7,832 research outputs found

    Revealing the Concealed:Alternatives to Random Dots for Stereograms

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    Investigations of stereoscopic depth perception were transformed via the use of computer-generated random-dot stereograms in the 1960s. They realized Wheatstone’s wish of demonstrating binocular depth without monocular object recognition, and they have been the dominant stimulus for studying stereopsis since then. Alternative carrier patterns to random dots, based on graphics, photographs, and their combinations, are presented as anaglyphs and for free fusion. A wider range of concealed patterns can be revealed with these alternatives, and presenting them as anaglyphs can yield patterns that have visual appeal independent of the depth they conceal.<br/

    Interactive form creation: exploring the creation and manipulation of free form through the use of interactive multiple input interface

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    Most current CAD systems support only the two most common input devices: a mouse and a keyboard that impose a limit to the degree of interaction that a user can have with the system. However, it is not uncommon for users to work together on the same computer during a collaborative task. Beside that, people tend to use both hands to manipulate 3D objects; one hand is used to orient the object while the other hand is used to perform some operation on the object. The same things could be applied to computer modelling in the conceptual phase of the design process. A designer can rotate and position an object with one hand, and manipulate the shape [deform it] with the other hand. Accordingly, the 3D object can be easily and intuitively changed through interactive manipulation of both hands.The research investigates the manipulation and creation of free form geometries through the use of interactive interfaces with multiple input devices. First the creation of the 3D model will be discussed; several different types of models will be illustrated. Furthermore, different tools that allow the user to control the 3D model interactively will be presented. Three experiments were conducted using different interactive interfaces; two bi-manual techniques were compared with the conventional one-handed approach. Finally it will be demonstrated that the use of new and multiple input devices can offer many opportunities for form creation. The problem is that few, if any, systems make it easy for the user or the programmer to use new input devices

    A survey of visual preprocessing and shape representation techniques

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    Many recent theories and methods proposed for visual preprocessing and shape representation are summarized. The survey brings together research from the fields of biology, psychology, computer science, electrical engineering, and most recently, neural networks. It was motivated by the need to preprocess images for a sparse distributed memory (SDM), but the techniques presented may also prove useful for applying other associative memories to visual pattern recognition. The material of this survey is divided into three sections: an overview of biological visual processing; methods of preprocessing (extracting parts of shape, texture, motion, and depth); and shape representation and recognition (form invariance, primitives and structural descriptions, and theories of attention)

    Digital photogrammetry for visualisation in architecture and archaeology

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    Bibliography: leaves 117-125.The task of recording our physical heritage is of significant importance: our past cannot be divorced from the present and it plays an integral part in the shaping of our future. This applies not only to structures that are hundreds of years old, but relatively more recent architectural structures also require adequate documentation if they are to be preserved for future generations. In recording such structures, the traditional 2D methods are proving inadequate. It will be beneficial to conservationists, archaeologists, researchers, historians and students alike if accurate and extensive digital 3D models of archaeological structures can be generated. This thesis investigates a method of creating such models, using digital photogrammetry. Three different types of model were generated: 1. the simple CAD (Computer Aided Design) model; 2. an amalgamation of 3D line drawings; and 3. an accurate surface model of the building using DSMs (Digital Surface Models) and orthophotos

    Augmented reality meeting table: a novel multi-user interface for architectural design

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    Immersive virtual environments have received widespread attention as providing possible replacements for the media and systems that designers traditionally use, as well as, more generally, in providing support for collaborative work. Relatively little attention has been given to date however to the problem of how to merge immersive virtual environments into real world work settings, and so to add to the media at the disposal of the designer and the design team, rather than to replace it. In this paper we report on a research project in which optical see-through augmented reality displays have been developed together with prototype decision support software for architectural and urban design. We suggest that a critical characteristic of multi user augmented reality is its ability to generate visualisations from a first person perspective in which the scale of rendition of the design model follows many of the conventions that designers are used to. Different scales of model appear to allow designers to focus on different aspects of the design under consideration. Augmenting the scene with simulations of pedestrian movement appears to assist both in scale recognition, and in moving from a first person to a third person understanding of the design. This research project is funded by the European Commission IST program (IST-2000-28559)

    On the popularization of digital close-range photogrammetry: a handbook for new users.

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    Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο--Μεταπτυχιακή Εργασία. Διεπιστημονικό-Διατμηματικό Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών (Δ.Π.Μ.Σ.) “Γεωπληροφορική

    Method and apparatus for predicting the direction of movement in machine vision

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    A computer-simulated cortical network is presented. The network is capable of computing the visibility of shifts in the direction of movement. Additionally, the network can compute the following: (1) the magnitude of the position difference between the test and background patterns; (2) localized contrast differences at different spatial scales analyzed by computing temporal gradients of the difference and sum of the outputs of paired even- and odd-symmetric bandpass filters convolved with the input pattern; and (3) the direction of a test pattern moved relative to a textured background. The direction of movement of an object in the field of view of a robotic vision system is detected in accordance with nonlinear Gabor function algorithms. The movement of objects relative to their background is used to infer the 3-dimensional structure and motion of object surfaces

    Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) System for Ancient Documentary Artefacts

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    This tutorial summarises our uses of reflectance transformation imaging in archaeological contexts. It introduces the UK AHRC funded project reflectance Transformation Imaging for Anciant Documentary Artefacts and demonstrates imaging methodologies