19 research outputs found

    Connectionist model combination for large vocabulary speech recognition

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    Reports in the statistics and neural networks literature have expounded the benefits of merging multiple models to improve classification and prediction performance. The Cambridge University connectionist speech group has developed a hybrid connectionist-hidden Markov model system for large vocabulary talker independent speech recognition. The performance of this system has been greatly enhanced through the merging of connectionist acoustic models. This paper presents and compares a number of different approaches to connectionist model merging and evaluates them on the TIMIT phone recognition and ARPA Wall Street Journal word recognition tasks

    Connectionist probability estimators in HMM speech recognition

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    The authors are concerned with integrating connectionist networks into a hidden Markov model (HMM) speech recognition system. This is achieved through a statistical interpretation of connectionist networks as probability estimators. They review the basis of HMM speech recognition and point out the possible benefits of incorporating connectionist networks. Issues necessary to the construction of a connectionist HMM recognition system are discussed, including choice of connectionist probability estimator. They describe the performance of such a system using a multilayer perceptron probability estimator evaluated on the speaker-independent DARPA Resource Management database. In conclusion, they show that a connectionist component improves a state-of-the-art HMM system

    Multitask Learning of Context-Dependent Targets in Deep Neural Network Acoustic Models

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    Differentiable Pooling for Unsupervised Acoustic Model Adaptation

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    We present a deep neural network (DNN) acoustic model that includes parametrised and differentiable pooling operators. Unsupervised acoustic model adaptation is cast as the problem of updating the decision boundaries implemented by each pooling operator. In particular, we experiment with two types of pooling parametrisations: learned LpL_p-norm pooling and weighted Gaussian pooling, in which the weights of both operators are treated as speaker-dependent. We perform investigations using three different large vocabulary speech recognition corpora: AMI meetings, TED talks and Switchboard conversational telephone speech. We demonstrate that differentiable pooling operators provide a robust and relatively low-dimensional way to adapt acoustic models, with relative word error rates reductions ranging from 5--20% with respect to unadapted systems, which themselves are better than the baseline fully-connected DNN-based acoustic models. We also investigate how the proposed techniques work under various adaptation conditions including the quality of adaptation data and complementarity to other feature- and model-space adaptation methods, as well as providing an analysis of the characteristics of each of the proposed approaches.Comment: 11 pages, 7 Tables, 7 Figures in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 24, num. 11, 201

    Learning Hidden Unit Contributions for Unsupervised Acoustic Model Adaptation

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    This work presents a broad study on the adaptation of neural network acoustic models by means of learning hidden unit contributions (LHUC) -- a method that linearly re-combines hidden units in a speaker- or environment-dependent manner using small amounts of unsupervised adaptation data. We also extend LHUC to a speaker adaptive training (SAT) framework that leads to a more adaptable DNN acoustic model, working both in a speaker-dependent and a speaker-independent manner, without the requirements to maintain auxiliary speaker-dependent feature extractors or to introduce significant speaker-dependent changes to the DNN structure. Through a series of experiments on four different speech recognition benchmarks (TED talks, Switchboard, AMI meetings, and Aurora4) comprising 270 test speakers, we show that LHUC in both its test-only and SAT variants results in consistent word error rate reductions ranging from 5% to 23% relative depending on the task and the degree of mismatch between training and test data. In addition, we have investigated the effect of the amount of adaptation data per speaker, the quality of unsupervised adaptation targets, the complementarity to other adaptation techniques, one-shot adaptation, and an extension to adapting DNNs trained in a sequence discriminative manner.Comment: 14 pages, 9 Tables, 11 Figues in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Vol. 24, Num. 8, 201

    Vision-based trajectory tracking algorithm with obstacle avoidance for a wheeled mobile robot

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    Wheeled mobile robots are becoming increasingly important in industry as means of transportation, inspection, and operation because of their efficiency and flexibility. The design of efficient algorithms for autonomous or quasi-autonomous mobile robots navigation in dynamic environments is a challenging problem that has been the focus of many researchers dining the past few decades. Computer vision, maybe, is not the most successful sensing modality used in mobile robotics until now (sonar and infra-red sensors for example being preferred), but it is the sensor which is able to give the information ’’what” and ’’where” most completely for the objects a robot is likely to encounter. In this thesis, we deal with using vision system to navigate the mobile robot to track a reference trajectory and using a sensor-based obstacle avoidance method to pass by the objects located on the trajectory. A tracking control algorithm is also described in this thesis. Finally, The experimental results are presented to verify the tracking and control algorithms

    Proceedings of the international conference on cooperative multimodal communication CMC/95, Eindhoven, May 24-26, 1995:proceedings

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    Continuous speech phoneme recognition using neural networks and grammar correction.

