21 research outputs found

    SMA-driven soft robotic neck: design, control and validation

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    Replicating the behavior and movement of living organisms to develop robots which are better adapted to the human natural environment is a major area of interest today. Soft device development is one of the most promising and innovative technological fields to meet this challenge. However, soft technology lacks of suitable actuators, and therefore, development and integration of soft actuators is a priority. This article presents the development and control of a soft robotic neck which is actuated by a flexible Shape Memory Alloy (SMA)-based actuator. The proposed neck has two degrees of freedom that allow movements of inclination and orientation, thus approaching the actual movement of the human neck. The platform we have developed may be considered a real soft robotic device since, due to its flexible SMA-based actuator, it has much fewer rigid parts compared to similar platforms. Weight and motion noise have also been considerably reduced due to the lack of gear boxes, housing and bearings, which are commonly used in conventional actuators to reduce velocity and increase torque.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Exoesqueleto para Diagnostico y Asistencia en Tareas de Manipulación Spanish Research Project under Grant DPI2016-75346-R and the HUMASOFT Project under Grant DPI2016-75330-P, in part by the Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid through the RoboCity2030-DIH-CM Madrid Robotics Digital Innovation Hub (Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos, fase IV) under Grant S2018/NMT-4331, and in part by the Structural Funds of the EU

    Characteristics and Performance of CAUTO (CAssino hUmanoid TOrso) Prototype

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    An artificial torso is a fundamental part of a humanoid robot for imitating human actions. In this paper, a prototype of CAUTO (CAssino hUmanoid TOrso) is presented. Its design is characterized by artificial vertebras actuated by cable-driven parallel manipulators. The design was conceived by looking at the complex system and functioning of the human torso, in order to develop a solution for basic human-like behavior. The requirements and kinematic structure are introduced to explain the peculiarities of the proposed mechanical design. A prototype is presented, and built with low-cost and high-performance features. Tests results are reported to show the feasibility and the characteristics in replicating human torso motions. In addition, the power consumption has been measured during the tests to prove the efficiency of the Li-Po battery supply, employed for a fully portable solution of the designed torso

    Lower body design of the ‘iCub’ a human-baby like crawling robot

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    The development of robotic cognition and a greater understanding of human cognition form two of the current greatest challenges of science. Within the RobotCub project the goal is the development of an embodied robotic child (iCub) with the physical and ultimately cognitive abilities of a 2frac12 year old human baby. The ultimate goal of this project is to provide the cognition research community with an open human like platform for understanding of cognitive systems through the study of cognitive development. In this paper the design of the mechanisms adopted for lower body and particularly for the leg and the waist are outlined. This is accompanied by discussion on the actuator group realisation in order to meet the torque requirements while achieving the dimensional and weight specifications. Estimated performance measures of the iCub are presented

