8 research outputs found

    On the weight distributions of several classes of cyclic codes from APN monomials

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    Let mβ‰₯3m\geq 3 be an odd integer and pp be an odd prime. % with pβˆ’1=2rhp-1=2^rh, where hh is an odd integer. In this paper, many classes of three-weight cyclic codes over Fp\mathbb{F}_{p} are presented via an examination of the condition for the cyclic codes C(1,d)\mathcal{C}_{(1,d)} and C(1,e)\mathcal{C}_{(1,e)}, which have parity-check polynomials m1(x)md(x)m_1(x)m_d(x) and m1(x)me(x)m_1(x)m_e(x) respectively, to have the same weight distribution, where mi(x)m_i(x) is the minimal polynomial of Ο€βˆ’i\pi^{-i} over Fp\mathbb{F}_{p} for a primitive element Ο€\pi of Fpm\mathbb{F}_{p^m}. %For p=3p=3, the duals of five classes of the proposed cyclic codes are optimal in the sense that they meet certain bounds on linear codes. Furthermore, for p≑3(mod4)p\equiv 3 \pmod{4} and positive integers ee such that there exist integers kk with gcd⁑(m,k)=1\gcd(m,k)=1 and Ο„βˆˆ{0,1,⋯ ,mβˆ’1}\tau\in\{0,1,\cdots, m-1\} satisfying (pk+1)β‹…e≑2pΟ„(modpmβˆ’1)(p^k+1)\cdot e\equiv 2 p^{\tau}\pmod{p^m-1}, the value distributions of the two exponential sums T(a,b)=\sum\limits_{x\in \mathbb{F}_{p^m}}\omega^{\Tr(ax+bx^e)} and S(a,b,c)=\sum\limits_{x\in \mathbb{F}_{p^m}}\omega^{\Tr(ax+bx^e+cx^s)}, where s=(pmβˆ’1)/2s=(p^m-1)/2, are settled. As an application, the value distribution of S(a,b,c)S(a,b,c) is utilized to investigate the weight distribution of the cyclic codes C(1,e,s)\mathcal{C}_{(1,e,s)} with parity-check polynomial m1(x)me(x)ms(x)m_1(x)m_e(x)m_s(x). In the case of p=3p=3 and even ee satisfying the above condition, the duals of the cyclic codes C(1,e,s)\mathcal{C}_{(1,e,s)} have the optimal minimum distance

    Recent progress on weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields

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    Cyclic codes are an interesting type of linear codes and have wide applications in communication and storage systems due to their efficient encoding and decoding algorithms. In coding theory it is often desirable to know the weight distribution of a cyclic code to estimate the error correcting capability and error probability. In this paper, we present the recent progress on the weight distributions of cyclic codes over finite fields, which had been determined by exponential sums. The cyclic codes with few weights which are very useful are discussed and their existence conditions are listed. Furthermore, we discuss the more general case of constacyclic codes and give some equivalences to characterize their weight distributions

    The Subfield Codes of Some Few-Weight Linear Codes

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    Subfield codes of linear codes over finite fields have recently received a lot of attention, as some of these codes are optimal and have applications in secrete sharing, authentication codes and association schemes. In this paper, the qq-ary subfield codes CΛ‰f,g(q)\bar{C}_{f,g}^{(q)} of six different families of linear codes CΛ‰f,g\bar{C}_{f,g} are presented, respectively. The parameters and weight distribution of the subfield codes and their punctured codes CΛ‰f,g(q)\bar{C}_{f,g}^{(q)} are explicitly determined. The parameters of the duals of these codes are also studied. Some of the resultant qq-ary codes CΛ‰f,g(q),\bar{C}_{f,g}^{(q)}, CΛ‰f,g(q)\bar{C}_{f,g}^{(q)} and their dual codes are optimal and some have the best known parameters. The parameters and weight enumerators of the first two families of linear codes CΛ‰f,g\bar{C}_{f,g} are also settled, among which the first family is an optimal two-weight linear code meeting the Griesmer bound, and the dual codes of these two families are almost MDS codes. As a byproduct of this paper, a family of [24mβˆ’2,2m+1,24mβˆ’3][2^{4m-2},2m+1,2^{4m-3}] quaternary Hermitian self-dual code are obtained with mβ‰₯2m \geq 2. As an application, several infinite families of 2-designs and 3-designs are also constructed with three families of linear codes of this paper.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1804.06003, arXiv:2207.07262 by other author

    The Weight Distributions of Several Classes of Cyclic Codes From APN Monomials

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