9 research outputs found

    Knowledge Diffusion Via Specialist Best Practice

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    Enterprises have been turning to explicit- and even conceptualizing on tacit- Knowledge Management to elaborate a systematic approach to develop and sustain the intellectual capital needed to succeed. To be able to do that, you must be able to visualize your organization as consisting of nothing but knowledge and knowledge flows. Hence, creating the ability of further actively classifying existing organizational content evolving from and within data feeds, in an algorithmic manner, potentially giving insightful schemes and dynamics by which organizational know-how is visualized. In this paper, we discuss an empirical research study that was conducted previously to try and explore knowledge diffusion in a specialist knowledge domain

    Knowledge Diffusion via AUTomated Organizational CARTography [AUTOCART]

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    The Post-Globalisation aeon has placed businesses everywhere in new and different competitive situations where knowledgeable, effective and efficient behaviour has come to provide the competitive and comparative edge. Enterprises have turned to explicit- and even conceptualising on tacit- Knowledge Management to elaborate a systematic approach to develop and sustain the Intellectual Capital needed to succeed. To be able to do that, you have to be able to visualize your organization as consisting of nothing but knowledge and knowledge flows, whilst being presented in a graphical and visual framework, referred to as automated organizational cartography. Hence, creating the ability of further actively classifying existing organizational content evolving from and within data feeds, in an algorithmic manner, hence potentially giving insightful schemes and dynamics by which organizational know-how is visualised. It is discussed and elaborated on most recent and applicable definitions and classifications of knowledge management, representing a wide range of views from mechanistic (systematic, data driven) to a more socially (psychologically, cognitive/metadata driven) orientated. More elaborate continuum models, for knowledge acquisition and reasoning purposes, are being used for effectively representing the domain of information that an end user may contain in their decision making process for utilization of available organizational intellectual resource

    Model of Multilayer Knowledge Diffusion for Competence Development in an Organization

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    Growing role of intellectual capital within organizations is affecting new strategies related to knowledge management and competence development. Among different aspects related to this field, knowledge diffusion has become one of interesting areas from both practitioner and researchers perspective. Several models were proposed with main goal to simulate diffusion and to explain the nature of these processes. Existing models are focused on knowledge diffusion and they assume diffusion within a single layer using knowledge representation. From the organizational perspective connecting several types of knowledge and modelling changes of competence can bring additional value. In the article we extended existing approaches by using multilayer diffusion model and focused on analysis of competence development process. The proposed model describes competence development process in a new way through horizontal and vertical knowledge diffusion in multilayer network. In the network, agents collaborate and interchange various kind of knowledge through different layers and this mutual activities affect the competences in a positive or negative way. Taking under consideration workers cognitive and social abilities and the previous level of competence the new competence level can be estimated. The model is developed to support competence management in different organizations

    Model of Multilayer Knowledge Diffusion for Competence Development in an Organization

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    Growing role of intellectual capital within organizations is affecting new strategies related to knowledge management and competence development. Among different aspects related to this field, knowledge diffusion has become one of the interesting areas from both practitioner and researcher’s perspectives. Several models were proposed with main goal of simulating diffusion and explaining the nature of these processes. Existing models are focused on knowledge diffusion and they assume diffusion within a single layer using knowledge representation. From the organizational perspective connecting several types of knowledge and modelling changes of competence can bring additional value. In this paper we extended existing approaches by using multilayer diffusion model and focused on analysis of competence development process. The proposed model describes competence development process in a new way through horizontal and vertical knowledge diffusion in multilayer network. In the network, agents collaborate and interchange various kinds of knowledge through different layers and these mutual activities affect the competencies in a positive or negative way. Taking into consideration worker’s cognitive and social abilities and the previous level of competence the new competence level can be estimated. The model is developed to support competence management in different organizations

    Total Quality Management and Six Sigma

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    In order to survive in a modern and competitive environment, organizations need to carefully organize their activities regarding quality management. TQM and six sigma are the approaches that have been successful in solving intricate quality problems in products and services. This volume can help those who are interested in the quality management field to understand core ideas along with contemporary efforts done in the field and authored as case studies in this volume. This volume may be useful to students, academics and practitioners across diversified disciplines