    Design, modeling and implementation of a soft robotic neck for humanoid robots

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorSoft humanoid robotics is an emerging field that combines the flexibility and safety of soft robotics with the form and functionality of humanoid robotics. This thesis explores the potential for collaboration between these two fields with a focus on the development of soft joints for the humanoid robot TEO. The aim is to improve the robot’s adaptability and movement, which are essential for an efficient interaction with its environment. The research described in this thesis involves the development of a simple and easily transportable soft robotic neck for the robot, based on a 2 Degree of Freedom (DOF) Cable Driven Parallel Mechanism (CDPM). For its final integration into TEO, the proposed design is later refined, resulting in an efficiently scaled prototype able to face significant payloads. The nonlinear behaviour of the joints, due mainly to the elastic nature of their soft links, makes their modeling a challenging issue, which is addressed in this thesis from two perspectives: first, the direct and inverse kinematic models of the soft joints are analytically studied, based on CDPM mathematical models; second, a data-driven system identification is performed based on machine learning techniques. Both approaches are deeply studied and compared, both in simulation and experimentally. In addition to the soft neck, this thesis also addresses the design and prototyping of a soft arm capable of handling external loads. The proposed design is also tendon-driven and has a morphology with two main bending configurations, which provides more versatility compared to the soft neck. In summary, this work contributes to the growing field of soft humanoid robotics through the development of soft joints and their application to the humanoid robot TEO, showcasing the potential of soft robotics to improve the adaptability, flexibility, and safety of humanoid robots. The development of these soft joints is a significant achievement and the research presented in this thesis paves the way for further exploration and development in this field.La robótica humanoide blanda es un campo emergente que combina la flexibilidad y seguridad de la robótica blanda con la forma y funcionalidad de la robótica humanoide. Esta tesis explora el potencial de colaboración entre estos dos campos centrándose en el desarrollo de una articulación blanda para el cuello del robot humanoide TEO. El objetivo es mejorar la adaptabilidad y el movimiento del robot, esenciales para una interacción eficaz con su entorno. La investigación descrita en esta tesis consiste en el desarrollo de un prototipo sencillo y fácilmente transportable de cuello blando para el robot, basado en un mecanismo paralelo actuado por cable de 2 grados de libertad. Para su integración final en TEO, el diseño propuesto es posteriormente refinado, resultando en un prototipo eficientemente escalado capaz de manejar cargas significativas. El comportamiemto no lineal de estas articulaciones, debido fundamentalmente a la naturaleza elástica de sus eslabones blandos, hacen de su modelado un gran reto, que en esta tesis se aborda desde dos perspectivas diferentes: primero, los modelos cinemáticos directo e inverso de las articulaciones blandas se estudian analíticamente, basándose en modelos matemáticos de mecanismos paralelos actuados por cable; segundo, se aborda el problema de la identificación del sistema mediante técnicas basadas en machine learning. Ambas propuestas se estudian y comparan en profundidad, tanto en simulación como experimentalmente. Además del cuello blando, esta tesis también aborda el diseño de un brazo robótico blando capaz de manejar cargas externas. El diseño propuesto está igualmente basado en accionamiento por tendones y tiene una morfología con dos configuraciones principales de flexión, lo que proporciona una mayor versatilidad en comparación con el cuello robótico blando. En resumen, este trabajo contribuye al creciente campo de la robótica humanoide blanda mediante el desarrollo de articulaciones blandas y su aplicación al robot humanoide TEO, mostrando el potencial de la robótica blanda para mejorar la adaptabilidad, flexibilidad y seguridad de los robots humanoides. El desarrollo de estas articulaciones es una contribución significativa y la investigación presentada en esta tesis allana el camino hacia nuevos desarrollos y retos en este campo.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidenta: Cecilia Elisabet García Cena.- Secretario: Dorin Sabin Copaci.- Vocal: Martin Fodstad Stole

    The Development of Emotional Flexible Spine Humanoid Robots

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    This paper presents nonlinear control algorithm for motion control of humanoid robot upper-body. Upper-body consists of two arms, each having seven degrees of freedom (DOFs), and multi-segment lumbar spine with six DOFs which enables motion of the trunk, increases the workspace of robot arms and contributes to anthropomorphic appearance of the robot movements. Manipulation task, where robot is supposed to move an object of unknown mass, in presence of parameter uncertainties and external disturbance has been considered. Weight of the object has been considered as an external disturbance. Nonlinearity of  the  robot dynamical model and coupling between robot segments have been taken into account during control design. Sliding mode control with disturbance estimator has been used in order to provide accurate trajectory  tracking in presence of disturbances. Efficiency of the proposed control algorithm is verified through a numerical simulation and results are presented

    Design of a Biomimetic Upper Body for the Humanoid Robot Robota

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    This paper presents the current prototype of doll-shaped humanoid robot Robota. The use of the robot Robota as part of studies with disabled children sets a number of constraints on its design. In particular, it requires that the robot bears a human likeness both in its body features and in the kinematics of its motions. In this paper, we present the design of a 23 degrees of freedom upper body for Robota, including a 3 DOFs spine, two 7 DOFs arm, a 3 DOFs pair of eyes and a 3 DOFs neck