4 research outputs found


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    Pelayanan merupakan hal yang penting dalam menunjukkan kualitas perpustakaan namun paling sering dikeluhkan oleh pengguna perpustakaan yang berakibat pengurangan intensitas kunjungan pengguna ke perpustakaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan tingkat kepuasan pelayanan dan customer-employee rapport pengguna perpustakaan ditinjau dari deep acting dan surface acting pustakawan. Partisipan penelitian berjumlah 86 mahasiswi aktif di Kota Makassar, berusia 18-23 tahun, terdaftar sebagai anggota perpustakaan dan pernah mengunjungi perpustakaan, serta menjadikan value pelayanan sebagai fokus kepuasan. Penelitian ini adalah true experiment dengan desain eksperimen between-subject independent variable with two conditions. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji Mann-Whitney U. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa terdapat perbedaan persepsi kepuasan pelayanan dan customer-employee rapport ditinjau dari deep acting dan surface acting pustakawan. Partisipan pada kondisi strategi deep acting mempersepsikan kepuasan pelayanan dan customer-employee rapport yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan pada kondisi surface acting. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi dalam bidang pelayanan perpustakaan, untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelayanan dan customer-employee rapport pengguna perpustakaan, maka pustakawan perlu untuk menggunakan strategi deep acting ketika proses pelayanan berlangsung. Kata Kunci: Deep acting, surface acting, kepuasan pelayanan, customer-employee rapport, pustakawan

    A aplicação do crowdsourcing e o modelo de Bazaar no desenvolvimento de classificações de bibliotecas: uma avaliação da Classificação Open Shelves

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    This paper presents a discussion of crowdsourcing approaches to knowledge organization and more specifically to the development of classification schemes. It analyzes the case of Open Shelves Classification, a terminated project that was developed by the LibraryThing community following the "open source model", and assesses its outcomes from methodological and sociological points of view. Working with all the documentation of the project that is freely available, the text conducts an analysis of the project following the structure of the methodological lessons for open source (Bazaar model) presented by Eric Raymond in his seminal work "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" and complementing it with the discussion of the sociological aspects presented in "Homesteading the Noosphere" and other writings. The paper concludes with some recommendations for the success of open source projects and some possibilities of research for crowdsourcing projects and social epistemology.O trabalho apresenta uma discussão sobre as abordagens de crowdsourcing para organização do conhecimento e, mais especificamente, para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de classificação. Além de analisar o caso da Open Shelves Classification, um projeto finalizado e desenvolvido pela comunidade LibraryThing seguindo o "modelo de código aberto", e avaliar o resultado de pontos de vista metodológicos e sociológicos, o artigo trabalha com a documentação do projeto disponível, realiza uma análise do projeto seguindo a estrutura dos pontos metodológicos para projetos de código aberto (modelo Bazar) apresentados por Eric Raymond em seu trabalho seminal "A Catedral e o Bazaar" e complementa com a discussão dos aspectos sociológicos apresentados em "Homesteading the Noosphere" e outras literaturas. A conclusão deste trabalho inclui recomendações para o sucesso de projetos de código aberto e algumas possibilidades de pesquisa para projetos de crowdsourcing e epistemologia social

    An evaluation of the honor code at Cherry Hill High School East

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    The purposes of this evaluation were to (a) ascertain the present status of the Honor Code at Cherry Hill High School East by conducting surveys and focus groups; and (b) make recommendations for improvement of the Code, after an analysis of the feedback. Students, staff, and parents were surveyed using an open-ended question survey technique. Focus groups of these same constituents allowed for a more in-depth analysis of perceptions, feelings, and ideas about the Code. Many of the original aspects of the Code had been lost over the past five years of its existence. Students felt that in its present form, the Honor Code was not meaningful to them, and that it was a waste of time to write down on each test/major assessment. They did, however, know what it was supposed to mean. Parents felt strongly that teachers need to be clearer with assignment directions to help students avoid issues of plagiarism. Teachers also felt that students did not take the Code seriously, and that their colleagues were not consistent in enforcement. Recommendations focused on ways to help teachers and students realize the importance of the Honor Code, while reminding all stakeholders of the consequences of violations

    Penerapan Kode Etik Pustakawan di Perpustakaan Universitas Negeri Padang

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    Writing this article aims to describe (1) the implementation of the code of ethica librarian at the Librarian of the University of Padang; (2) the obstacles ancounteredin the implementation of the code of ethics oflibrarians and describe the efforts made to overcome the obstacles in the implementation of the code of ethics of librarians. Data collected by observation and interview with the librarian at the Library of the State University of Padang. Data analisis was done descriptively, it can be concluded that (1) Librarian Padang State University has been applying the basic attitude of librarians with the users, the relationship between librarians, community relations. But not all librarians are able to apply the code of conduct in the workplace, there are still many librarians who only know the code of ethics of librarians without applying the code of ethics of librarians; (2) in moking application of the Code Librarian at the Library of the University of Padang still has many obstacles, obstacles encounteredis the lack of know ledge of librarians about the basic attitude of librarians and do not know the code of ethics as a librarian professionals, lack of talent librarians to communicate and get along, so librarian hostility in serving meanwhile, efforts to be made by librarians terkain this obstacle is not maximized