    비즈니스 모델 혁신의 기술 지식 흐름 분석

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 공과대학 산업·조선공학부, 2017. 8. 박용태.With the extensive applications of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in development of new business models, the business model concept is becoming an important research topic in the field of innovation and technology management. The Internet has driven innovation and changes across the business landscape and opened the era of e-commerce. Since many of, or sometimes even entire, commercial activities thus can be conducted on the Internet platform, ICTs are becoming a key enabler in the creation of new business models. Companies are keen to leverage ICTs to develop specific methods underlying business models and seek protection for these new inventions under patent laws. These inventions, called business model patents or business method (BM) patents, refer to various commercial techniques that are usually based on digital or software-based technologies. The value of BM patents lies in the fact that these patents contain essential technological knowledge regarding business model innovation and also can facilitate business model development and innovation through knowledge flows. Despite the importance of technological knowledge flows in business model innovation, linkages between business model innovation/evolution, technology and knowledge flows are a rather rarely explored subject. The present literature does not pay much attention to the technological basis of business model innovation, flows of knowledge in business technologies or quantitative analysis of business model innovation. To fill this research gap, the overall objective of this work is to explore technological knowledge flows in business model innovation based on patent analysis. This study consists of three research themes. The first research theme is to develop a structured approach to measure technological knowledge flows in business model innovation. The proposed approach integrates two complementary methods, the patent citation analysis and text mining technique. The empirical study applies the proposed approach to measure knowledge flows through BM patents and reveals that BM patents actively participate in stimulating knowledge flows in business model innovation. The second research theme is to identify patterns of technological knowledge flows in business model innovation. This study applies a dynamic approach to capture time-varying processes of knowledge flows in BM patents. A Hidden Markov Model, patent citation analysis and clustering technique are used to identify major temporal patterns of knowledge flows in BM patents. The third research theme discusses positions or roles of BM patents regarding knowledge flows in business model innovation. This study propose a systematic framework directed at investigating different roles of BM patents that facilitate knowledge flows for innovations in social commerce. The framework mainly uses several citation-based indicators to identify core BMs and specifies their roles according to knowledge flow patterns. This study extends overall understanding of the technological aspect of business model innovation by linking the concept of business model innovation with technological development and knowledge flows and providing systematic ways to utilize patent citation analysis and other effective techniques.Chapter 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Background and motivation 1 1.2. Research objectives 4 1.3. Scope and framework 5 1.4. Thesis outline 7 Chapter 2. Literature Review 10 2.1. Business model innovation and technology management 10 2.2. Knowledge flows 13 2.3. Business method (BM) patents and patent citation analysis 15 Chapter 3. Measurement of Knowledge Flows 17 3.1. Introduction 17 3.2. Research Proposed approach: integrating patent citation analysis and text mining 22 3.2.1. Overall research process 22 3.2.2. Integrated approach by combining patent citation analysis and text mining 24 3.2.3. Similarity measure 26 3.3. Case study: postage metering system 30 3.3.1. Data collection 30 3.3.2. Construction and integration of matrices 32 3.3.3. Patterns of knowledge flow 35 High KU-High KD 38 High KU-Low KD 38 Low KU-High KD 38 3.3.4. Classification of knowledge flow drivers 39 Knowledge utilizing group 41 Knowledge disseminating group 41 Knowledge utilizing/ disseminating group 42 3.4. Implication and conclusion 42 Chapter 4. Identification of Knowledge Flow Patterns 46 4.1. Introduction 46 4.2. Hidden Markov Models 50 4.3. Proposed approach 53 4.3.1. Data 53 4.3.2. Research process 54 Select patent citations as a proxy for knowledge flows 54 Measure time series citation data for BM subclasses 55 Construct a HMM and generate sequences of knowledge flow states 56 Cluster knowledge flow state sequences to identify major patterns 59 4.4. Case study 61 4.4.1. Data 61 4.4.2. Analysis and results 61 4.4.3. Discussions 70 Major patterns of knowledge flows 70 Methodological implications and extensions 74 4.5. Conclusions 75 Chapter 5. Investigation of Knowledge Transferors 79 5.1. Introduction 79 5.2. Social commerce 81 5.3. Research framework 84 5.3.1. Overall research framework 84 5.3.2. Detailed process 85 Data collection 85 Classification of BMs in social commerce 87 Identification of core BMs 88 5.4. Empirical analysis and results 91 5.4.1. Data collection 92 5.4.2. Classification of BMs in social commerce 92 5.4.3. Identification of core BMs 98 5.4.4. Interpretation of results 101 5.5. Conclusion 104 Chapter 6. Conclusion 107 6.1. Summary and contributions 107 6.2. Limitations and future research 110 Bibliography 112 Appendix 124 Appendix A. Social commerce patents 124 Appendix B. Social commerce patent clusters 128 Appendix C. Indicator values for clusters 129 초 록 131Docto

    Avaliação do compartilhamento do conhecimento em entidades de saúde do executivo estadual de Santa Catarina

