71 research outputs found

    Shortening array codes and the perfect 1-factorization conjecture

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    The existence of a perfect 1-factorization of the complete graph with n nodes, namely, K_n , for arbitrary even number n, is a 40-year-old open problem in graph theory. So far, two infinite families of perfect 1-factorizations have been shown to exist, namely, the factorizations of K_(p+1) and K_2p , where p is an arbitrary prime number (p > 2) . It was shown in previous work that finding a perfect 1-factorization of K_n is related to a problem in coding, specifically, it can be reduced to constructing an MDS (Minimum Distance Separable), lowest density array code. In this paper, a new method for shortening arbitrary array codes is introduced. It is then used to derive the K_(p+1) family of perfect 1-factorization from the K_2p family. Namely, techniques from coding theory are used to prove a new result in graph theory-that the two factorization families are related

    Perfect 1-factorisations of circulants with small degree

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    A 1-factorisation of a graph G is a decomposition of G into edge-disjoint 1-factors (perfect matchings), and a perfect 1-factorisation is a 1-factorisation in which the union of any two of the 1-factors is a Hamilton cycle. We consider the problem of the existence of perfect 1-factorisations of even order circulant graphs with small degree. In particular, we characterise the 3-regular circulant graphs that admit a perfect 1-factorisation and we solve the existence problem for a large family of 4-regular circulants. Results of computer searches for perfect 1-factorisations of 4-regular circulant graphs of orders up to 30 are provided and some problems are posed

    The existence of Ck-factorizations of K2n − F

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    AbstractA necessary condition for the existence of a Ck-factorization of K2n − F is that k divides 2n. It is known that neither K6 − F nor K12 − F admit a C3-factorization. In this paper we show that except for these two cases, the necessary condition is also sufficient

    A constructive solution to the Oberwolfach Problem with a large cycle

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    For every 22-regular graph FF of order vv, the Oberwolfach problem OP(F)OP(F) asks whether there is a 22-factorization of KvK_v (vv odd) or KvK_v minus a 11-factor (vv even) into copies of FF. Posed by Ringel in 1967 and extensively studied ever since, this problem is still open. In this paper we construct solutions to OP(F)OP(F) whenever FF contains a cycle of length greater than an explicit lower bound. Our constructions combine the amalgamation-detachment technique with methods aimed at building 22-factorizations with an automorphism group having a nearly-regular action on the vertex-set.Comment: 11 page

    A survey on constructive methods for the Oberwolfach problem and its variants

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    The generalized Oberwolfach problem asks for a decomposition of a graph GG into specified 2-regular spanning subgraphs F1,,FkF_1,\ldots, F_k, called factors. The classic Oberwolfach problem corresponds to the case when all of the factors are pairwise isomorphic, and GG is the complete graph of odd order or the complete graph of even order with the edges of a 11-factor removed. When there are two possible factor types, it is called the Hamilton-Waterloo problem. In this paper we present a survey of constructive methods which have allowed recent progress in this area. Specifically, we consider blow-up type constructions, particularly as applied to the case when each factor consists of cycles of the same length. We consider the case when the factors are all bipartite (and hence consist of even cycles) and a method for using circulant graphs to find solutions. We also consider constructions which yield solutions with well-behaved automorphisms.Comment: To be published in the Fields Institute Communications book series. 23 pages, 2 figure