2,405 research outputs found

    Fully automated tool path planning for turbine blade repair

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    The recontouring process of aircraft engine parts like turbine blades is a manual or in best-case semi-automated process due to high individuality of the workpiece. This leads to in-process scrap because of low process stability and high process times. An automation of process planning reduces both. This paper introduces a method for a fully automated and individual tool path planning using 3D-scan data. Geometric parameters of the degenerated blade were considered to find best-suitable target geometry in a robust way. For turbine blade repair, the process stability is increased while meeting the dimensional tolerances required for the international aviation certifications

    A feature-based reverse engineering system using artificial neural networks

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    Reverse Engineering (RE) is the process of reconstructing CAD models from scanned data of a physical part acquired using 3D scanners. RE has attracted a great deal of research interest over the last decade. However, a review of the literature reveals that most research work have focused on creation of free form surfaces from point cloud data. Representing geometry in terms of surface patches is adequate to represent positional information, but can not capture any of the higher level structure of the part. Reconstructing solid models is of importance since the resulting solid models can be directly imported into commercial solid modellers for various manufacturing activities such as process planning, integral property computation, assembly analysis, and other applications. This research discusses the novel methodology of extracting geometric features directly from a data set of 3D scanned points, which utilises the concepts of artificial neural networks (ANNs). In order to design and develop a generic feature-based RE system for prismatic parts, the following five main tasks were investigated. (1) point data processing algorithms; (2) edge detection strategies; (3) a feature recogniser using ANNs; (4) a feature extraction module; (5) a CAD model exchanger into other CAD/CAM systems via IGES. A key feature of this research is the incorporation of ANN in feature recognition. The use of ANN approach has enabled the development of a flexible feature-based RE methodology that can be trained to deal with new features. ANNs require parallel input patterns. In this research, four geometric attributes extracted from a point set are input to the ANN module for feature recognition: chain codes, convex/concave, circular/rectangular and open/closed attribute. Recognising each feature requires the determination of these attributes. New and robust algorithms are developed for determining these attributes for each of the features. This feature-based approach currently focuses on solving the feature recognition problem based on 2.5D shapes such as block pocket, step, slot, hole, and boss, which are common and crucial in mechanical engineering products. This approach is validated using a set of industrial components. The test results show that the strategy for recognising features is reliable

    Point-based mathematics for computer-aided manufacture

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    This thesis demonstrates the feasibility of machining high quality sculptured surfaces directly from a point-based definition. The work is founded on the strategy of using a sparse set of points to characterise shape although it is assumed that an appropriately dense definition can be generated by the use of some unspecified high quality interpolation algorithm. This is in contrast to the conventional CAD/CAM approach where explicit parametric expressions are used to describe the part. The research is founded on the Inverse Offset Method (IOM) proposed by Kishinami; the algorithm is chosen because it possesses a number of desirable properties, most notably its versatility and robustness. The first fundamental contribution is an error analysis of the IOM that has not been published before, the analysis is dependent on the surface and cutter path point spacing, the tool radius and the local surface curvature. The accuracy of the error analysis is corroborated by the machining and measuring of a physical part. Furthermore it is established that the quality of the finished part produced by the IOM compares favourably with that produced by a commercial package for similar tolerances. The principal research achievement is the optimisation of the IOM to exploit the coherence of data ordered into sections. This results in the IOM generating cutter paths in a time period comparable to that of the commercial package without a reduction in the quality of the finished part. The last contribution made in this thesis is a report on the issues concerning the machining of point definitions derived from multi-surfaces. The work presented in this thesis offers an alternative strategy to the design and manufacture of free-form surfaces. The main benefits of adopting this strategy are gained because it removes the need to generate a parametric surface definition

    Automatic compensating cleanup operation

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    Journal ArticleToday's part geometries are becoming ever more complex and require more accurate tool path to manufacture. Machining process efficiency is also a major consideration for designers as well as manufacturing engineers. Although the current advanced CAD/CAM systems have greatly improved the efficiency and accuracy of machining with the introduction of Numerically Controlled (NC) machining, excessive material may still be left on the finished part due to machining constraints, including the inaccessibility of the designed part geometry with respect the cutter, machine motion constraints like ramp angles, specific cutting patterns, etc. Polishing operations such as grinding and hand finishing are quite time consuming and expensive and may damage the surface of the part or introduce inaccuracies because of human errors. Although most of the existing machining approaches attempt to reduce such excessive restmaterials by modifying NC tool paths, none of them is satisfactory. They can be time consuming, error prone, computationally intensive, too complicated to implement, and limited to certain problem domains. A compensating cleanup tool path will be developed in this research to automatically remove these excessive material from the finish part. This method greatly reduces the burden of hand finishing and polishing and also reduces the error and complexities introduced in manually generating cleanup tool paths in the shop floor. More important, the tool path generated by this method will reduce the machining time and increase tool life compared with optimized tool path which left no excessive material behind

