12,197 research outputs found

    A survey on cyber security for smart grid communications

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    A smart grid is a new form of electricity network with high fidelity power-flow control, self-healing, and energy reliability and energy security using digital communications and control technology. To upgrade an existing power grid into a smart grid, it requires significant dependence on intelligent and secure communication infrastructures. It requires security frameworks for distributed communications, pervasive computing and sensing technologies in smart grid. However, as many of the communication technologies currently recommended to use by a smart grid is vulnerable in cyber security, it could lead to unreliable system operations, causing unnecessary expenditure, even consequential disaster to both utilities and consumers. In this paper, we summarize the cyber security requirements and the possible vulnerabilities in smart grid communications and survey the current solutions on cyber security for smart grid communications. © 2012 IEEE

    Scaling Virtualized Smartphone Images in the Cloud

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    Üks selle Bakalaureuse töö eesmärkidest oli Android-x86 nutitelefoni platvormi juurutamine pilvekeskkonda ja välja selgitamine, kas valitud instance on piisav virtualiseeritud nutitelefoni platvormi juurutamiseks ning kui palju koormust see talub. Töös kasutati Amazoni instance'i M1 Small, mis oli piisav, et juurutada Androidi virtualiseeritud platvormi, kuid jäi kesisemaks kui mobiiltelefon, millel teste läbi viidi. M1 Medium instance'i tüüp oli sobivam ja näitas paremaid tulemusi võrreldes telefoniga. Teostati koormusteste selleks vastava tööriistaga Tsung, et näha, kui palju üheaegseid kasutajaid instance talub. Testi läbiviimiseks paigaldasime Dalviku instance'ile Tomcat serveri. Pärast teste ühe eksemplariga, juurutasime külge Elastic Load Balancing ja automaatse skaleerimise Amazon Auto Scaling tööriista. Esimene neist jaotas koormust instance'ide vahel. Automaatse skaleerimise tööriista kasutasime, et rakendada horisontaalset skaleerimist meie Android-x86 instance'le. Kui CPU tõusis üle 60% kauemaks kui üks minut, siis tehti eelmisele identne instance ja koormust saadeti edaspidi sinna. Seda protseduuri vajadusel korrati maksimum kümne instance'ini. Meie teostusel olid tagasilöögid, sest Elastic Load Balancer aegus 60 sekundi pärast ning me ei saanud kõikide välja saadetud päringutele vastuseid. Serverisse saadetud faili kirjutamine ja kompileerimine olid kulukad tegevused ja seega ei lõppenud kõik 60 sekundi jooksul. Me ei saanud koos Load Balancer'iga läbiviidud testidest piisavalt andmeid, et teha järeldusi, kas virtualiseeritud nutitelefoni platvorm Android on hästi või halvasti skaleeruv.In this thesis we deployed a smartphone image in an Amazon EC2 instance and ran stress tests on them to know how much users can one instance bear and how scalable it is. We tested how much time would a method run in a physical Android device and in a cloud instance. We deployed CyanogenMod and Dalvik for a single instance. We used Tsung for stress testing. For those tests we also made a Tomcat server on Dalvik instance that would take the incoming file, the file would be compiled with java and its class file would be wrapped into dex, a Dalvik executable file, that is later executed with Dalvik. Three instances made a Tsung cluster that sent load to a Dalvik Virtual Machine instance. For scaling we used Amazon Auto Scaling tool and Elastic Load Balancer that divided incoming load between the instances

    Cyber security investigation for Raspberry Pi devices

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    Big Data on Cloud application is growing rapidly. When the cloud is attacked, the investigation relies on digital forensics evidence. This paper proposed the data collection via Raspberry Pi devices, in a healthcare situation. The significance of this work is that could be expanded into a digital device array that takes big data security issues into account. There are many potential impacts in health area. The field of Digital Forensics Science has been tagged as a reactive science by some who believe research and study in the field often arise as a result of the need to respond to event which brought about the needs for investigation; this work was carried as a proactive research that will add knowledge to the field of Digital Forensic Science. The Raspberry Pi is a cost-effective, pocket sized computer that has gained global recognition since its development in 2008; with the wide spread usage of the device for different computing purposes. Raspberry Pi can potentially be a cyber security device, which can relate with forensics investigation in the near future. This work has used a systematic approach to study the structure and operation of the device and has established security issues that the widespread usage of the device can pose, such as health or smart city. Furthermore, its evidential information applied in security will be useful in the event that the device becomes a subject of digital forensic investigation in the foreseeable future. In healthcare system, PII (personal identifiable information) is a very important issue. When Raspberry Pi plays a processor role, its security is vital; consequently, digital forensics investigation on the Raspberry Pies becomes necessary

    Secure Cloud Storage with Client-Side Encryption Using a Trusted Execution Environment

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    With the evolution of computer systems, the amount of sensitive data to be stored as well as the number of threats on these data grow up, making the data confidentiality increasingly important to computer users. Currently, with devices always connected to the Internet, the use of cloud data storage services has become practical and common, allowing quick access to such data wherever the user is. Such practicality brings with it a concern, precisely the confidentiality of the data which is delivered to third parties for storage. In the home environment, disk encryption tools have gained special attention from users, being used on personal computers and also having native options in some smartphone operating systems. The present work uses the data sealing, feature provided by the Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX) technology, for file encryption. A virtual file system is created in which applications can store their data, keeping the security guarantees provided by the Intel SGX technology, before send the data to a storage provider. This way, even if the storage provider is compromised, the data are safe. To validate the proposal, the Cryptomator software, which is a free client-side encryption tool for cloud files, was integrated with an Intel SGX application (enclave) for data sealing. The results demonstrate that the solution is feasible, in terms of performance and security, and can be expanded and refined for practical use and integration with cloud synchronization services