4 research outputs found

    Implementasi Dempster Shafer Untuk Deteksi Dini Gizi Buruk Pada Balita

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    Malnutrition that occurs in toddlers is often caused by an unbalanced intake of nutritious food or caused by certain diseases. Malnutrition is also a cause of digestive disorders in toddlers. Parents who do not understand the problem of malnutrition, make parents not aware of the problems that occur in their children. So, to get accurate and fast information, we need a system that can solve this problem. The dempster shafer method was used in this study to perform early detection of malnutrition in children under five. In this expert system, 3 types of malnutrition can be detected with 23 related symptoms. From the expert accuracy tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded, based on 20 data on early detection of malnutrition in toddlers who have been tested, gives a match rate of 85%. The value of 85% is obtained from the calculation of 17 matching data compared to 20 test data.Gizi buruk yang terjadi pada balita seringkali disebabkan oleh tidak seimbangnya asupan makanan yang bergizi atau disebabkan oleh penyakit-penyakit tertentu. Gizi buruk juga menjadi penyebab terjadinya gangguan proses pencernaan pada balita. Orang tua yang kurang paham terhadap permasalahan gizi buruk, membuat orang tua tidak menyadari permasalahan yang terjadi pada anaknya. Sehingga, untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akurat dan cepat, diperlukan sebuah sistem yang dapat mengatasi masalah tersebut. Metode dempster shafer digunakan pada penelitian ini untuk melakukan deteksi dini gangguan gizi buruk pada balita. Pada sistem pakar ini, 3 jenis gangguan gizi buruk dapat dideteksi dengan 23 gejala yang berkaitan. Dari pengujian akurasi pakar yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan, berdasarkan 20 data deteksi dini gangguan gizi buruk pada balita yang telah diuji, memberikan tingkat kecocokan sebesar 85%. Nilai 85% didapatkan dari perhitungan 17 data yang cocok dibandingkan dengan 20 data uji

    On the centrality of tenure in spatial data systems for coastal/marine management: International exemplars versus emerging practice in Ireland

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    Although it is often overlooked, access to data regarding ‘tenure’ is of primary importance in underpinning coastal management and marine spatial planning (MSP). National, regional and international coastal/marine spatial data management exemplars demonstrate the need for clarity and certainty with respect to legal coastal/marine geographies (i.e. the basis for achieving security of tenure). Good practice in MSP is underpinned by four key pillars (use’, ‘value’, ‘development’ and ‘tenure’ (U,V,D,T)). The exemplars demonstrate the importance of currency in the statutory delineation of the coastline (HWM) and the spatial extent of the ‘coastal zone’ and tenure therein.The National Marine Planning Framework (NMPF), established in Ireland in 2021, provides the foundations for three of the interrelated management (U,V,D) pillars but those relating to ‘tenure’ are largely absent. Coastal/marine management platforms and data gateways have yet to be fully developed to meet emerging marine/offshore obligations while national data portals remain primarily terrestrial in focus. Early steps to create a MSP ‘one stop’ web portal (MarinePlan.ie) are rather limited when benchmarked against international exemplars that do include information related to tenure. This is particularly important as legislation enacting the adoption of the NMPF extends planning control and the marine consent authorisations process of Irish Coastal Local Authorities (CLAs) to also include the nearshore (three nautical miles seaward from High Water Mark (HWM)). To achieve MSP targets, information on coastal/marine legal and regulatory interests across the land/sea interface needs to match that currently available in terrestrial settings

    The development of spatial decision support system tool for marine spatial planning

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    A major problem associated with marine spatial planning (MSP) involves the difficult and time-consuming practice of creating a scenario that encompasses complex datasets in near real time via the use of a simple spatial analysis method. Moreover, decision-makers require a reliable, user-friendly system to quickly and accessibly acquire accurate spatial planning information. The development of national spatial data infrastructure (NSDI), which links the spatial data of a nation’s many diverse institutions, may pave the way for the development of a tool that can better utilize spatial datasets, such as a spatial decision support system (SDSS). Thus, this project aimed to develop an SDSS for MSP and to evaluate the feasibility of its integration within the NSDI framework. The seaweed culture was selected as an example due to its economic and technological acceptance by traditional fishers. Additionally, a multi-criteria analysis was used to develop the tool. Furthermore, a feasibility evaluation of its implementation within the NSDI framework was conducted based on the Delphi method. The results of the assessment indicated that the SDSS can be incorporated into the NSDI framework by addressing the policy issue – one map policy, updating custodians’ decree and data, and improve the standard and protocol