    A feature-based approach to the Computer-Aided Design of sculptured products

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    Computer-Aided Design systems offer considerable potential for improving design process efficiency. To reduce the 'ease of use' barrier hindering full realisation of this potential amongst general mechanical engineering industries, many commercial systems are adopting a Feature-Based Design (FBD) metaphor. Typically the user is allowed to define and manipulate the design model using interface elements that introduce and control parametric geometry clusters, with engineering meaning, representing specific product features (such as threaded holes, slots, pockets and bosses). Sculptured products, such as golf club heads, shoe lasts, crockery and sanitary ware, are poorly supported by current FBD systems and previous research, because their complex shapes cannot be accurately defined using the geometrically primitive feature sets implemented. Where sculptured surface regions are allowed for, the system interface, data model and functionality are little different from that already provided in many commercial surface modelling systems, and so offer very little improvement in ease of use, quality or efficiency. This thesis presents research to propose and develop an FBD methodology and system suitable for sculptured products. [Continues.

    Paving the path towards automatic hexahedral mesh generation

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    Esta tesis versa sobre el desarrollo de las tecnologías para la generación de mallas de hexaedros. El proceso de generar una malla de hexaedros no es automático y su generación requiere varias horas te trabajo de un ingeniero especializado. Por lo tanto, es importante desarrollar herramientas que faciliten dicho proceso de generación. Con este fin, se presenta y desarrolla un método de proyección de mallas, una técnica de sweeping o barrido, un algoritmo para la obtención de mallas por bloques, y un entorno de generación de mallas. Las implementaciones más competitivas del método de sweeping utilizan técnicas de proyección de mallas basadas en métodos afines. Los métodos afines más habituales presentan varios problemas relacionados con la obtención de sistemas de ecuaciones normales de rango deficiente. Para solucionar dichos problemas se presenta y analiza un nuevo método afín que depende de dos parámetros vectoriales. Además, se detalla un procedimiento automático para la selección de dichos vectores. El método de proyección resultante preserva la forma de las mallas proyectadas. Esta proyección es incorporada también en una nueva herramienta de sweeping. Dicha herramienta genera capas de nodos internos que respetan la curvatura de las superficies inicial y final. La herramienta de sweeping es capaz de mallar geometrías de extrusión definidas por trayectorias curvas, secciones no constantes a lo largo del eje de sweeping, y superficies inicial y final con diferente forma y curvatura.En las últimas décadas se han propuesto varios ataques para la generación automática de mallas de hexahedros. Sin embargo, todavía no existe un algoritmo rápido y robusto que genere automáticamente mallas de hexaedros de alta calidad. Se propone un nuevo ataque para la generación de mallas por bloques mediante la representación de la geometría y la topología del dual de una malla de hexaedros. En dicho ataque, primero se genera una malla grosera de tetraedros. Después, varió polígonos planos se añaden al interior de los elementos de la malla grosera inicial. Dichos polígonos se denotan como contribuciones duales locales y representan una versión discreta del dual de una malla de hexaedros. En el último paso, la malla por bloques se obtiene como el dual de la representación del dual generada. El algoritmo de generación de mallas por bloques es aplicado a geometrías que presentan diferentes características geométricas como son superficies planas, superficies curvas, configuraciones delgadas, agujeros, y vértices con valencia mayor que tres.Las mallas se generan habitualmente con la ayuda de entornos interactivos que integran una interfaz CAD y varios algoritmos de generación de mallas. Se presenta un nuevo entorno de generación de mallas especializado en la generación de cuadriláteros y hexaedros. Este entorno proporciona la tecnología necesaria para implementar les técnicas de generación de mallas de hexaedros presentadas en esta tesis.This thesis deals with the development of hexahedral mesh generation technology. The process of generating hexahedral meshes is not fully automatic and it is a time consuming task. Therefore, it is important to develop tools that facilitate the generation of hexahedral meshes. To this end, a mesh projection method, a sweeping technique, a block-meshing algorithm, and an interactive mesh generation environment are presented and developed. Competitive implementations of the sweeping method use mesh projection techniques based on affine methods. Standard affine methods have several drawbacks related to the statement of rank deficient sets of normal equations. To overcome these drawbacks a new affine method that depends on two vector parameters is presented and analyzed. Moreover, an automatic procedure that selects these two vector parameters is detailed. The resulting projection procedure preserves the shape of projected meshes. Then, this procedure is incorporated in a new sweeping tool. This tool generates inner layers of nodes that preserve the curvature of the cap surfaces. The sweeping tool is able to mesh extrusion geometries defined by non-linear sweeping trajectories, non-constant cross sections along the sweep axis, non-parallel cap surfaces, and cap surfaces with different shape and curvature. In the last decades, several general-purpose approaches to generate automatically hexahedral meshes have been proposed. However, a fast and robust algorithm that automatically generates high-quality hexahedral meshes is not available. A novel approach for block meshing by representing the geometry and the topology of a hexahedral mesh is presented. The block-meshing algorithm first generates an initial coarse mesh of tetrahedral elements. Second, several planar polygons are added inside the elements of the initial coarse mesh. These polygons are referred as local dual contributions and represent a discrete version of the dual of a hexahedral mesh. Finally, the dual representation is dualized to obtain the final block mesh. The block-meshing algorithm is applied to mesh geometries that present different geometrical characteristics such as planar surfaces, curved surfaces, thin configurations, holes, and vertices with valence greater than three.Meshes are usually generated with the help of interactive environments that integrate a CAD interface and several meshing algorithms. An overview of a new mesh generation environment focused in quadrilateral and hexahedral mesh generation is presented. This environment provides the technology required to implement the hexahedral meshing techniques presented in this thesis.Postprint (published version

