7,984 research outputs found

    Mobile support in CSCW applications and groupware development frameworks

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    Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is an established subset of the field of Human Computer Interaction that deals with the how people use computing technology to enhance group interaction and collaboration. Mobile CSCW has emerged as a result of the progression from personal desktop computing to the mobile device platforms that are ubiquitous today. CSCW aims to not only connect people and facilitate communication through using computers; it aims to provide conceptual models coupled with technology to manage, mediate, and assist collaborative processes. Mobile CSCW research looks to fulfil these aims through the adoption of mobile technology and consideration for the mobile user. Facilitating collaboration using mobile devices brings new challenges. Some of these challenges are inherent to the nature of the device hardware, while others focus on the understanding of how to engineer software to maximize effectiveness for the end-users. This paper reviews seminal and state-of-the-art cooperative software applications and development frameworks, and their support for mobile devices

    Satellite-enabled interactive education: scenarios and systems architectures

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    There are specific sectors of the economy that can benefit from satellite-based tele-education. Areas, such as maritime and agriculture, share common needs for both broadband connectivity at remote geographical areas that cannot otherwise be covered, and for innovative content for tele-education purposes. Furthermore, each area has special requirements with regard to the type of content to be delivered. In this paper we propose a set of architectural designs and case scenarios that will realise such interactive end-to-end education systems based on satellite communications. Services requirements in this setting are also identified and discussed

    TINA as a virtual market place for telecommunication and information services: the VITAL experiment

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    The VITAL (Validation of Integrated Telecommunication Architectures for the Long-Term) project has defined, implemented and demonstrated an open distributed telecommunication architecture (ODTA) for deploying, managing and using a set of heterogeneous multimedia, multi-party, and mobility services. The architecture was based on the latest specifications released by TINA-C. The architecture was challenged in a set of trials by means of a heterogeneous set of applications. Some of the applications were developed within the project from scratch, while some others focused on integrating commercially available applications. The applications were selected in such a way as to assure full coverage of the architecture implementation and reflect a realistic use of it. The VITAL experience of refining and implementing TINA specifications and challenging the resulting platform by a heterogeneous set of services has proven the openness, flexibility and reusability of TINA. This paper describes the VITAL approach when choosing the different services and how they challenge and interact with the architecture, focusing especially on the service architecture and the Ret reference point definitions. The VITAL adjustments and enhancements to the TINA architecture are described. This paper contributes to proving that the TINA-based VITAL ODTA allows for easy and cost-effective development and deployment of advanced end-user and operator services, and can indeed act as the basis for a virtual market place for telecommunications service

    The Role of Operating Systems in Object-Oriented Distributed Multimedia Platforms

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    Considerable progress has been madein# the development of technologies tosupport# distributed multimedia computing, but applicationplatforms# are needed to make such technology accessible# to application programmers. This papersets# out requirements for such platforms and discusses the role of operating systems in object-oriented# platform support. We describe an initial approach to providing such a platform which attempted to factor out all realtime aspects of multimedia support ontoa# hardware based multimedia network interface unit. This solution has been partially successful but lacks the flexibility and level of integration subsequentlydemanded# by application programmers. Our response has been to redesign the multimedia network interface unit, placing more emphasis on the provision ofdynamic# services which require real-time operating system support. The new design described in this paper exploits and extends features of a distributed object-oriented micro-kernel to provide the n..

    Business-oriented development of telecommunication services

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    The development of software for distributed systems, e.g. telecommunication services, is a complex activity. Numerous issues have to be resolved when developing such systems, examples of which are language/system heterogeneity and remoteness of components. Interface definition languages (IDLs) are used as the basis for addressing some of these issues. IDLs allow for the specification of the syntactic aspects of the interfaces of the components in the system to be made. Whilst lending itself to issues of heterogeneity and location transparency, dealing with IDL as the basis for system development is not without its problems. Two of the main problems with IDL are its lack of behaviour and its lack of abstraction. Thus designers should not be constrained to work within the syntactic notations used to implement their systems, nor should they be unaided in how they might better design their systems. In this paper we show how these issues are being addressed in the TOSCA project in its development of a service creation and validation environment

