86 research outputs found

    (A) Study on the Optimization of Berth Planning Problem

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    A Study on the Optimization of Berth Planning Problem This paper treats the berth planning problem which is encountered at public container terminals. The main issue of the berth planning problem is to decide how to allocate the berths to scheduled calling containers of which the ETA's are given beforehand. The author, at first, made a literature survey concerning the subject and summarized it to make clear the scope of the problem. Then, the optimization models for tackling the berth planning problem are proposed in the formulation of set problems. Some heuristic algorithms for generating the decision variables of the models are also devised by using the concept of the ship's waiting time and the modified berth occupancy rate. Computational experiments based on the data arisings from the real public container terminal(BCTOC) are also carried out and the results are reported to show that the proposed optimization models and the heuristic for generating the decision variables are applicable and useful for the berth planning problem at public container terminals

    Modelo de optimización y simulación para la gestión de muelles del puerto de Sevilla

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    In this paper we study the berth allocations problems in the Seville container terminal. We proposal simulation and optimization models with arena software, and develop a heuristic procedure based on genetic algorithm for solved the problems. We conduct a large amount of computational experiments to validate the models proposals.En éste trabajo se estudia el problema de asignación de muelles en la terminal de contenedores del Puerto de Sevilla. Para dar solución al problema es propuesto un modelo de simulación discreta utilizando el software ARENA 11.0 el cual tiene integrado un modelo de optimización que es resuelto cada que un buque llega al puerto. Para resolver el modelo se diseña un algoritmo genético. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en las diferentes simulaciones se muestran las mejoras que se obtienen con los modelos propuestos

    Time-constrained project scheduling with adjacent resources

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    We develop a decomposition method for the Time-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (TCPSP) with Adjacent Resources. For adjacent resources the resource units are ordered and the units assigned to a job have to be adjacent. On top of that, adjacent resources are not required by single jobs, but by job groups. As soon as a job of such a group starts, the adjacent resource units are occupied, and they are not released before all jobs of that group are completed. The developed decomposition method separates the adjacent resource assignment from the rest of the scheduling problem. Test results demonstrate the applicability of the decomposition method. The presented decomposition forms a first promising approach for the TCPSP with adjacent resources and may form a good basis to develop more elaborated methods

    Optimization by simulation for the berth management in the Algeciras port

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    In this paper we study the berth allocations problems in the Algeciras container terminal. We proposal simulation and optimization models with arena software, and develop a heuristic procedure based on genetic algorithm for solved the problems. We conduct a large amount of computational experiments with three different scenarios to validate the models proposals.En este trabajo es propuesto un modelo de optimización que busca minimizar el tiempo de trabajo para cada buque, se desarrolla una heurística basada en algoritmo genético para resolver el modelo de optimización entero mixto y se plantea un modelo de simulación con tres escenarios distintos para validar las decisiones que toma el modelo. Se toma como caso de estudio el puerto de Algeciras, el cual es el de mayor tráfico de contenedores de España

    Berth allocation planning in Seville inland port by simulation and optimisation

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    We study the problems associated with allocating berths for containerships in the port of Seville. It is the only inland port in Spain and it is located on the Guadalquivir River. This paper addresses the berth allocation planning problems using simulation and optimisation with Arena software. We propose a mathematical model and develop a heuristic procedure based on genetic algorithm to solve non-linear problems. Allocation planning aims to minimise the total service time for each ship and considers a first-come-first-served allocation strategy. We conduct a large amount of computational experiments which show that the proposed model improves the current berth management strategy

    Solving a Berth Assignment Problem

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    The Berth Allocation Problem (BAP) is the problem of allocating berthing spaces and scheduling container vessels on these spaces so as to minimize total weighted time. We study a version of BAP in which containers are moved between vessels and berth space is abundant. Thus, the problem reduces to optimally assign vessels to berths. We call it the Berth Assignment Problem (BASP). We formulate it as a non standard Quadratic Assignment Problem, and we show that BASP is NP-Hard. The formulation is simplified, linearized, and valid inequalities are found. Numerical results are shown

    Simulation-optimization models for the dynamic berth allocation problem

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    Container terminals are designed to provide support for the continuous changes in container ships. The most common schemes used for dock management are based on discrete and continuous locations. In view of the steadily growing trend in increasing container ship size, more flexible berth allocation planning is mandatory. The consideration of continuous location in the container terminal is a good option. This paper addresses the berth allocation problem with continuous dock, which is called dynamic berth allocation problem (DBAP). We propose a mathematical model and develop a heuristic procedure, based on a genetic algorithm, to solve the corresponding mixed integer problem. Allocation planning aims to minimise distances travelled by the forklifts and the quay crane, for container loading and unloading operations for each ship, according to the quay crane scheduling. Simulations are undertaken using Arena software, and experimental analysis is carried out for the most important container terminal in Spain

    Loading and unloading operations in container terminals

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    Department of Logistics, Faculty of BusinessAuthor name used in this publication: George L. Vairaktarakis2003-2004 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Strategic allocation of cyclically arriving container vessels to inter-related terminals

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    We consider a port consisting of a cluster of inter-related terminals, where container vessels arrive cyclically. The problem is to strategically assign a terminal and a time interval of berthing to each of the vessels in the cycle. Restricting properties are terminal quay lengths and quay crane capacity. Conflicting objectives are i) minimizing the number of required quay cranes, ii) minimizing the amount of inter-terminal traffic and iii) minimizing the total weighted deviation from desired berthing intervals. We formulate both a straightforward and an alternative mixed integer linear program to model this system. Results show that the alternative model is much faster solvable and enables to optimize real-life problems within a couple of hours

    Dynamic discrete berth allocation in container terminals under four performance measures

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    In this paper we develop new models for the dynamic discrete berth allocation problem under four performance measures (PM). The models allow for both dynamic berth availability and dynamic arrival of vessels within the planning time horizon. The new formulation allows the four models to be compared in terms of both model complexities and solutions. The models were implemented using CPLEX. The paper also proposed four heuristics under one framework for solving large instances of the problem. The study shows that the choice of PM to optimise is very crucial as different optimised PMs lead to different degrees of satisfactions or terminal efficiency