    Subdivide and Conquer: Adapting Non-Manifold Subdivision Surfaces to Surface-Based Representation and Reconstruction of Complex Geological Structures

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    Methods from the field of computer graphics are the foundation for the representation of geological structures in the form of geological models. However, as many of these methods have been developed for other types of applications, some of the requirements for the representation of geological features may not be considered, and the capacities and limitations of different algorithms are not always evident. In this work, we therefore review surface-based geological modelling methods from both a geological and computer graphics perspective. Specifically, we investigate the use of NURBS (non-uniform rational B-splines) and subdivision surfaces, as two main parametric surface-based modelling methods, and compare the strengths and weaknesses of the two approaches. Although NURBS surfaces have been used in geological modelling, subdivision surfaces as a standard method in the animation and gaming industries have so far received little attention—even if subdivision surfaces support arbitrary topologies and watertight boundary representation, two aspects that make them an appealing choice for complex geological modelling. It is worth mentioning that watertight models are an important basis for subsequent process simulations. Many complex geological structures require a combination of smooth and sharp edges. Investigating subdivision schemes with semi-sharp creases is therefore an important part of this paper, as semi-sharp creases characterise the resistance of a mesh structure to the subdivision procedure. Moreover, non-manifold topologies, as a challenging concept in complex geological and reservoir modelling, are explored, and the subdivision surface method, which is compatible with non-manifold topology, is described. Finally, solving inverse problems by fitting the smooth surfaces to complex geological structures is investigated with a case study. The fitted surfaces are watertight, controllable with control points, and topologically similar to the main geological structure. Also, the fitted model can reduce the cost of modelling and simulation by using a reduced number of vertices in comparison with the complex geological structure

    The investigation of a method to generate conformal lattice structures for additive manufacturing

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    Additive manufacturing (AM) allows a geometric complexity in products not seen in conventional manufacturing. This geometric freedom facilitates the design and fabrication of conformal hierarchical structures. Entire parts or regions of a part can be populated with lattice structure, designed to exhibit properties that differ from the solid material used in fabrication. Current computer aided design (CAD) software used to design products is not suitable for the generation of lattice structure models. Although conceptually simple, the memory requirements to store a virtual CAD model of a lattice structure are prohibitively high. Conventional CAD software defines geometry through boundary representation (B-rep); shapes are described by the connectivity of faces, edges and vertices. While useful for representing accurate models of complex shape, the sheer quantity of individual surfaces required to represent each of the relatively simple individual struts that comprise a lattice structure ensure that memory limitations are soon reached. Additionally, the conventional data flow from CAD to manufactured part is arduous, involving several conversions between file formats. As well as a lengthy process, each conversion risks the generation of geometric errors that must be fixed before manufacture. A method was developed to specifically generate large arrays of lattice structures, based on a general voxel modelling method identified in the literature review. The method is much less sensitive to geometric complexity than conventional methods and thus facilitates the design of considerably more complex structures. The ability to grade structure designs across regions of a part (termed functional grading ) was also investigated, as well as a method to retain connectivity between boundary struts of a conformal structure. In addition, the method streamlines the data flow from design to manufacture: earlier steps of the data conversion process are bypassed entirely. The effect of the modelling method on surface roughness of parts produced was investigated, as voxel models define boundaries with discrete, stepped blocks. It was concluded that the effect of this stepping on surface roughness was minimal. This thesis concludes with suggestions for further work to improve the efficiency, capability and usability of the conformal structure method developed in this work
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