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Gestão do Conhecimento, Florianópolis, 2012Esta pesquisa teve como principal produto um diagnóstico baseado no Método OKA que identificou o nível de preparação das Gerências Regionais de Saúde (GERSA) em compartilhar o conhecimento e permitiu que fossem feitas analises da situação diagnosticada sobre os recursos de conhecimento dessas Gerências. Haja vista, que os trabalhadores das GERSAS compartilham o conhecimento durante a elaboração dos Instrumentos de Gestão pelos seus municípios. No entanto este processo não é gerenciado e nem tampouco avaliado. Para os fins deste estudo, selecionou-se um conjunto de vinte e oito das duzentas e três questões que compõem o método OKA. Estas questões foram selecionadas pelo pesquisador, pois estão diretamente relacionadas com o compartilhamento de conhecimento, elas totalizaram dezoito métricas das setenta estipuladas pelo método. As questões selecionadas abrangem as três categorias e sete subcategorias de análise todas retiradas do método OKA. Apesar de ser incipiente, o compartilhamento do conhecimento ocorre nas GERSAS apoiado na Categoria Pessoas, mas os servidores e gerentes ainda compartilham o conhecimento com muita precaução e certo receio. Dentro dos incentivos para o compartilhamento do conhecimento não há benefícios financeiros aos servidores, haja vista não ser permitido legalmente. No entanto, o reconhecimento é dado para os que possuem o conhecimento e não para os que mais compartilham o conhecimento. Na Categoria de Análise Processos, pouco menos crítica, destaca-se que a Liderança e as Estratégias utilizadas nas GERSAS surtem efeito e são relevantes para o compartilhamento do conhecimento. Foi possível perceber deficiências no Fluxo do Conhecimento, desde a captura e criação até o seu uso final pelos servidores e gerentes. Existem falhas que podem ser corrigidas por meio de um plano de ações para o compartilhamento. Por fim a Categoria Sistemas, ganha destaque pela sua alta contribuição para o compartilhamento do conhecimento nas GERSAS. Considerando todo este cenário, este estudo do compartilhamento do conhecimento auxiliou no entendimento de como os servidores trocam entre si o que sabem e o que sabem fazer, no que diz respeito aos procedimentos que empregam para executarem o trabalho.Abstract : This research had as main product a diagnosis method based on the OKA which identified the level of preparation of the Regional Health Managers (GERSA) to share knowledge and allowed them to be done analysis of the situation diagnosed on the managements of these knowledge resources. Considering that the employees of GERSAS share knowledge during the development of management instruments for their municipalities. However this process is not managed, nor evaluated. For purposes of this study, we selected a set of twenty-eight of the two hundred and three issues the method comprising OKA. These issues were selected by the researcher, since they are directly related to the sharing of knowledge, they totaled eighteen of the seventy metrics stipulated by the method. The selected questions cover the three categories and seven subcategories of analysis method removed all OKA. Despite being in its infancy, knowledge sharing occurs in the category People GERSAS supported, but the servers and managers still share the knowledge with great caution and trepidation. Among the incentives for knowledge sharing, there is no financial benefit to the servers, due to not being legally allowed. However, recognition is given to those who have the knowledge and not for those who share more knowledge. In Category Analysis Processes, less critical, it is emphasized that the leadership and the strategies used in GERSAS take effect and are relevant to knowledge sharing. It was possible to detect deficiencies in the Flow of Knowledge, from capture and creation to its final use by servers and managers. There are gaps that can be remedied through an action plan for sharing. Finally, the Systems category, is highlighted by its high contribution to knowledge sharing in GERSAS. Given all this background, this study of knowledge sharing supported the understanding of how servers communicate to each other what they know and what they do, with regard to the procedures they employ to perform the work

    The construct and application of knowledge diffusion model

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    How to measure knowledge value has become an extremely important issue for enterprise. Only through understanding the change of knowledge value, the performance of knowledge management can be fully investigated. Although activity based costing (ABC) model can evaluate the corresponding knowledge value from the standpoint of enterprise benefits, it cannot predict the future change of knowledge value. Therefore, enterprises have to construct a dynamic model to evaluate and further forecast knowledge value. Since knowledge possesses characteristics of diffusion, depreciation, and growth with time, this study is, therefore, based on diffusion model to construct knowledge diffusion process for single knowledge. In addition, UPEC (Uni-President Enterprise Corporation) of Taiwan promoting quality control circle (QCC) system will be utilized as a case study to illustrate the proposed model. Furthermore, this study will also analyze parameters in the model to help develop a set of effective knowledge management strategies