32 research outputs found

    Mediating Effect of Social Commerce Continuance Use Intention on the Relationship Between Perceived Values and Brand Loyalty

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the mediating effect of social commerce continuance use intention on the relationship between perceived values and brand loyalty in the social commerce context. The data was collected from 176 members of the Apple Watch Social Commerce site in Vietnam via an online questionnaire. Applying the structural equation modelling method, we found that social commerce continuance use intention has mediating effects on the relationship between perceived values and brand loyalty. Keywords: Perceived values, continuance use intention, brand loyalty, social commerce, Vietnam DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/12-11-07 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Understanding Continuance Intention to Use Smoking Cessation Online Health Community: A Social Exchange Perspective

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    This study aims to investigate the factors determining smokers’ continuance intention to use smoking cessation online health communities from a social exchange perspective. This study proposes that the benefits of using smoking cessation online health community consists of informational benefit, emotional benefit, and companionship, which have positive effects on users’ continuance intention to use smoking cessation online health communities, whereas the cost is composed of time and efforts as well as privacy concern, which exert a negative impact on smokers’ continuance intention. In addition, some factors are set as moderators in the proposed research model to explore the different roles of benefits and costs in shaping continuance intention among different user groups

    Control vs Content: A Systematic Review of the Social Media Research Literature

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    The rapid advancement of web 2.0 applications paved the way for the development of social media applications and the many features of these applications enable them to attract millions of users. Social media platforms have altered how people interact with the world and one another. Researchers in the field of Information Systems have investigated social media platforms and technologies extensively. Despite the growing number of studies on social media, however, the area remains under examined. Given the pace and consistency of innovation in this field, identifying directions for future studies of social media-related phenomena requires a careful review of the related research completed to date

    Continuance Intention on Mobile Social Networking Service: Examine the Effects of Habit and Gratifications

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    By integrating the uses and gratifications theory and habit theory, this study develops a theoretical model to explore factors affecting continuance intention of mobile social networking service. 218 valid data were collected in China. The empirical results show that, cognitive need and affective need have significant impacts on continuance intention. In addition, habit is significantly determined by affective need, tension-release need and prior use, which further significantly influences continuance intention

    Explaining multidimensional Facebook benefits: A task-technology fit approach

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    Facebook has emerged as the most popular Social Network Site (SNS). The literature has studied extensively the factors that explain the use of Facebook. Despite this, not equal attention has been devoted to explaining the benefits of Facebook use. The few studies have considered impacts as one-dimensional; however, the literature shows that benefits could be conceptualized as an aggregate construct. Besides, little is known about using the Task-Technology Fit model (TTF) to assess Facebook. In addressing this gap, this study aims to develop and empirically test a model that explains Facebook benefits in a multidimensional way using a task-technology fit approach. Data collected from 240 Facebook users was analyzed using partial least squares technique (PLS). The results support the model empirically. This research integrates benefits, use, and task-technology fit into a single model to provide a more comprehensive perspective of Facebook use. Also, a multidimensional view allows us to consider both utilitarian and hedonic benefits as dimensions of value that can spawn greater continued use

    Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) Kelompok untuk Meningkatkan Self-esteem pada Mahasiswa yang Mengalami Adiksi Media Sosial

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat efektivitas acceptance and commitment therapy kelompok dalam membantu meningkatkan self-esteem individu yang mengalami adiksi media sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan quasi-experimental one-group, pre-test and post-test design dan diikuti oleh lima partisipan yang merupakan mahasiswa/i berusia 19 – 21 tahun. Kelima partisipan memiliki skor self-esteem yang cenderung rendah berdasarkan alat ukur Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES), mengalami adiksi media sosial yang diukur dengan Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS) dan penerimaan diri yang rendah diukur berdasarkan Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II (AAQ-II). Intervensi yang dilakukan terdiri dari empat sesi dengan durasi sekitar dua jam per sesi. Sesi follow-up dilakukan satu minggu setelah empat sesi selesai dilakukan untuk melihat efek setelah intervensi diberikan. Data kualitatif didapatkan menggunakan wawancara tidak terstruktur sebelum, selama, dan sesudah intervensi diberikan. Data kuantitatif dianalisa menggunakan Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa intervensi berhasil secara signifikan meningkatkan perilaku penerimaan dan komitmen diri pada partisipan (Z = -2.023; p = 0.043) yang diikuti dengan meningkatnya self-esteem pada diri partisipan (Z = 2.060; p = 0.039; r = 0.65). Tingginya nilai effect size (r ? 0.50) menunjukkan bahwa intervensi ACT berpotensi meningkatkan self-esteem. Selain itu, tingkat adiksi media sosial yang dimiliki partisipan juga mengalami penurunan meskipun tidak signifikan

    Does adoption mean the same to every user? A study of active and passive usage of mobile instant messaging applications

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    This research-in-progress paper studies the active and passive usage of mobile instant messaging (MIM) applications. Grounded on two-factor theory and three-factor theory, we propose the features of MIM applications influence the active/passive usage of MIM applications through users’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction. The proposed features are categorized into three factors: exciting factors which contain design aesthetics, customization and enjoyment, performance factors which include sociability, convenience and privacy assurance, and basic factors which are application costs and technical functionality. To test hypothetical relationships in this study, we plan to use a survey method. The potential implications to both literature and practice are discussed


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    The evolution from a Goods-dominant logic (GD-logic) into a Service-dominant logic (SD-logic) is marked by fundamental changes in how we leverage resources for innovation. The current paper offers a review of service-dominant logic (SD-logic) resources within the field of Information Systems (IS). It uses a scoping review method of papers from the senior scholars’ basket of journals and the two flagship IS conferences: ECIS and ICIS. The review is focused on examining the theoretical and empirical applications of SD-logic in order to develop a basic conceptual classification of resources within IS that contributes into understanding service innovation in market and society. Four main conceptualizations of resources were identified in the reviewed papers of which only two embrace resources as conceptualized in SD-logic. Also, the review suggests that the field of IS does not seem to have yet maturely embraced SD-logic and has not sufficiently made its way into dominant journals and conferences with the field

    The impacts of value, disconfirmation and satisfaction on loyalty: Evidence from international higher education setting

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    Relationships with international students can be beneficial to higher education in terms of financial and human resources. For this reason, establishing and maintaining such relationships are usually pre-eminent concerns. In this study, we extended the application of the disconfirmation expectation model by incorporating components from subjective task value to predict the loyalty of international students toward their host countries. On a sample of 410 Vietnamese students enrolled in establishments of higher education in over 15 countries across the globe, we employed structural equation model to construct the conceptual model. Our empirical findings revealed that while the roles of satisfaction and disconfirmation are still important as direct and indirect antecedents of international student loyalty, its most powerful predictors are the three components of subjective task value: attainment, utility and intrinsic. These insights result in a number of implications for actors on the higher ducation scene, such as heads of institutions and policy makers