3 research outputs found


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    The article considers the method of image processing proposed by the author in relation to the problem of automatic detection of moving objects in optoelectronic thermal imaging systems. Moving objects on the observed scene are subject to investigation, so it is advisable to use algorithms based on background subtraction methods to solve the detection problem. However, the observed objects may include objects of interest (a person, a vehicle), as well as other objects and background elements that increase the noise component of the observed situation. Also, the increase in the noise component is greatly influenced by false segmentation in the foreground of the areas of processed images when transferring the field of view of the sensor of the optical-electronic surveillance system. The purpose of this article is to prove the reduction of the probability of false alarm of an automatic detector due to the author's proposed approaches to image processing. The research uses the mathematical apparatus of probability theory and simulation with subsequent statistical processing of data. The article shows that the probability of a false alarm of an automatic detector based on the background subtraction method increases significantly after the transfer of the field of view of the sensor of the optical-electronic surveillance system and decreases after the movement stops as the areas of the processed image that are falsely highlighted in the foreground are automatically segmented. The simulation showed that the approaches proposed by the author can increase the peak signal-to-noise ratio of processed images and reduce the probability of a false alarm of the automatic detector of objects of interest. The results obtained show the feasibility of adapting detection algorithms based on background subtraction methods to work in scanning optoelectronic surveillance systems.В статье рассмотрен предлагаемый автором способ обработки изображений применительно к задаче автоматического обнаружения движущихся объектов в оптико-электронных системах тепловизионного типа. Исследованию подлежат движущиеся объекты на наблюдаемой сцене, поэтому для решения задачи обнаружения целесообразно применение алгоритмов, основанных на методах вычитания фона. Однако среди наблюдаемых объектов могут находиться как объекты интереса (человек, транспортное средство), так и другие объекты и элементы фона, повышающие шумовую составляющую наблюдаемой обстановки. Также на повышение шумовой составляющей огромное влияние оказывает ложная сегментация в передний план областей обрабатываемых изображений при переносе поля зрения датчика оптико-электронной системы наблюдения. Целью настоящей статьи является доказательство снижения вероятности ложной тревоги автоматического обнаружителя за счет предлагаемых автором подходов к обработке изображений. Для исследования используется математический аппарат теории вероятностей и имитационное моделирование с последующей статистической обработкой данных. В статье показано, что вероятность ложной тревоги автоматического обнаружителя, построенного на методе вычитания фона, существенно возрастает после переноса поля зрения датчика оптико- электронной системы наблюдения и уменьшается после прекращения движения по мере автоматической сегментации ложно выделенных в передний план областей обрабатываемого изображения. Проведенное моделирование показало: предлагаемые автором подходы позволяют повысить пиковое отношение сигнал/шум обрабатываемых изображений и снизить вероятность ложной тревоги автоматического обнаружителя объектов интереса. Полученные результаты показывают реализуемость адаптации алгоритмов обнаружения, построенных на методах вычитания фона, для работы в сканирующих оптико- электронных системах наблюдения

    Morphological operations in image processing and analysis

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    Morphological operations applied in image processing and analysis are becoming increasingly important in today\u27s technology. Morphological operations which are based on set theory, can extract object features by suitable shape (structuring elements). Morphological filters are combinations of morphological operations that transform an image into a quantitative description of its geometrical structure which based on structuring elements. Important applications of morphological operations are shape description, shape recognition, nonlinear filtering, industrial parts inspection, and medical image processing. In this dissertation, basic morphological operations are reviewed, algorithms and theorems are presented for solving problems in distance transformation, skeletonization, recognition, and nonlinear filtering. A skeletonization algorithm using the maxima-tracking method is introduced to generate a connected skeleton. A modified algorithm is proposed to eliminate non-significant short branches. The back propagation morphology is introduced to reach the roots of morphological filters in only two-scan. The definitions and properties of back propagation morphology are discussed. The two-scan distance transformation is proposed to illustrate the advantage of this new definition. G-spectrum (geometric spectrum) which based upon the cardinality of a set of non-overlapping segments in an image using morphological operations is presented to be a useful tool not only for shape description but also for shape recognition. The G-spectrum is proven to be translation-, rotation-, and scaling-invariant. The shape likeliness based on G-spectrum is defined as a measurement in shape recognition. Experimental results are also illustrated. Soft morphological operations which are found to be less sensitive to additive noise and to small variations are the combinations of order statistic and morphological operations. Soft morphological operations commute with thresholding and obey threshold superposition. This threshold decomposition property allows gray-scale signals to be decomposed into binary signals which can be processed by only logic gates in parallel and then binary results can be combined to produce the equivalent output. Thus the implementation and analysis of function-processing soft morphological operations can be done by focusing only on the case of sets which not only are much easier to deal with because their definitions involve only counting the points instead of sorting numbers, but also allow logic gates implementation and parallel pipelined architecture leading to real-time implementation. In general, soft opening and closing are not idempotent operations, but under some constraints the soft opening and closing can be idempotent and the proof is given. The idempotence property gives us the idea of how to choose the structuring element sets and the value of index such that the soft morphological filters will reach the root signals without iterations. Finally, summary and future research of this dissertation are provided

    Digital Morphometry : A Taxonomy Of Morphological Filters And Feature Parameters With Application To Alzheimer\u27s Disease Research

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    In this thesis the expression digital morphometry collectively describes all those procedures used to obtain quantitative measurements of objects within a two-dimensional digital image. Quantitative measurement is a two-step process: the application of geometrical transformations to extract the features of interest, and then the actual measurement of these features. With regard to the first step the morphological filters of mathematical morphology provide a wealth of suitable geometric transfomations. Traditional radiometric and spatial enhancement techniques provide an additional source of transformations. The second step is more classical (e.g. Underwood, 1970; Bookstein, 1978; and Weibull, 1980); yet here again mathematical morphology is applicable - morphologically derived feature parameters. This thesis focuses on mathematical morphology for digital morphometry. In particular it proffers a taxonomy of morphological filters and investigates the morphologically derived feature parameters (Minkowski functionals) for digital images sampled on a square grid. As originally conceived by Georges Matheron, mathematical morphology concerns the analysis of binary images by means of probing with structuring elements [typically convex geometric shapes] (Dougherty, 1993, preface). Since its inception the theory has been extended to grey-level images and most recently to complete lattices. It is within the very general framework of the complete lattice that the taxonomy of morphological filters is presented. Examples are provided to help illustrate the behaviour of each type of filter. This thesis also introduces DIMPAL (Mehnert, 1994) - a PC-based image processing and analysis language suitable for researching and developing algorithms for a wide range of image processing applications. Though DIMPAL was used to produce the majority of the images in this thesis it was principally written to provide an environment in which to investigate the application of mathematical morphology to Alzheimer\u27s disease research. Alzheimer\u27s disease is a form of progressive dementia associated with the degeneration of the brain. It is the commonest type of dementia and probably accounts for half the dementia of old age (Forsythe, 1990, p. 21 ). Post mortem examination of the brain reveals the presence of characteristic neuropathologic lesions; namely neuritic plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. They occur predominantly in the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Quantitative studies of the distribution of plaques and tangles in normally aged and Alzheimer brains are hampered by the enormous amount of time and effort required to count and measure these lesions. Here in a morphological algorithm is proposed for the automatic segmentation and measurement of neuritic plaques from light micrographs of post mortem brain tissue