10 research outputs found

    Zephyr extensibility in small workstation oriented computer networks

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1998.Includes bibliographical references.by Jason T. Hunter.M.Eng

    The iFlame client-based instantaneous datagram communication substrate

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1996.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 69-70).by David Michael LaMacchia.M.Eng

    Le chat est-il (encore) un média interactif?

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    Cet article dĂ©crit l’émergence du chat comme dispositif de communication (en analysant la genĂšse des principaux artefacts) et entreprend de dĂ©construire l’évidence de son statut de mĂ©dia interactif, d’une part en proposant des « hypothĂšses fortes » (normatives) sur ce qui fait qu’un mĂ©dia peut ĂȘtre qualifiĂ© d’interactif, et d’autre part en montrant que cette forme de communication mĂ©diatisĂ©e par ordinateur (CMO) s’est articulĂ©e de deux façons distinctes. L’une, plutĂŽt conviviale et orientĂ©e vers la sociabilitĂ© – les « salons » de chat – et l’autre, plus instrumentale et axĂ©e sur l’efficacitĂ© – les messageries instantanĂ©es. L’essor de ces derniĂšres au dĂ©triment des espaces de chat « conviviaux » apparaĂźt comme un tournant dans la construction sociale de cette pratique qui reflĂšte la montĂ©e de l’individualisme en rĂ©seau et nous amĂšne Ă  relativiser l’interactivitĂ© du chat en tant que « mĂ©dia social ».This paper traces the emergence of online chat as a communication device (through analyzing the genenis of main artifacts) and strives to deconstruct the obviousness of its status of interactive media. It does so by first suggesting “strong” (normative) hypotheses on what makes a media “interactive”, then by showing that this form of computer-mediated communication (CMC) has been articulated in two different ways. One is rather convivial and sociability-oriented – chat “rooms” – while the other is more instrumental and focused on efficiency – instant messaging systems. The soaring of the latter at the expense of “convivial” chat spaces appears as a turn in the social construction of this practice, reflecting the rise of networked individualism, and inviting us to reassess the interactivity of online chat as a “social media”.Este articulo describe el chat como un dispositivo de comunicaciĂłn (mediante la gĂ©nesis de los principales artefactos) y pretende deconstruir la evidencia de su estatuto de medio interactivo Para ello, por un lado se proponen “hipĂłtesis fuertes” (normativas) sobre lo que hace que un medio pueda ser calificado de interactivo, y por otro lado, se muestra que esta forma de comunicaciĂłn mediatizada por ordenador (CMO) se articula de dos maneras distintas. Una, mĂĄs bien distendida y orientada hacia la sociabilidad –los “salones” de chat- y la otra, mĂĄs instrumental y centrada en la eficacia –las mensajerĂ­as instantĂĄneas. El auge de estas Ășltimas en detrimento de los espacios de chat “distendidos” aparece como un punto de inflexiĂłn en la construcciĂłn social de esta prĂĄctica, que refleja el aumento del individualismo en red y que nos lleva a relativizar la interactividad del chat en tanto que “medio social”

    Snapping Live: Exploring the Effects of Ephemerality Nature of Messaging in Social Media Settings

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    Ephemeral messaging apps such as Snapchat has become a very popular app with young adults. The Snapchat application defined as an instant messaging app that allows its users to take pictures, videos, add a captions, doodles and send the content to a friend or add it to the user’s story. Importantly, “the snaps” will self-destruct after a specified period of time. Further investigation regarding the effects of using ephemeral nature of messaging in Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) is explored in the theoretical framework of Hyperpersonal. This study was designed to examine the role of ephemeral nature of messaging in social media settings. Using responses from an online survey regarding Snapchat intensity, Self-Disclosure, Self- Presentation, Social Presence, Self-Destructing Messages and synchronous communication scales were examined. Direct relationships were examined with simple correlation. Finally, a complete model was tested using structural equation modeling. Results demonstrate that Snapchat users mainly share selfies that are mostly taken at home and primarily for communication with close friends and family. Also, results of SEM model indicate that Snapchat intensity was significantly related to Hyperpersonal communication (Walther, 1996). However, it was found that Social Presence, Ephemerality: Self-Destructing Messages scales are positive predictors of Ephemerality: Synchronicity. The findings are seen as an attempt to adapt the framework of Hyperpersonal theory (Walther, 1996). The results of the study will allow the researcher to better understand and measure the Ephemerality: Synchronicity and Hyperpersonal constructs as well as increase researchers understanding of the role of ephemerality nature of messaging in social media platforms

