60 research outputs found

    Avoiding small subgraphs in Achlioptas processes

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    For a fixed integer r, consider the following random process. At each round, one is presented with r random edges from the edge set of the complete graph on n vertices, and is asked to choose one of them. The selected edges are collected into a graph, which thus grows at the rate of one edge per round. This is a natural generalization of what is known in the literature as an Achlioptas process (the original version has r=2), which has been studied by many researchers, mainly in the context of delaying or accelerating the appearance of the giant component. In this paper, we investigate the small subgraph problem for Achlioptas processes. That is, given a fixed graph H, we study whether there is an online algorithm that substantially delays or accelerates a typical appearance of H, compared to its threshold of appearance in the random graph G(n, M). It is easy to see that one cannot accelerate the appearance of any fixed graph by more than the constant factor r, so we concentrate on the task of avoiding H. We determine thresholds for the avoidance of all cycles C_t, cliques K_t, and complete bipartite graphs K_{t,t}, in every Achlioptas process with parameter r >= 2.Comment: 43 pages; reorganized and shortene

    The codegree threshold for 3-graphs with independent neighborhoods

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    Given a family of 3-graphs F, we define its codegree threshold coex(n, F) to be the largest number d = d(n) such that there exists an n-vertex 3-graph in which every pair of vertices is contained in at least d 3-edges but which contains no member of F as a subgraph. Let F3,2 be the 3-graph on {a, b, c, d, e} with 3-edges abc, abd, abe, and cde. In this paper, we give two proofs that coex(n, {F3,2}) = 1 3 + o(1) n, the first by a direct combinatorial argument and the second via a flag algebra computation. Information extracted from the latter proof is then used to obtain a stability result, from which in turn we derive the exact codegree threshold for all sufficiently large n: coex(n, {F3,2}) = n/3 − 1 if n is congruent to 1 modulo 3, and n/3 otherwise. In addition we determine the set of codegree-extremal configurations for all sufficiently large n

    Hypergraph Tur\'an Problems in 2\ell_2-Norm

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    There are various different notions measuring extremality of hypergraphs. In this survey we compare the recently introduced notion of the codegree squared extremal function with the Tur\'an function, the minimum codegree threshold and the uniform Tur\'an density. The codegree squared sum co2(G)\textrm{co}_2(G) of a 33-uniform hypergraph GG is defined to be the sum of codegrees squared d(x,y)2d(x,y)^2 over all pairs of vertices x,yx,y. In other words, this is the square of the 2\ell_2-norm of the codegree vector. We are interested in how large co2(G)\textrm{co}_2(G) can be if we require GG to be HH-free for some 33-uniform hypergraph HH. This maximum value of co2(G)\textrm{co}_2(G) over all HH-free nn-vertex 33-uniform hypergraphs GG is called the codegree squared extremal function, which we denote by exco2(n,H)\textrm{exco}_2(n,H). We systemically study the extremal codegree squared sum of various 33-uniform hypergraphs using various proof techniques. Some of our proofs rely on the flag algebra method while others use more classical tools such as the stability method. In particular, we (asymptotically) determine the codegree squared extremal numbers of matchings, stars, paths, cycles, and F5F_5, the 55-vertex hypergraph with edge set {123,124,345}\{123,124,345\}. Additionally, our paper has a survey format, as we state several conjectures and give an overview of Tur\'an densities, minimum codegree thresholds and codegree squared extremal numbers of popular hypergraphs. We intend to update the arXiv version of this paper regularly.Comment: Invited survey for BCC 2022, comments are welcom

    The Codegree, Weak Maximum Likelihood Threshold, and the Gorenstein Property of Hierarchical Models

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    The codegree of a lattice polytope is the smallest integer dilate that contains a lattice point in the relative interior. The weak maximum likelihood threshold of a statistical model is the smallest number of data points for which there is a non-zero probability that the maximum likelihood estimate exists. The codegree of a marginal polytope is a lower bound on the maximum likelihood threshold of the associated log-linear model, and they are equal when the marginal polytope is normal. We prove a lower bound on the codegree in the case of hierarchical log-linear models and provide a conjectural formula for the codegree in general. As an application, we study when the marginal polytopes of hierarchical models are Gorenstein, including a classification of Gorenstein decomposable models, and a conjectural classification of Gorenstein binary hierarchical models

    When does the K_4-free process stop?

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    The K_4-free process starts with the empty graph on n vertices and at each step adds a new edge chosen uniformly at random from all remaining edges that do not complete a copy of K_4. Let G be the random maximal K_4-free graph obtained at the end of the process. We show that for some positive constant C, with high probability as nn \to \infty, the maximum degree in G is at most Cn3/5logn5C n^{3/5}\sqrt[5]{\log n}. This resolves a conjecture of Bohman and Keevash for the K_4-free process and improves on previous bounds obtained by Bollob\'as and Riordan and by Osthus and Taraz. Combined with results of Bohman and Keevash this shows that with high probability G has Θ(n8/5logn5)\Theta(n^{8/5}\sqrt[5]{\log n}) edges and is `nearly regular', i.e., every vertex has degree Θ(n3/5logn5)\Theta(n^{3/5}\sqrt[5]{\log n}). This answers a question of Erd\H{o}s, Suen and Winkler for the K_4-free process. We furthermore deduce an additional structural property: we show that whp the independence number of G is at least Ω(n2/5(logn)4/5/loglogn)\Omega(n^{2/5}(\log n)^{4/5}/\log \log n), which matches an upper bound obtained by Bohman up to a factor of Θ(loglogn)\Theta(\log \log n). Our analysis of the K_4-free process also yields a new result in Ramsey theory: for a special case of a well-studied function introduced by Erd\H{o}s and Rogers we slightly improve the best known upper bound.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures. Minor edits. To appear in Random Structures and Algorithm