5 research outputs found

    Improving Students’ Concept with POE2WE Learning Model Assisted by PhET Android Simulation

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of the POE2WE learning model assisted by the Android Lab Virtual PhET application on students' understanding of the Equilibrium of Rigid Objects. The type used in this study was quasi-experiment with research subjects of SMA Negeri 2 Medan students class XI MIPA 7 as an experimental class and XI MIPA 8 as a control class. The data analysis technique used is quantitative. The results of the research obtained were the influence of the POE2WE learning model assisted by the Android Lab Virtual PhET application on students' understanding of concepts on the equilibrium material of rigid objects in the medium category with an n-Gain test of 58.6%. Based on the results of the study, the application of the POE2WE learning model assisted by the PhET virtual android lab application can increase students' understanding of concepts on the equilibrium rigid body material.Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran POE2WE berbantuan aplikasi Android Lab Virtual PhET terhadap pemahaman kondep siswa pada materi Kesetimbangan Benda Tegar Jenis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperimen dengan subjek penelitian siswa SMA Negeri 2 Medan kelas XI MIPA 7 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan XI MIPA 8 sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik analisi data yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu adanya pengaruh model pembelajaran POE2WE berbantuan aplikasi Android Lab Virtual PhET terhadap pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi kesetimbangan benda tegar yang berada pada kategori sedang dengan uji n-Gain sebesar 58,6 %. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka penerapan model pembelajaran POE2WE berbantuan aplikasi android lab virtual PhET dapat meningkatkan pemahaman konsep siswa pada materi kesetimbangan benda tegar

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Practice Set Akuntansi Perusahaan Dagang Berbasis Flipbook untuk Kelas XI Akuntansi

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    This development research aims to develop flipbook-based practice set teaching materials for trading company accounting, assess feasibility, and analyze student responses to develop flipbook-based practice set teaching materials for trading company accounting. The ADDIE model is used in this R&D research with the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Twenty students from class XI AKL SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya participated in the research. The expert validity results obtained a recapitulation of the average feasibility 0f 90,93% with a very feasible interpretation. Material experts scored 84,68% with very decent interpretation, language experts scored 88,10% with very decent interpretation, and graphic experts scored 100% with very decent interpretation. The student’s reaction to the product demonstrates that the criteria are well understood with a percentage of 96,15%. The obtained conclusions refer to the study’s findings that this teaching material is very suitable for use as a learning resource for students. Suggestions for further research are expected to be able to validate the evaluation of the questions so that the presentation of the questions is of higher quality and conduct trials not only in one school

    The Impact of Quality Content Educational Resources on Students’ Academic Achievement: Survey Research (on the Example of Northern Border University, Arar)

