4 research outputs found

    Microcontroller-based random number generator implementation by using discrete chaotic maps

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    In recent decades, chaos theory has been used in different engineering applications of different disciplines. Discrete chaotic maps can be used in encryption applications for digital applications. In this study, firstly, Lozi, Tinkerbell and Barnsley Fern discrete chaotic maps are implemented based on microcontroller. Then, microcontroller based random number generator is implemented by using the three different two-dimensional discrete chaotic maps. The designed random number generator outputs are applied to NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) 800-22 and FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) tests for randomness validity. The random numbers are successful in all tests

    The design and realization of a new high speed FPGA-based chaotic true random number generator

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    Chaotic systems and chaos-based applications have been commonly used in the fields of engineering recently. The most essential part of them is the chaotic oscillator that has very critical role in some applications such as chaotic communications and cryptography. In this study, Sundarapandian-Pehlivan chaotic system has been modeled and simulated in three distinct platforms to show the advantages of FPGA-based chaotic oscillator with respect to alternative solutions. In the first stage, the chaotic system has been modeled numerically by the help of fourth order of Runge-Kutta (RK4) method. Additionally, phase portraits of the system have been obtained and Lyapunov exponents have been examined. Secondly, the system has been modeled by using PSpice for the implementation of the chaotic system with analog circuit elements. Then, Pspice simulation results have been compared with the numerical outcome to justify the designed model. Furthermore, the chaotic system has been physically confirmed with real analog circuit elements. Signals obtained from the physical system have been verified with both numerical and PSpice results. It has been also modeled by the help of method of RK4 in a hardware description language (VHDL) and the model further has been synthesized and tested for Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA chip. Finally, the chaotic oscillator designed has been tested for True Random Number Generators (TRNG) and the maximum operating frequency has been achieved as 293 MHz with a speed of 58.76 Mbit/s. Besides, the random bit sets produced by TRNG have been further verified by FIPS-140-1 and NIST-800-22 statistical standards and it has been proved that the proposed design can be used in embedded cryptologic applications. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Design of hardware-orientated security towards trusted electronics.

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    While the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes one of the critical components in the cyber-physical system of industry 4.0, its root of trust still lacks consideration. The purpose of this thesis was to increase the root of trust in electronic devices by enhance the reliability, testability, and security of the bottom layer of the IoT system, which is the Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) device. This was achieved by implement a new class of security primitive to secure the IJTAG network as an access point for testing and programming. The proposed security primitive expands the properties of a Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) to generate two different responses from a single challenge. The development of such feature was done using the ring counter circuit as the source of randomness of the PUF to increase the efficiency of the proposed PUF. The efficiency of the newly developed PUF was measured by comparing its properties with the properties of a legacy PUF. The randomness test done for the PUF shows that it has a limitation when implemented in sub-nm devices. However, when it was implemented in current 28nm silicon technology, it increases the sensitivity of the PUF as a sensor to detect malicious modification to the FPGA configuration file. Moreover, the efficiency of the developed bimodal PUF increases by 20.4% compared to the legacy PUF. This shows that the proposed security primitive proves to be more dependable and trustworthy than the previously proposed approach.Samie, Mohammad (Associate)PhD in Transport System