11 research outputs found

    Communication Complexity of Statistical Distance

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    We prove nearly matching upper and lower bounds on the randomized communication complexity of the following problem: Alice and Bob are each given a probability distribution over nn elements, and they wish to estimate within +-epsilon the statistical (total variation) distance between their distributions. For some range of parameters, there is up to a log(n) factor gap between the upper and lower bounds, and we identify a barrier to using information complexity techniques to improve the lower bound in this case. We also prove a side result that we discovered along the way: the randomized communication complexity of n-bit Majority composed with n-bit Greater-Than is Theta(n log n)

    Communication Complexity of Set-Disjointness for All Probabilities

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    We study set-disjointness in a generalized model of randomized two-party communication where the probability of acceptance must be at least alpha(n) on yes-inputs and at most beta(n) on no-inputs, for some functions alpha(n)>beta(n). Our main result is a complete characterization of the private-coin communication complexity of set-disjointness for all functions alpha and beta, and a near-complete characterization for public-coin protocols. In particular, we obtain a simple proof of a theorem of Braverman and Moitra (STOC 2013), who studied the case where alpha=1/2+epsilon(n) and beta=1/2-epsilon(n). The following contributions play a crucial role in our characterization and are interesting in their own right. (1) We introduce two communication analogues of the classical complexity class that captures small bounded-error computations: we define a "restricted" class SBP (which lies between MA and AM) and an "unrestricted" class USBP. The distinction between them is analogous to the distinction between the well-known communication classes PP and UPP. (2) We show that the SBP communication complexity is precisely captured by the classical corruption lower bound method. This sharpens a theorem of Klauck (CCC 2003). (3) We use information complexity arguments to prove a linear lower bound on the USBP complexity of set-disjointness

    StoqMA Meets Distribution Testing

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    StoqMA\mathsf{StoqMA} captures the computational hardness of approximating the ground energy of local Hamiltonians that do not suffer the so-called sign problem. We provide a novel connection between StoqMA\mathsf{StoqMA} and distribution testing via reversible circuits. First, we prove that easy-witness StoqMA\mathsf{StoqMA} (viz. eStoqMA\mathsf{eStoqMA}, a sub-class of StoqMA\mathsf{StoqMA}) is contained in MA\mathsf{MA}. Easy witness is a generalization of a subset state such that the associated set's membership can be efficiently verifiable, and all non-zero coordinates are not necessarily uniform. This sub-class eStoqMA\mathsf{eStoqMA} contains StoqMA\mathsf{StoqMA} with perfect completeness (StoqMA1\mathsf{StoqMA}_1), which further signifies a simplified proof for StoqMA1⊆MA\mathsf{StoqMA}_1 \subseteq \mathsf{MA} [BBT06, BT10]. Second, by showing distinguishing reversible circuits with ancillary random bits is StoqMA\mathsf{StoqMA}-complete (as a comparison, distinguishing quantum circuits is QMA\mathsf{QMA}-complete [JWB05]), we construct soundness error reduction of StoqMA\mathsf{StoqMA}. Additionally, we show that both variants of StoqMA\mathsf{StoqMA} that without any ancillary random bit and with perfect soundness are contained in NP\mathsf{NP}. Our results make a step towards collapsing the hierarchy MA⊆StoqMA⊆SBP\mathsf{MA} \subseteq \mathsf{StoqMA} \subseteq \mathsf{SBP} [BBT06], in which all classes are contained in AM\mathsf{AM} and collapse to NP\mathsf{NP} under derandomization assumptions.Comment: 24 pages. v2: mostly adds corrections and clarifications. v3: add a connection between eStoqMA and Guided Stoquastic Hamiltonian Proble

    Perfect Zero Knowledge: New Upperbounds and Relativized Separations

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    We investigate the complexity of problems that admit perfect zero-knowledge interactive protocols and establish new unconditional upper bounds and oracle separation results. We establish our results by investigating certain distribution testing problems: computational problems over high-dimensional distributions represented by succinct Boolean circuits. A relatively less-investigated complexity class SBP emerged as significant in this study. The main results we establish are: 1. A unconditional inclusion that NIPZK is in CoSBP. 2. Construction of a relativized world in which there is a distribution testing problem that lies in NIPZK but not in SBP, thus giving a relativized separation of NIPZK (and hence PZK) from SBP. 3. Construction of a relativized world in which there is a distribution testing problem that lies in PZK but not in CoSBP, thus giving a relativized separation of PZK from CoSBP. These results refine the landscape of perfect zero-knowledge classes in relation to traditional complexity classes

    Learning from satisfying assignments

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    The complexity of estimating min-entropy

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    Goldreich et al. (CRYPTO 1999) proved that the promise problem for estimating the Shannon entropy of a distribution sampled by a given circuit is NISZK-complete. We consider the analogous problem for estimating the min-entropy and prove that it is SBP-complete, where SBP is the class of promise problems that correspond to approximate counting of NP witnesses. The result holds even when the sampling circuits are restricted to be 3-local. For logarithmic-space samplers, we observe that this problem is NP-complete by a result of Lyngsø and Pedersen on hidden Markov models (JCSS 65(3):545–569, 2002)