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    Introduction. Academic achievement is reflected in marks (points) achieved in the disciplines studied and it assumes that the student has acquired the required set of skills and knowledge, which he or she can use while performing educational and professional tasks after learning a particular discipline or a group of disciplines. This means that the concept of “academic achievement” represents measuring the student’s ability to comprehend academic programmes in the class or independently.The aims of the present research were the following: to determine the ability of students to be active users of educational databases and their elements, which are considered to be effective especially in this type of educational activity; to identify the opportunities to improve academic achievement and the quality of academic curriculum implementation (in accordance with the necessary content) through digital educational content.Methodology and research methods. The present research is based on the field survey methodology. Empirical data were collected through questionnaires and face-to-face interviews. The validity of the collected material was verified through the method of mathematical statistics.Results and scientific novelty. It is known that information technology today is one of the most important factors, which can have a powerful impact on the quality of the education system in universities. The research conducted at the Northern Border University (Arar, Saudi Arabia) investigated the following questions: how the databases available at the Saudi Digital Library assist students of various specialties (faculties) in their studies; what the real contribution of the databases to the training of future professionals is; how learners define their goals and needs by using these databases. The processed questionnaire and interview results demonstrated that for most students e-learning content is not a tool to improve academic performance. The students’ satisfaction with the offered e-learning content was very low. Meanwhile, the students noted that they needed accessible and quality digitised educational information. However, they lack the information competency to find, store and apply information in its various forms. This competency is not limited only to the skills to work with the computer (all young people possess this skill today) - it includes the skills to systematise and structure the received information; critical attitudes towards it; ability to summarise and draw conclusions. It is also important to have easy and user-friendly database tools. Thus, it is necessary to provide further guidance for learners on effective work with digital databases; to develop students’ research skills; to carry out specialised workshops in order to motivate students to use digital educational resources.Practical significance. The present research materials can be useful for specialists developing university digital databases based on curricula mastered by students.Введение: Академическая успеваемость отражается в оценках (присвоенных баллах) по изучаемым предметам и предполагает, что студент овладел требующимся набором навыков и знаний, которые он после ознакомления с конкретной дисциплиной или группой дисциплин может использовать при выполнении образовательных и профессиональных задач. Иными словами, понятие «академическая успеваемость» подразумевает измерение уровня способности студента осваивать содержание учебных программ как в очном режиме, находясь в аудитории, так и самостоятельно.Цель исследования, представленного в статье, заключалась в определении способности студентов быть активными пользователями учебных баз данных и их элементов, от которых зависит эффективность этого вида образовательной деятельности; а также в выявлении возможностей повышения успеваемости и качества академического усвоения учебных программ (при соблюдении необходимого охвата их содержания) с помощью цифрового образовательного контента.Методология и методы. Работа выполнялась на основе методологии полевого исследования. Сбор эмпирических данных производился посредством анкетирования и личных интервью. Достоверность собранного материала проверялась методом математической статистики. Результаты и научная новизна. Известно, что информационные технологии сегодня - один из важнейших факторов, которые могут оказывать мощное воздействие на качество системы образования в вузах. В ходе исследования, проведенного в Северном пограничном университете (Арар, Саудовская Аравия), выяснялось, насколько базы данных, доступные в Саудовской цифровой библиотеке, помогают студентам различных специальностей (факультетов) в учебе, каков их реальный вклад в профессиональную подготовку будущих специалистов и каким образом обучающиеся определяют свои цели и потребности, обращаясь к этим базам данных. Обработанные результаты анкетного опроса и интервью показали, что для большинства респондентов предлагаемый электронный образовательный контент не является инструментом улучшения успеваемости. Степень удовлетворенности им оказалась весьма низкой. Между тем студенты отметили, что нуждаются в доступной и качественной оцифрованной учебной информации. Однако им не хватает информационной компетентности, проявляющейся в способности находить, хранить и применять информацию в различных ее видах. Причем эта компетентность не ограничивается только владением навыками работы с компьютером (которыми сегодня обладают все молодые люди) - она включает умения систематизации и структурирования получаемой информации; критическое отношение к ней; способность резюмировать и делать выводы. Важно также наличие простых и удобных инструментов работы с базами данных. Таким образом, необходимы дополнительные консультации обучающихсяо том, как эффективно работать с цифровыми базами данных; развитие исследовательских навыков студентов; проведение мастер-классов, мотивирующих к использованию цифровых образовательных ресурсов. Практическая значимость. Материалы исследования могут быть полезны специалистам, разрабатывающим университетские цифровые базы данных, основанные на учебных программах, осваиваемых студентами.The author gratefully acknowledges the approval and the support of this research study by the grant № EAR-2018-2033-9-F from the De-anship of Scientific Research at Northern Border University, Arar, Saudi Arabia.Автор выражает благодарность Институту научных исследований Северного пограничного университета (Арар, Саудовская Аравия) за одобрение и поддержку данного исследования в соответствии с грантом № EAR-2018-2033-9-F

    Nursing Faculty Experiences With Mobile Technology Use in the Classroom

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    Research to date on faculty use of technology in the classroom has largely focused on student perceptions of technology, technology use in higher education, and benefits of technology use in teaching and learning. A critical factor in integrating technology relates to nursing faculty members’ mobile technology (MT) experience. The aim of this descriptive phenomenological study was to explore the experiences of nursing faculty when integrating MT in the face-to-face classroom. More precisely, this study was designed to explore the reasons for inconsistencies among faculty in the integration of MT in the face-to-face classroom in baccalaureate nursing education programs. Experiences of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) faculty with MT use in the face-to-face classroom were viewed through the conceptual framework of Davis’s technology acceptance model. Semistructured one-on-one interviews were conducted via Zoom with 10 BSN program faculty on their experiences using MT in the face-to-face classroom setting in central Pennsylvania. Using Creswell’s six steps for qualitative data analysis, the following major themes were generated from the data: the shift to permitting MT in the classroom, the use of MT to promote student learning, and challenges and opportunities in using MT in the classroom. Lasting social change may result from greater awareness of the challenges that nursing faculty experience when using MT in the classroom. Furthermore, the study findings may assist academic leaders in supporting nursing faculty through the provision of time, education, and ongoing training to better prepare nursing students for practice in an increasingly complex, technologically rich health care environment