10 research outputs found

    A full complexity dichotomy for immanant families

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    Given an integer n1n\geq 1 and an irreducible character χλ\chi_{\lambda} of SnS_{n} for some partition λ\lambda of nn, the immanant immλ:Cn×nC\mathrm{imm}_{\lambda}:\mathbb{C}^{n\times n}\to\mathbb{C} maps matrices ACn×nA\in\mathbb{C}^{n\times n} to immλ(A)=πSnχλ(π)i=1nAi,π(i)\mathrm{imm}_{\lambda}(A)=\sum_{\pi\in S_{n}}\chi_{\lambda}(\pi)\prod_{i=1}^{n}A_{i,\pi(i)}. Important special cases include the determinant and permanent, which are the immanants associated with the sign and trivial character, respectively. It is known that immanants can be evaluated in polynomial time for characters that are close to the sign character: Given a partition λ\lambda of nn with ss parts, let b(λ):=nsb(\lambda):=n-s count the boxes to the right of the first column in the Young diagram of λ\lambda. For a family of partitions Λ\Lambda, let b(Λ):=maxλΛb(λ)b(\Lambda):=\max_{\lambda\in\Lambda}b(\lambda) and write Imm(Λ)(\Lambda) for the problem of evaluating immλ(A)\mathrm{imm}_{\lambda}(A) on input AA and λΛ\lambda\in\Lambda. If b(Λ)<b(\Lambda)<\infty, then Imm(Λ)(\Lambda) is known to be polynomial-time computable. This subsumes the case of the determinant. On the other hand, if b(Λ)=b(\Lambda)=\infty, then previously known hardness results suggest that Imm(Λ)(\Lambda) cannot be solved in polynomial time. However, these results only address certain restricted classes of families Λ\Lambda. In this paper, we show that the parameterized complexity assumption FPT \neq #W[1] rules out polynomial-time algorithms for Imm(Λ)(\Lambda) for any computationally reasonable family of partitions Λ\Lambda with b(Λ)=b(\Lambda)=\infty. We give an analogous result in algebraic complexity under the assumption VFPT \neq VW[1]. Furthermore, if b(λ)b(\lambda) even grows polynomially in Λ\Lambda, we show that Imm(Λ)(\Lambda) is hard for #P and VNP. This concludes a series of partial results on the complexity of immanants obtained over the last 35 years.Comment: 28 pages, to appear at STOC'2

    The Computational Complexity of Quantum Determinants

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    In this work, we study the computational complexity of quantum determinants, a qq-deformation of matrix permanents: Given a complex number qq on the unit circle in the complex plane and an n×nn\times n matrix XX, the qq-permanent of XX is defined as Perq(X)=σSnq(σ)X1,σ(1)Xn,σ(n),\mathrm{Per}_q(X) = \sum_{\sigma\in S_n} q^{\ell(\sigma)}X_{1,\sigma(1)}\ldots X_{n,\sigma(n)}, where (σ)\ell(\sigma) is the inversion number of permutation σ\sigma in the symmetric group SnS_n on nn elements. The function family generalizes determinant and permanent, which correspond to the cases q=1q=-1 and q=1q=1 respectively. For worst-case hardness, by Liouville's approximation theorem and facts from algebraic number theory, we show that for primitive mm-th root of unity qq for odd prime power m=pkm=p^k, exactly computing qq-permanent is ModpP\mathsf{Mod}_p\mathsf{P}-hard. This implies that an efficient algorithm for computing qq-permanent results in a collapse of the polynomial hierarchy. Next, we show that computing qq-permanent can be achieved using an oracle that approximates to within a polynomial multiplicative error and a membership oracle for a finite set of algebraic integers. From this, an efficient approximation algorithm would also imply a collapse of the polynomial hierarchy. By random self-reducibility, computing qq-permanent remains to be hard for a wide range of distributions satisfying a property called the strong autocorrelation property. Specifically, this is proved via a reduction from 11-permanent to qq-permanent for O(1/n2)O(1/n^2) points zz on the unit circle. Since the family of permanent functions shares common algebraic structure, various techniques developed for the hardness of permanent can be generalized to qq-permanents

    Immanants and their applications in quantum optics

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    The regular representation of Sn appears quite naturally in the combinatorial problem of the redistribution of quantum particles though an n-channel interferometer. By using tools from representation theory, it has been shown that the coincidence rate can expressed in terms of linear combinations of permuted immanants of the scattering matrix that describes the interferometer. This thesis introduces the delay matrix, whose entries are functions of the relative time delays between particles. The delay matrix is used with Gamas’ theorem to determine exactly which immanants appear in the coincidence rate for a given set of time delays, which improves our understanding of the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect for many-particle systems. Both bosonic and fermionic systems are considered in this thesis

    Quantum simulation of partially distinguishable boson sampling

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    Boson Sampling is the problem of sampling from the same output probability distribution as a collection of indistinguishable single photons input into a linear interferometer. It has been shown that, subject to certain computational complexity conjectures, in general the problem is difficult to solve classically, motivating optical experiments aimed at demonstrating quantum computational "supremacy". There are a number of challenges faced by such experiments, including the generation of indistinguishable single photons. We provide a quantum circuit that simulates bosonic sampling with arbitrarily distinguishable particles. This makes clear how distinguishabililty leads to decoherence in the standard quantum circuit model, allowing insight to be gained. At the heart of the circuit is the quantum Schur transform, which follows from a representation theoretic approach to the physics of distinguishable particles in first quantisation. The techniques are quite general and have application beyond boson sampling.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, 2 algorithms, comments welcom

    Non-perturbative renormalization on the lattice

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    Strongly-interacting theories lie at the heart of elementary particle physics. Their distinct behaviour shapes our world sui generis. We are interested in lattice simulations of supersymmetric models, but every discretization of space-time inevitably breaks supersymmetry and allows renormalization of relevant susy-breaking operators. To understand the role of such operators, we study renormalization group trajectories of the nonlinear O(N) Sigma model (NLSM). Similar to quantum gravity, it is believed to adhere to the asymptotic safety scenario. By combining the demon method with blockspin transformations, we compute the global flow diagram. In two dimensions, we reproduce asymptotic freedom and in three dimensions, asymptotic safety is demonstrated. Essential for these results is the application of a novel optimization scheme to treat truncation errors. We proceed with a lattice simulation of the supersymmetric nonlinear O(3) Sigma model. Using an original discretization that requires to fine tune only a single operator, we argue that the continuum limit successfully leads to the correct continuum physics. Unfortunately, for large lattices, a sign problem challenges the applicability of Monte Carlo methods. Consequently, the last chapter of this thesis is spent on an assessment of the fermion-bag method. We find that sign fluctuations are thereby significantly reduced for the susy NLSM. The proposed discretization finally promises a direct confirmation of supersymmetry restoration in the continuum limit. For a complementary analysis, we study the one-flavor Gross-Neveu model which has a complex phase problem. However, phase fluctuations for Wilson fermions are very small and no conclusion can be drawn regarding the potency of the fermion-bag approach for this model