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    by Wai-Tat Fu.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 104-[109]).Chapter 1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Problem of Speech Recognition --- p.1Chapter 1.2 --- Why continuous speech recognition? --- p.5Chapter 1.3 --- Current status of continuous speech recognition --- p.6Chapter 1.4 --- Research Goal --- p.10Chapter 1.5 --- Thesis outline --- p.10Chapter 2 --- Current Approaches to Continuous Speech Recognition --- p.12Chapter 2.1 --- BASIC STEPS FOR CONTINUOUS SPEECH RECOGNITION --- p.12Chapter 2.2 --- THE HIDDEN MARKOV MODEL APPROACH --- p.16Chapter 2.2.1 --- Introduction --- p.16Chapter 2.2.2 --- Segmentation and Pattern Matching --- p.18Chapter 2.2.3 --- Word Formation and Syntactic Processing --- p.22Chapter 2.2.4 --- Discussion --- p.23Chapter 2.3 --- NEURAL NETWORK APPROACH --- p.24Chapter 2.3.1 --- Introduction --- p.24Chapter 2.3.2 --- Segmentation and Pattern Matching --- p.25Chapter 2.3.3 --- Discussion --- p.27Chapter 2.4 --- MLP/HMM HYBRID APPROACH --- p.28Chapter 2.4.1 --- Introduction --- p.28Chapter 2.4.2 --- Architecture of Hybrid MLP/HMM Systems --- p.29Chapter 2.4.3 --- Discussions --- p.30Chapter 2.5 --- SYNTACTIC GRAMMAR --- p.30Chapter 2.5.1 --- Introduction --- p.30Chapter 2.5.2 --- Word formation and Syntactic Processing --- p.31Chapter 2.5.3 --- Discussion --- p.32Chapter 2.6 --- SUMMARY --- p.32Chapter 3 --- Neural Network As Pattern Classifier --- p.34Chapter 3.1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.34Chapter 3.2 --- TRAINING ALGORITHMS AND TOPOLOGIES --- p.35Chapter 3.2.1 --- Multilayer Perceptrons --- p.35Chapter 3.2.2 --- Recurrent Neural Networks --- p.39Chapter 3.2.3 --- Self-organizing Maps --- p.41Chapter 3.2.4 --- Learning Vector Quantization --- p.43Chapter 3.3 --- EXPERIMENTS --- p.44Chapter 3.3.1 --- The Data Set --- p.44Chapter 3.3.2 --- Preprocessing of the Speech Data --- p.45Chapter 3.3.3 --- The Pattern Classifiers --- p.50Chapter 3.4 --- RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS --- p.53Chapter 4 --- High Level Context Information --- p.56Chapter 4.1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.56Chapter 4.2 --- HIDDEN MARKOV MODEL APPROACH --- p.57Chapter 4.3 --- THE DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING APPROACH --- p.59Chapter 4.4 --- THE SYNTACTIC GRAMMAR APPROACH --- p.60Chapter 5 --- Finite State Grammar Network --- p.62Chapter 5.1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.62Chapter 5.2 --- THE GRAMMAR COMPILATION --- p.63Chapter 5.2.1 --- Introduction --- p.63Chapter 5.2.2 --- K-Tails Clustering Method --- p.66Chapter 5.2.3 --- Inference of finite state grammar --- p.67Chapter 5.2.4 --- Error Correcting Parsing --- p.69Chapter 5.3 --- EXPERIMENT --- p.71Chapter 5.4 --- RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS --- p.73Chapter 6 --- The Integrated System --- p.81Chapter 6.1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.81Chapter 6.2 --- POSTPROCESSING OF NEURAL NETWORK OUTPUT --- p.82Chapter 6.2.1 --- Activation Threshold --- p.82Chapter 6.2.2 --- Duration Threshold --- p.85Chapter 6.2.3 --- Merging of Phoneme boundaries --- p.88Chapter 6.3 --- THE ERROR CORRECTING PARSER --- p.90Chapter 6.4 --- RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS --- p.96Chapter 7 --- Conclusions --- p.101Bibliography --- p.10

    Hidden Markov models and neural networks for speech recognition

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    The Hidden Markov Model (HMMs) is one of the most successful modeling approaches for acoustic events in speech recognition, and more recently it has proven useful for several problems in biological sequence analysis. Although the HMM is good at capturing the temporal nature of processes such as speech, it has a very limited capacity for recognizing complex patterns involving more than first order dependencies in the observed data sequences. This is due to the first order state process and the assumption of state conditional independence between observations. Artificial Neural Networks (NNs) are almost the opposite: they cannot model dynamic, temporally extended phenomena very well, but are good at static classification and regression tasks. Combining the two frameworks in a sensible way can therefore lead to a more powerful model with better classification abilities. The overall aim of this work has been to develop a probabilistic hybrid of hidden Markov models and neural networks and ..