6 research outputs found

    Decision-making through Fuzzy TOPSIS and COPRAS approaches for lean tools selection: A case study of automotive accessories manufacturing industry

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    Similarity in prioritization of lean tools (LTs) by different frameworks on the same problem is a point of contention. The goal of the present research is to address LTs selection problem through two commonly used multi-criteria decision making approaches, namely the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) and complex proportional assessment(COPRAS). A framework involving value stream mapping and plant layout through TOPSIS and COPRAS approaches to find the best possible LTs for an automotive accessories manufacturing plant is developed and assessed in this research. The obtained similarity of rankings between TOPSIS and COPRAS is 71.42% and the difference is 28.58%. Based on the assessment, systematic layout planning (SLP) is selected as the most suitable LT and its implementation is elaborated in detail. Significant reductions were obtained in lead time (16.44%), non-value added time (61.03%), transportation distances (40.42%), and waiting time (86%). Additionally, lean implementation resulted in reduced inventory, reduced internal traffic, improved productivity, and improved customer service.The LTs selection framework presented in this research work addresses the computational complexity associated with the existing models and allows the segregation of most preferable and least preferable criterion which eliminates the criteria weight generation methods

    Proposta de otimização da produção através da aplicação de técnicas de teoria das restrições e manufatura enxuta

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. Pablo Deivid ValleMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Curso de Especialização em Engenharia Industrial 4.0.Inclui referênciasResumo: Frequentemente, as empresas passam por aperfeiçoamentos na busca por vantagem competitiva, com o intuito de se destacar no mercado através da otimização dos seus processos. O objetivo deste trabalho é verificar se a aplicação de metodologias de Teoria das Restrições (TOC - Theory Of Constraints) e de Manufatura Enxuta (Lean Manufacturing) garantem otimização perceptível em um sistema de produção de uma empresa do ramo automotivo. Discorrendo uma breve contextualização das técnicas utilizadas neste trabalho para o melhor desenvolvimento do processo, a identificação da oportunidade de melhoria através da aplicação das ferramentas e por sequência o planejamento das ações para a aplicação das técnicas apropriadas identificadas. Por fim, o acompanhamento das variáveis do Processo (TaktTime) antes e após a implementação das técnicas de TOC em conjunto com as técnicas de Lean Manufacturing para a produção de um determinado item em uma célula de solda. Nota-se que foram favoráveis para o aumento da performance de produção, atingindo uma melhoria de 46,67% demonstrando que tais ferramentas de gestão da produção foram aplicadas de forma adequada e podem servir como vantagem competitiva para as empresas

    Resilience-enhancing solution to mitigate risk for sustainable supply chain-an empirical study of elevator manufacturing

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    As the complexity of supply chains increases, the enhancement of resilience for mitigating sustainable disruption risks in supply chains is an important issue. Quality function deployment (QFD) has been successfully applied in many domains to solve multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) problems. However, research on developing two houses of quality to connect sustainable supply chain disruption risks, resilience capacities, and resilience-enhancing features in elevator manufacturing supply chains by using the MCDM approach is lacking. This study aims to develop a framework for exploring useful decision-making by integrating the MCDM approach and QFD. By applying the framework, supply chain resilience can be improved by identifying the major sustainable risks and the key resilience to mitigate these risks. Important managerial insights and practical implications are obtained from the framework implementation in a case study of the elevator manufacturing industry. To strengthen resilience and thus mitigate key risks, the most urgent tasks are to connect the working site and the backstage to enhance product development and design and to share real-time job information. When these features are strengthened, agility, capacity, and visibility can be improved. Finally, unexpected events lead to changes in supplier delivery dates, and factors such as typhoon and lack of critical capacities/skilled employees with the greatest impact can be alleviated. This framework will provide an effective and pragmatic approach for constructing sustainable supply chain risk resilience in the elevator manufacturing industry.</p

    A Structured Methodology For Tailoring And Deploying Lean Manufacturing Systems

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    The seminal works of Peter Drucker and James Womack in the 1990’s outlined the lean manufacturing practices of Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC) to become a world leader in manufacturing. These philosophies have since become the springboard for a significant paradigm shift in approaching manufacturing systems and how to leverage them to optimize operational practices and gain competitive advantage. While there is no shortage of literature touting the benefits of Lean Manufacturing Systems (LMS), there has been significant difficulty in effectively deploying them to obtain and sustain the performance that TMC has achieved. This body of work provides a novel methodology to break the deployment process into different elements by assessing the current business practices/interests and relating them to variables that support the philosophies of LMS. It also associates the key areas of lean from an operational perspective and connects the tools to business requirements by guiding the selection process to more effectively choose tools/processes that best fit the business needs. Finally, this methodology looks at different aspects of the deployment variables to provide a structured approach to tailoring the deployment planning strategy based on better understanding of the different interactions/requirements of LMS. The research also provides a validation of the proposed structured methodology to help practitioners leverage the resulting objective/quantitative information from assessing the current business to help coordinate deployment planning effort. The framework considers aspects prior to deployment planning by providing an approach for pre-deployment assessment to provide critical input for tailoring the LMS deployment

    Development of a multi-objective methodology to select lean initiatives and weighted leanness measurement methodology in modular manufacturing companies

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    The survival of manufacturing organisations in today’s competitive market depends on the quality of products and services, effectiveness of manufacturing operations, cost and waste reduction, and profit and market share growth. In this respect, one of the most established and well-known tools are lean manufacturing practices. The decision of selecting the most appropriate lean initiatives to adopt and apply in the production process while preserving cost and time benefits is a challenging task for most companies. Therefore, a multi-objective methodology that considers the impacts of each lean strategy on identified critical performance metrics and manufacturing wastes is proposed through this research. The results from the developed methodology in this research suggest the best set of lean initiatives for improving the most critical performance metrics and reduce non-value activities (wastes). The proposed methodology also provides more accurate results in suggesting a set of lean tools compared to the previous methods as it considers more than one factor. Moreover, this research further extends the most recent leanness assessment model by developing a methodology that considers the interdependent relationships between lean performance metrics to provide an overall leanness index. Several research studies developed leanness assessment models, however, in these studies different performance metrics were considered to be equally important. In contrast, this research developed a weighted leanness measurement methodology. This was achieved through assigning relative importance weights to each performance metric based on competitive strategies when measuring the integrated leanness score. A local modular construction company was used for this research to validate and show the effectiveness and efficiency of the developed methodologies. Furthermore, one of the suggested lean initiatives from the proposed methodology was adopted and implemented and the leanness score of the company was measured before and after the lean application using the weighted leanness measurement. Through this research, the developed methodology for selecting lean initiatives and the weighted leanness measurement approach are used to advance the current knowledge of lean manufacturing by providing more accurate results from both methodologies