25 research outputs found

    Real-time image streaming over a low-bandwidth wireless camera network

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    In this paper we describe the recent development of a low-bandwidth wireless camera sensor network. We propose a simple, yet effective, network architecture which allows multiple cameras to be connected to the network and synchronize their communication schedules. Image compression of greater than 90% is performed at each node running on a local DSP coprocessor, resulting in nodes using 1/8th the energy compared to streaming uncompressed images. We briefly introduce the Fleck wireless node and the DSP/camera sensor, and then outline the network architecture and compression algorithm. The system is able to stream color QVGA images over the network to a base station at up to 2 frames per second. © 2007 IEEE

    Research on Wireless Multi-hop Networks: Current State and Challenges

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    Wireless multi-hop networks, in various forms and under various names, are being increasingly used in military and civilian applications. Studying connectivity and capacity of these networks is an important problem. The scaling behavior of connectivity and capacity when the network becomes sufficiently large is of particular interest. In this position paper, we briefly overview recent development and discuss research challenges and opportunities in the area, with a focus on the network connectivity.Comment: invited position paper to International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, Hawaii, USA, 201

    Real-time Image Streaming over a Low-Bandwidth Wireless Camera Network

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    Integrating wireless EEGs into medical sensor networks

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    Wireless Electroencephalograms (EEG) are currently being used to wirelessly transmit the data from brain sensors to a computer and they carry huge potential for many future medical applications. This paper presents the design of a hy-brid medical sensor network with Tmote Sky motes as wire-less EEG sensor nodes at the lowest level collecting EEG signals and sending them to Stargate PDAs at the next level. Stargates perform artifact removal, Fourier transfor-mation and feature extraction and the final machine intelli-gence algorithms are run at a PC server. Several features of the CodeBlue medical sensor network like query processing, routing layer are used in our design. The advantages of the hybrid medical sensor network integrating wireless EEGs include the capability to have the brain monitoring func-tionality incorporated into the medical sensor networks. ACM Classificatio

    Passive acoustic monitoring for estimating human-wildlife conflicts: The case of bee-eaters and apiculture

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    In human-wildlife conflicts, it is crucial to develop accurate protocols for the reliable verification of the causative species and its relationship with potential damage claims. One of such conflicts is that occurring between apiarists and bee-eaters. In this work, we aim to assess the utility of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) as an efficient methodology to measure European bee-eater (Merops apiaster) predation pressure at beehives and its impact on honeybees foraging activity. Using Autonomous Recording Units (ARUs) in apiaries, coupled to automated recognition methods for bee-eater calls identification, we found a positive relationship between Vocal Activity Rate (VAR) index and number of bee-eaters hunting attempts on honeybees. We also found that VAR varied over time, showing a lower predation pressure during midday hours and higher during the post-breeding migratory period. Honeybees flying activity was negatively associated with VAR and this relationship was conditioned by the hour of the day. Our study offers a new application of PAM and acoustic derived indices for the evaluation of potential damages caused by wildlife. We focused on the interaction between honeybees and the European bee-eater, but we expect PAM might be useful also to remotely monitor impacts to human activities produced by other vocally active species.European bee-eater monitoring was funded by the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat de Catalunya. ARUs conception and design were partially supported by Programa de Investigación y Conservación del Zoo de Barcelona within the project ‘Nuevas tecnologías para viejos trabajos. Uso de grabadores automáticos para la detección y censo de especies raras y amenazadas. El caso de la alondra ricotí en Lleida y otras poblaciones pequeñas’. CPG acknowledges the support from Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional through the Beatriz Galindo Fellowship (Beatriz Galindo – Convocatoria 2020)

    Effective design of WSNs: From the lab to the real world

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