1,993 research outputs found

    Splines and Wavelets on Geophysically Relevant Manifolds

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    Analysis on the unit sphere S2\mathbb{S}^{2} found many applications in seismology, weather prediction, astrophysics, signal analysis, crystallography, computer vision, computerized tomography, neuroscience, and statistics. In the last two decades, the importance of these and other applications triggered the development of various tools such as splines and wavelet bases suitable for the unit spheres S2\mathbb{S}^{2},   S3\>\>\mathbb{S}^{3} and the rotation group SO(3)SO(3). Present paper is a summary of some of results of the author and his collaborators on generalized (average) variational splines and localized frames (wavelets) on compact Riemannian manifolds. The results are illustrated by applications to Radon-type transforms on Sd\mathbb{S}^{d} and SO(3)SO(3).Comment: The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    The Empirical Beta Copula

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    Given a sample from a multivariate distribution FF, the uniform random variates generated independently and rearranged in the order specified by the componentwise ranks of the original sample look like a sample from the copula of FF. This idea can be regarded as a variant on Baker's [J. Multivariate Anal. 99 (2008) 2312--2327] copula construction and leads to the definition of the empirical beta copula. The latter turns out to be a particular case of the empirical Bernstein copula, the degrees of all Bernstein polynomials being equal to the sample size. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for a Bernstein polynomial to be a copula. These imply that the empirical beta copula is a genuine copula. Furthermore, the empirical process based on the empirical Bernstein copula is shown to be asymptotically the same as the ordinary empirical copula process under assumptions which are significantly weaker than those given in Janssen, Swanepoel and Veraverbeke [J. Stat. Plan. Infer. 142 (2012) 1189--1197]. A Monte Carlo simulation study shows that the empirical beta copula outperforms the empirical copula and the empirical checkerboard copula in terms of both bias and variance. Compared with the empirical Bernstein copula with the smoothing rate suggested by Janssen et al., its finite-sample performance is still significantly better in several cases, especially in terms of bias.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figure

    Ellipse-preserving Hermite interpolation and subdivision

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    We introduce a family of piecewise-exponential functions that have the Hermite interpolation property. Our design is motivated by the search for an effective scheme for the joint interpolation of points and associated tangents on a curve with the ability to perfectly reproduce ellipses. We prove that the proposed Hermite functions form a Riesz basis and that they reproduce prescribed exponential polynomials. We present a method based on Green's functions to unravel their multi-resolution and approximation-theoretic properties. Finally, we derive the corresponding vector and scalar subdivision schemes, which lend themselves to a fast implementation. The proposed vector scheme is interpolatory and level-dependent, but its asymptotic behaviour is the same as the classical cubic Hermite spline algorithm. The same convergence properties---i.e., fourth order of approximation---are hence ensured

    Introducing Mexican needlets for CMB analysis: Issues for practical applications and comparison with standard needlets

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    Over the last few years, needlets have a emerged as a useful tool for the analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) data. Our aim in this paper is first to introduce in the CMB literature a different form of needlets, known as Mexican needlets, first discussed in the mathematical literature by Geller and Mayeli (2009a,b). We then proceed with an extensive study of the properties of both standard and Mexican needlets; these properties depend on some parameters which can be tuned in order to optimize the performance for a given application. Our second aim in this paper is then to give practical advice on how to adjust these parameters in order to achieve the best properties for a given problem in CMB data analysis. In particular we investigate localization properties in real and harmonic spaces and propose a recipe on how to quantify the influence of galactic and point source masks on the needlet coefficients. We also show that for certain parameter values, the Mexican needlets provide a close approximation to the Spherical Mexican Hat Wavelets (whence their name), with some advantages concerning their numerical implementation and the derivation of their statistical properties.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures, published version, main modification: added section on more realistic galactic and point source mask

    Metric entropy, n-widths, and sampling of functions on manifolds

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    We first investigate on the asymptotics of the Kolmogorov metric entropy and nonlinear n-widths of approximation spaces on some function classes on manifolds and quasi-metric measure spaces. Secondly, we develop constructive algorithms to represent those functions within a prescribed accuracy. The constructions can be based on either spectral information or scattered samples of the target function. Our algorithmic scheme is asymptotically optimal in the sense of nonlinear n-widths and asymptotically optimal up to a logarithmic factor with respect to the metric entropy
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