34 research outputs found

    Strong cliques and equistability of EPT graphs

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    In this paper, we characterize the equistable graphs within the class of EPT graphs, the edge-intersection graphs of paths in a tree. This result generalizes a previously known characterization of equistable line graphs. Our approach is based on the combinatorial features of triangle graphs and general partition graphs. We also show that, in EPT graphs, testing whether a given clique is strong is co-NP-complete. We obtain this hardness result by first showing hardness of the problem of determining whether a given graph has a maximal matching disjoint from a given edge cut. As a positive result, we prove that the problem of testing whether a given clique is strong is polynomial in the class of local EPT graphs, which are defined as the edge intersection graphs of paths in a star and are known to coincide with the line graphs of multigraphs.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Strong cliques and equistability of EPT graphs

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    In this paper, we characterize the equistable graphs within the class of EPT graphs, the edge-intersection graphs of paths in a tree. This result generalizes a previously known characterization of equistable line graphs. Our approach is based on the combinatorial features of triangle graphs and general partition graphs. We also show that, in EPT graphs, testing whether a given clique is strong is co-NP-complete. We obtain this hardness result by first showing hardness of the problem of determining whether a given graph has a maximal matching disjoint from a given edge cut. As a positive result, we prove that the problem of testing whether a given clique is strong is polynomial in the class of local EPT graphs, which are defined as the edge intersection graphs of paths in a star and are known to coincide with the line graphs of multigraphs.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    EPT graphs on bounded degree trees

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    An undirected graph Gis called an EPT graphif it is the edge intersection graph of a family of paths in a tree. In this paper, we answer negatively the question posed by Golumbic et al. [4]: Canany EPT graph without induced cycles of size greater than h be represented in a host tree with maximum degree h?Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    On edge-sets of bicliques in graphs

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    A biclique is a maximal induced complete bipartite subgraph of a graph. We investigate the intersection structure of edge-sets of bicliques in a graph. Specifically, we study the associated edge-biclique hypergraph whose hyperedges are precisely the edge-sets of all bicliques. We characterize graphs whose edge-biclique hypergraph is conformal (i.e., it is the clique hypergraph of its 2-section) by means of a single forbidden induced obstruction, the triangular prism. Using this result, we characterize graphs whose edge-biclique hypergraph is Helly and provide a polynomial time recognition algorithm. We further study a hereditary version of this property and show that it also admits polynomial time recognition, and, in fact, is characterized by a finite set of forbidden induced subgraphs. We conclude by describing some interesting properties of the 2-section graph of the edge-biclique hypergraph.Comment: This version corrects an error in Theorem 11 found after the paper went into prin

    Edge Intersection Graphs of L-Shaped Paths in Grids

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    In this paper we continue the study of the edge intersection graphs of one (or zero) bend paths on a rectangular grid. That is, the edge intersection graphs where each vertex is represented by one of the following shapes: \llcorner,\ulcorner, \urcorner, \lrcorner, and we consider zero bend paths (i.e., | and -) to be degenerate \llcorners. These graphs, called B1B_1-EPG graphs, were first introduced by Golumbic et al (2009). We consider the natural subclasses of B1B_1-EPG formed by the subsets of the four single bend shapes (i.e., {\llcorner}, {\llcorner,\ulcorner}, {\llcorner,\urcorner}, and {\llcorner,\ulcorner,\urcorner}) and we denote the classes by [\llcorner], [\llcorner,\ulcorner], [\llcorner,\urcorner], and [\llcorner,\ulcorner,\urcorner] respectively. Note: all other subsets are isomorphic to these up to 90 degree rotation. We show that testing for membership in each of these classes is NP-complete and observe the expected strict inclusions and incomparability (i.e., [\llcorner] \subsetneq [\llcorner,\ulcorner], [\llcorner,\urcorner] \subsetneq [\llcorner,\ulcorner,\urcorner] \subsetneq B1B_1-EPG; also, [\llcorner,\ulcorner] is incomparable with [\llcorner,\urcorner]). Additionally, we give characterizations and polytime recognition algorithms for special subclasses of Split \cap [\llcorner].Comment: 14 pages, to appear in DAM special issue for LAGOS'1