5 research outputs found

    RTME: Extension of Role-Task Modeling for the Purpose of Access Control Specification

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    HCI-Task Models and Smart Environments

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    Abstract The paper discusses the idea of using HCI-task models to support smart environments. It introduces a collaborative task modeling language CTML that allows the specification of collaboration and comprehensive dependencies in an OCL-like style. Additionally some ideas are presented that allow informing users and usability experts about the state of actors within smart environments. The paper provides the first results of a prototypical implementation

    An Integrated Formal Task Specification Method for Smart Environments

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    This thesis is concerned with the development of interactive systems for smart environments. In such scenario different interaction paradigms need to be supported and according methods and development strategies need to be applied to comprise not only explicit interaction (e.g., pressing a button to adjust the light) but also implicit interactions (e.g., walking to the speaker’s desk to give a talk) to assist the user appropriately. A task-based modeling approach is introduced allowing basing the implementing of different interaction paradigms on the same artifact

    Metamodellbasierte und hierarchieorientierte Workflowmodellierung

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    In dieser Arbeit werden Metamodelle eingesetzt, um Workflow- bzw. Geschäftsprozessmodellierungssprachen und ihre operationale Semantik zu definieren. Mit einer deklarativen und einer hierarchischen Sprache werden zwei Modellierungsweisen verfolgt, die im Bereich der Geschäftsprozessmodellierung nicht weit verbreitet sind. Der Hauptvorteil beim deklarativen Ansatz liegt in einer höheren Flexiblität und bei der hierarchischen Sprache in einer besseren Verständlichkeit der Modelle