6 research outputs found

    Medici贸n del impacto en la confianza de marca de un sistema descentralizado de confianza para la marca Heincke : estudio cuantitativo para consumidores de panela en Bogot谩.

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    El presente trabajo simul贸 un sistema descentralizado de confianza y evalu贸 el efecto que este tiene sobre la percepci贸n de transparencia, la intenci贸n de compra, el precio a pagar, el voz a voz y la confianza de marca en un producto. Para desarrollar el estudio se trabaj贸 junto a la marca de panela HEINCKE, reconocida por su compromiso tanto ambiental como social, y se hizo un an谩lisis comparativo entre la simulaci贸n de un sistema descentralizado de confianza y un sistema centralizado de confianza 鈥搒ellos y certificaciones. Para probar qu茅 efectos ten铆an estos sistemas sobre las variables mencionadas, se sigui贸 una metodolog铆a experimental cuantitativa en la que 3 grupos de consumidores fueron expuestos a tratamientos diferenciados. El an谩lisis de la informaci贸n muestra que un sistema descentralizado de confianza incrementa la percepci贸n de transparencia, la intenci贸n de compra por parte del consumidor y el precio que este est谩 dispuesto a pagar.1. Resumen ; 2. Palabras Clave ; 3. Planteamiento del problema ; 4. Marco te贸rico ; 5. Metodolog铆a ; Tipo de estudio ; Poblaci贸n ; Variables ; Procedimiento ; An谩lisis de datos ; 6. Resultados ; 7. Conclusiones .Mag铆ster en Direcci贸n de Marketing, CESA

    Anonymously Establishing Digital Provenance in Reseller Chains

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    An increasing number of products are exclusively digital items, such as media files, licenses, services, or subscriptions. In many cases customers do not purchase these items directly from the originator of the product but through a reseller instead. Examples of some well known resellers include GoDaddy, the iTunes music store, and Amazon. This thesis considers the concept of provenance of digital items in reseller chains. Provenance is defined as the origin and ownership history of an item. In the context of digital items, the origin of the item refers to the supplier that created it and the ownership history establishes a chain of ownership from the supplier to the customer. While customers and suppliers are concerned with the provenance of the digital items, resellers will not want the details of the transactions they have taken part in made public. Resellers will require the provenance information to be anonymous and unlinkable to prevent third parties building up large amounts of information on the transactions of resellers. This thesis develops security mechanisms that provide customers and suppliers with assurances about the provenance of a digital item, even when the reseller is untrusted, while providing anonymity and unlinkability for resellers . The main contribution of this thesis is the design, development, and analysis of the tagged transaction protocol. A formal description of the problem and the security properties for anonymously providing provenance for digital items in reseller chains are defined. A thorough security analysis using proofs by contradiction shows the protocol fulfils the security requirements. This security analysis is supported by modelling the protocol and security requirements using Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) and the Failures Divergences Refinement (FDR) model checker. An extended version of the tagged transaction protocol is also presented that provides revocable anonymity for resellers that try to conduct a cloning attack on the protocol. As well as an analysis of the security of the tagged transaction protocol, a performance analysis is conducted providing complexity results as well as empirical results from an implementation of the protocol