    A Cloud-Based Architecture for Multimedia Conferencing Service Provisioning

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    Multimedia conferencing is the real-time exchange of multimedia content between multiple parties. It is the basis of several interactive multiuser applications, such as distance learning and multimedia multiplayer online games. The cloud-based provisioning of the conferencing services on which these applications rely on can have several benefits, including the easy provisioning of new applications, efficient use of resources, and elastic scalability. This paper proposes a holistic cloud-based architecture for conferencing service provisioning, which covers both the infrastructure and platform layers of the cloud. The proposed infrastructure layer offers conferencing substrates-as-a-service (e.g., dial-in signaling, video mixing, and audio mixing), instead of virtual machines or containers. The platform layer abstracts the details of the conferencing concepts and offers a high-level interface to simplify conference service provisioning for a wide range of service and application providers (experts versus non-experts). It also enables the on-the-fly scaling of the running conferences while guaranteeing the required quality of service, enables substrates composition to create new conferencing services, and eases the reuse of conferencing services in building new applications. The presented architecture is supported by a proof-of-concept prototype and performance measurements. The latter provides the analysis of resource allocation efficiency and response time, as well as the scalability of the system under suboptimal and over-provisioned conditions. It also provides recommendations for service providers regarding the best alternatives for provisioning their service


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    Video Conferencing is well-planned to offer high quality ofreal time video and audio transmission. Video Conferencing has added extra flavors to students and lecturers interaction inUTP by having stable communication channel via real time video. Live feed from the media file and captured video can bebroadcasted through the thousand ofuniversity's population innetwork by concentrating in reserving the quality ofthe video while at the same time reducing the cost of bandwidth. It's always great compromise in maintaining the quality ofvideo with the cost bandwidth. Here it goes the need of good compression technique as compression will cause the data to lose some of the information and degrade the quality. The tolerable degradation is always at the author's spotlight. The student has undergone 3 significant phases of system development which are Analysis, Design, and Coding. The critical function ofJava Video Conferencing has been successfully implemented. Open the media file, capture the real time video, transmit the file, transmit the real time captured video, open the file in another computer, broadcast to the network attached computers and view the real time broadcasted video in the network attached computers. Communicating in text mode is an added feature in the Video Conferencing. This Video Conferencing has a room for improvement in achieving the best interaction mode in Information Communication Award. Video Conferencing is seen to have a bright future in realizing the need of Virtual Learning in UTP

    A Collaborative Virtual Learning Environment for Agro-Forestry Trainings

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    The aim of the AgroFE project is to play an important role in Agro-forestry trainings. Depending on the European countries, states or professional organizations and training actors try to reintroduce Agro forestry in the course of training and qualification in initial training and in adult education. The main objectives are to make a synthesis of needs and expectations, based on present the existing training actions and to set up a common framework; to build an innovative training system (contextualized, modularized trainings, use of ICT, professionals participation); to create a technical collaborative support for the implementation of the project with communication tools (information of partners and promotion) and for providing access to the resources and training services during and after the project (knowledge databank, interactive services). The user profiles (user groups) are Teachers, Professionals, Students, People with disabilities in professional situations, Knowledge feeders, Knowledge builders and aggregators. There are needs for handling many formats in the knowledge databank (Text in different file structures; Pictures or images; Audio and video files; Data and figures; Container format for exchange contents Pdf, html, Epub 3, etc.). More open source and exist tools and services have been evaluated, tested and used in creating the service architectures and finalize the system components. The Learning Management System, Collaborative Space, Videoconference Systems, Video Repository are implemented and used in the project. The architecture concept of the Knowledge Data Base and Services have been developed. The paper describes the results of the developments. The Moodle LMS system and videoconference servers (which can be used by videoconference equipment, user client software on desktop, notebook and smart-phone) is used for Collaborative working and learning environment. The Moodle (powerful, secure open source) learning and collaborative platform is used as project management, project assessments tools and e-learning / on-line learning. The videconference systems integrated with the Moodle system can demonstrate and show the path towards the near future service similar to the MOOC concept.</jats:p