    Linear Road : benchmarking stream-based data management systems

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 57-61).This thesis describes the design, implementation, and execution of the Linear Road benchmark for stream-based data management systems. The motivation for benchmarking and the selection of the benchmark application are described. Test harness implementation is discussed, as are experiences using the benchmark to evaluate the Aurora engine. Effects of this work on the evolution of the Aurora engine are also discussed. Streams consist of continuous feeds of data from external data sources such as sensor networks or other monitoring systems. Stream data management systems execute continuous and historical queries over these streams, producing query results in real-time. This benchmark provides a means of comparing the functionality and performance of stream-based data management systems relative to each other and to relational systems. The benchmark presented is motivated by the increasing prevalence of "variable tolling" on highway systems throughout the world. Variable tolling uses dynamically determined factors such as congestion levels and accident proximity to calculate tolls. Linear Road specifies a variable tolling system for a fictional urban area, including such features as accident detection and alerts, traffic congestion measurements, toll calculations, and ad hoc requests for travel time predictions and account balances. This benchmark has already been adopted in the Aurora [ACCâș03] and STREAM [MWAâș03] streaming data management systems.by Richard S. Tibbetts, III.M.Eng

    Adapting Kerberos for a browser-based environment

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    Thesis: M. Eng., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 63-65).This thesis presents Webathena, a browser-centric implementation of the Kerberos network authentication protocol. It consists of a JavaScript Kerberos client, paired with a simple, untrusted, server-side proxy to wrap the protocol in HTTP. This is used to implement a trusted credential manager with a cross-origin protocol to delegate credentials to untrusted Web applications. To evaluate Webathena, we present Roost, a Web-based client for the Zephyr messaging and notification in use at MIT, along with a host of proof-of-concept applications. We find that it is possible to build Web-based clients for Kerberized services similar to or better than existing native ones with no modifications to either the Kerberos KDCs or the services themselves. Finally, we discuss possible modifications to Kerberos to better support this kind of credential delegation.by David Benjamin.M. Eng

    Cooperative innovation in the commons : rethinking distributed collaboration and intellectual property for sustainable design innovation

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (p. 125-127).Addressing global design challenges in the environment and underserved communities requires a cooperative approach towards sustainable design innovation, one that embraces multidisciplinary expertise, participatory design and rapid dissemination of critical innovations in the field. How can a rural farmer in Botswana cooperatively develop appropriate solutions for his community with external research expertise? How can a doctor in Sao Paulo access a network of medical device companies to help manufacture her design innovation? While there is a great emphasis on large breakthrough R&D innovations, there is often little support for developing and disseminating small-scale, affordable, and locally sustainable designs. The open source phenomenon has been influential in the software community, however distributed collaboration in engineering design requires awareness and sharing of physical artifacts, design tools and working environments as well as novel mechanisms to support social norms, communities of practice, and intellectual property rights for product innovations. ThinkCycle was created as a web-based collaboration platform with tools and shared online spaces for designers, domain experts and stakeholders to discuss, develop and peer-review evolving design solutions in critical domains. Over 2000 users worldwide access and contribute hundreds of concepts, resources, projects and publications on the site. ThinkCycle is emerging as a collaborative platform, open design repository and global community for innovations in sustainable design: http.//www. thinkcycle.org. Studies were conducted on the nature of design interaction, learning and intellectual property emerging from studio courses run at MIT in 2001-2002.(cont.) Cooperative design is best understood when viewed as a "social process", which is better sustained in online settings by peer-review from remote participants. There is a need for lightweight asynchronous interfaces with existing modes of communication like email. Social inquiry into notions of intellectual property reveal a typology of patterns with distinct forms of protection and disclosure, including patents and open source, adopted under different conditions. However, there is much ambiguity and conflict regarding how to deal with cooperative innovations as they evolve from being subpatentable learning experiments to functional and commercially viable solutions with potentially great social impact. The thesis provides a framework within which we can begin to explore these challenges.by Nitin Sawhney.Ph.D

    Reports to the President

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    A compilation of annual reports for the 1990-1991 academic year, including a report from the President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as reports from the academic and administrative units of the Institute. The reports outline the year's goals, accomplishments, honors and awards, and future plans

    Notification Service

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    Zephyr is a notice transport and delivery system under development at Project Athena. 1 Zephyr is for use by network-based services and applications with a need for immediate, reliable and rapid communication with their clients. Zephyr meets the highthroughput, high fan-out communications requirements of large-scale workstation environments. It is designed as a suite of "layered services" based on a reliable, authenticated notice protocol. Multiple, redundant Zephyr servers provide basic routing, queueing, and dispatching services to clients that communicate via the Zephyr Client Library. More advanced communication services are built upon this base. Introduction This paper is a brief introduction to the concept of a notification service in general and to the design of the Zephyr Notification Service in particular. A notification service provides networkbased services and their clients with immediate, reliable, and rapid communication for small quantities of time-sensitive i..