengskoran jawaban siswa berdasarkan tes soal berbentuk uraian. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui sebanyak 90% siswa memunculkan aktivitas kognitif mengidentifikasi detail gambar saat mempelajari diagram. Selanjutnya hasil pengamatan strategi membaca visual saat mempelajari diagram sebanyak 90% siswa mengunakan aktivitas menghafal yang merupakan bagian dari strategi tingkat rendah. Hasil temuan terkait pemahaman siswa tentang materi morfologi tumbuhan masih dikategorikan rendah dan belum mencapai nilai standar kelulusan. Data hubungan korelasi positif dan negatif ditemukan pada data aktivitas kognitif dan strategi membaca visual dengan pemahaman siswa. Hasil ini mengindikasikan rendahnya pemahaman siswa terkait materi morfologi tumbuhan di tingkat SMA dikarenakan materi yang dipelajari siswa masih didominasi dalam bentuk hafalan.;--Several factors that increase students' success in understanding diagrammatic visual representations in textbooks are cognitive activity and visual reading strategies. In Biology, the diagram is one of the visual media used to represent its true form, as in plant morphology. At present, there are still many students who fail to understand plant morphology diagrams. This study aims to analyze cognitive activity, visual reading strategies and their relationship with high school students comprehension of Magnoliophyta plant morphology diagrams. Descriptive method used in this study involved 20 students from one private high school in the city of Bandung. The research process includes the collection of cognitive activity data through verbal reports with Think Aloud protocol instruments, then visual reading strategies data obtained through the analysis of student activity based on video recordings and student activity results on the diagram sheet presented. meanwhile the students' understanding data were collected through the results of scoring student answers based on essay test questions. Based on the results of the study found that as many as 90% of students gave rise to cognitive activities identifying detailed images when studying diagrams. Furthermore, the results of observing visual reading strategies when studying diagrams as much as 90% of students use memorization activities that are part of low-level strategies. The findings related to students' comprehension of plant morphology material are still categorized as low and have not yet reached the graduation standard value. Data on positive and negative correlations were found in cognitive activity data and visual reading strategies with student comprehension. These results indicate the low understanding of students related to plant morphology material at the high school level because the material student's study is still dominated in the form of memorization

    Introducing the SAPS System and a Corresponding Allocation Mechanism for Synchronous Online Reciprocal Peer Support Activities

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    While student populations in higher education are becoming more heterogeneous, recently several attempts have been made to introduce online peer support to decrease the tutor load of teachers. We propose a system that facilitates synchronous online reciprocal peer support activities for ad hoc student questions: the Synchronous Allocated Peer Support (SAPS) system. Via this system, students with questions during their learning are allocated to competent fellow-students for answering. The system is designed for reciprocal peer support activities among a group of students who are working on the same fixed modular material every student has to finish, such as courses with separate chapters. As part of a requirement analysis of online reciprocal peer support to succeed, this chapter is focused on the second requirement of peer competence and sustainability of our system. Therefore a study was conducted with a simulation of a SAPS-based allocation mechanism in the NetLogo simulation environment and focuses on the required minimum population size, the effect of the addition of extra allocation parameters or disabling others on the mechanism\'s effectiveness, and peer tutor load spread in various conditions and its influence on the mechanism\'s effectiveness. The simulation shows that our allocation mechanism should be able to facilitate online peer support activities among groups of students. The allocation mechanism holds over time and a sufficient number of students are willing and competent to answer fellow-students\' questions. Also, fine-tuning the parameters (e.g. extra selection criteria) of the allocation mechanism further enhances its effectiveness.Peer Support, Peer Allocation, Computational Simulations, System Dynamics, Distance Learning

    Promoting Decompartmentalised Learning Through Topical Presentation and Reflective Diary Writing

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    AbstractThe intended learning objectives of SKBL3113 Psikolinguistik includes possessing a firm understanding of psycholinguistic knowledge and applying the knowledge in other linguistic disciplines. Unfortunately, learners have difficulties in achieving these goals. Thus, this paper presents the intervention the course instructor made through topical presentations and reflective diary writing to assist undergraduates recall what they learned previously and remember what they were learning in SKBL3113 Psikolinguistik longer. Results show that learners who scored high marks in the topical presentations and reflective diary writing eventually did well in their quiz – an indication that decompartmentalised learning have begun to place