940 research outputs found

    Future Wireless Systems for Human Bond Communications

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    DeSyRe: on-Demand System Reliability

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    The DeSyRe project builds on-demand adaptive and reliable Systems-on-Chips (SoCs). As fabrication technology scales down, chips are becoming less reliable, thereby incurring increased power and performance costs for fault tolerance. To make matters worse, power density is becoming a significant limiting factor in SoC design, in general. In the face of such changes in the technological landscape, current solutions for fault tolerance are expected to introduce excessive overheads in future systems. Moreover, attempting to design and manufacture a totally defect and fault-free system, would impact heavily, even prohibitively, the design, manufacturing, and testing costs, as well as the system performance and power consumption. In this context, DeSyRe delivers a new generation of systems that are reliable by design at well-balanced power, performance, and design costs. In our attempt to reduce the overheads of fault-tolerance, only a small fraction of the chip is built to be fault-free. This fault-free part is then employed to manage the remaining fault-prone resources of the SoC. The DeSyRe framework is applied to two medical systems with high safety requirements (measured using the IEC 61508 functional safety standard) and tight power and performance constraints

    Dagstuhl News January - December 2008

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    "Dagstuhl News" is a publication edited especially for the members of the Foundation "Informatikzentrum Schloss Dagstuhl" to thank them for their support. The News give a summary of the scientific work being done in Dagstuhl. Each Dagstuhl Seminar is presented by a small abstract describing the contents and scientific highlights of the seminar as well as the perspectives or challenges of the research topic

    Applications of graph theory to wireless networks and opinion analysis

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    La teoría de grafos es una rama importante dentro de la matemática discreta. Su uso ha aumentado recientemente dada la conveniencia de los grafos para estructurar datos, para analizarlos y para generarlos a través de modelos. El objetivo de esta tesis es aplicar teoría de grafos a la optimización de redes inalámbricas y al análisis de opinión. El primer conjunto de contribuciones de esta tesis versa sobre la aplicación de teoría de grafos a redes inalámbricas. El rendimiento de estas redes depende de la correcta distribución de canales de frecuencia en un espacio compartido. Para optimizar estas redes se proponen diferentes técnicas, desde la aplicación de heurísticas como simulated annealing a la negociación automática. Cualquiera de estas técnicas requiere un modelo teórico de la red inalámbrica en cuestión. Nuestro modelo de redes Wi-Fi utiliza grafos geométricos para este propósito. Los vértices representan los dispositivos de la red, sean clientes o puntos de acceso, mientras que las aristas representan las señales entre dichos dispositivos. Estos grafos son de tipo geométrico, por lo que los vértices tienen posición en el espacio, y las aristas tienen longitud. Con esta estructura y la aplicación de un modelo de propagación y de uso, podemos simular redes inalámbricas y contribuir a su optimización. Usando dicho modelo basado en grafos, hemos estudiado el efecto de la interferencia cocanal en redes Wi-Fi 4 y mostramos una mejora de rendimiento asociada a la técnica de channel bonding cuando se usa en regiones donde hay por lo menos 13 canales disponibles. Por otra parte, en esta tesis doctoral hemos aplicado teoría de grafos al análisis de opinión dentro de la línea de investigación de SensoGraph, un método con el que se realiza un análisis de opinión sobre un conjunto de elementos usando grafos de proximidad, lo que permite manejar grandes conjuntos de datos. Además, hemos desarrollado un método de análisis de opinión que emplea la asignación manual de aristas y distancias en un grafo para estudiar la similaridad entre las muestras dos a dos. Adicionalmente, se han explorado otros temas sin relación con los grafos, pero que entran dentro de la aplicación de las matemáticas a un problema de la ingeniería telemática. Se ha desarrollado un sistema de votación electrónica basado en mixnets, secreto compartido de Shamir y cuerpos finitos. Dicha propuesta ofrece un sistema de verificación numérico novedoso a la vez que mantiene las propiedades esenciales de los sistemas de votación

    Facilitating Internet of Things on the Edge

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    The evolution of electronics and wireless technologies has entered a new era, the Internet of Things (IoT). Presently, IoT technologies influence the global market, bringing benefits in many areas, including healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and entertainment. Modern IoT devices serve as a thin client with data processing performed in a remote computing node, such as a cloud server or a mobile edge compute unit. These computing units own significant resources that allow prompt data processing. The user experience for such an approach relies drastically on the availability and quality of the internet connection. In this case, if the internet connection is unavailable, the resulting operations of IoT applications can be completely disrupted. It is worth noting that emerging IoT applications are even more throughput demanding and latency-sensitive which makes communication networks a practical bottleneck for the service provisioning. This thesis aims to eliminate the limitations of wireless access, via the improvement of connectivity and throughput between the devices on the edge, as well as their network identification, which is fundamentally important for IoT service management. The introduction begins with a discussion on the emerging IoT applications and their demands. Subsequent chapters introduce scenarios of interest, describe the proposed solutions and provide selected performance evaluation results. Specifically, we start with research on the use of degraded memory chips for network identification of IoT devices as an alternative to conventional methods, such as IMEI; these methods are not vulnerable to tampering and cloning. Further, we introduce our contributions for improving connectivity and throughput among IoT devices on the edge in a case where the mobile network infrastructure is limited or totally unavailable. Finally, we conclude the introduction with a summary of the results achieved