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    Letter Written by Katherine Trickey to Her Folks Dated December 5, 1944

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    [Transcription begins] Tuesday Dec 5 [1944] Dear Folks, It must seem like a dream to Aunt Grace and to the rest of you to have all the boys home again. I can scarc[e]ly wait to get there myself. Of course, I want the boys to use the car if they wish. They can get extra gas on the leave papers if they have the registration of the car too I believe. I will be leaving here Midnight next Wed. Arriving in New Jersey early Friday Morning and getting to Lewiston sometime Sat P.M. I thought it better to stop at Phil’s on the way home as I would have to leave on Xmas to have time enough to stop going back. This is just a hasty note during the afternoon break. Don’t be surprised if my letter[s] are sort of scetchy between now and when I get home as I have much to do. I’ll try to catch you up on all the news here when I see you. Only 8 days before I start! Olga left night before last for her furlough so I am alone in my room for the next two weeks. Give my love to the boys and tell them I’m eagerly looking forward to seeing them. Love to all Kay [Transcription ends

    Letter Written byEdith Speert to Victor A. Speert Dated October 21, 1944

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    [Transcription begins] Saturday 10/21/44 Sweetheart— This evening I thought I would write you a lengthy letter, but I started “fixing up” an old scrapbook, which I had, with pictures dating from 1924 – 1938 & forgot all about the time. Forgive me, dearest?—I’ll make it up tomorrow. I received 4 V-mail letters from you today. The last one was dated “10/19/44 at sea.” I’m looking forward to receiving your “air mails” shortly! In answer to the queries contained in your V-mails, as soon as you start receiving my mail, you’ll find the answers! I’ll send you some “clippings” on the fire! I don’t believe I know how to really describe the tragedy. We had 2 children out of nursery school because of the disaster. Had this afternoon off. Shopped for a few things in town, but, spent a great deal of my time in the library looking up plays for my dramatics group on Fri. night. Since I’m home, I’ve rummaged our house for “The Education of Hyman Kaplan,” in play form & I can’t find it. Nuts!! Fixed an avocado cocktail for Uk’s, Mom’s & my dinner this evening. It was enjoyed by all!! Aunt Sadie met your Mom & Sophie in town today. You know, your Mom & my aunt “hit it off” as they both console each other as martyrs! Ukie got a letter and a very cute snapshot from Fred today. He is a darling boy! Oh yes—I spoke to Amy today—she’s leaving for Des Moines, Iowa for a few days & when she comes back, we’ll get together again! Called Crile Hospital to see if some servicemen wouldn’t like Thanksgiving at the house. Special Service informed me that most of the boys are from northern Ohio & would therefore go home on a pass during the holidays. Also, the boys prefer big affairs to small ones, because they feel very self-conscious in a small group. This has discouraged me, but nevertheless, I’ll try to have Amy get some WACs & maybe we could interest some of the boys in a picnic! Anyhow, it’s worth a try! I adore you, my sweetheart, & so awfully glad to hear that you feel the same way! Bubsie, Dr. Fuerst told Mom that the use of Benzenderine may cause a weak heart; but I still intend to see Dr. Seigel & if he says “okay” I’ll try it. Sidney Hill is quite expensive & they say that you leave there with a tremendous appetite & of course my appetite has made me what I am. It’s midnite so I think I’ll say “good-night” my love—I’ll see you in my dreams. Ever & Ever, Edith P. S.—I’m not quizzing you on anything—I know you’ll write what you can & May. E. [Transcription ends


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    So we were teaching this guy Dave, he’s super cool. And every time we would go over there, like, everything just fell into our lap, it was like, we would go over and he would be like ‘guys I’m thinkin’ I wanna know where I go after I die’ and everything was just perfect, but we went over one time and it was pretty late, we usually didn’t go over to his house late. And he was just, he was out of his mind. He wanted to kill himself, it was just a really bad situation and we were trying to talk, I was trying to teach him, and there just wasn’t anything good there. So we got out, and I was training a new missionary, and he-uh, as soon as we got out he asked me ‘dude I don’t know what’s going on, but I do not feel good’ and I felt the same way, so we hopped on our bikes and we started heading home, and it’s probably about two miles home. And we passed the town square and I just had this really bad feeling. And I kept looking back at him and every time I looked back, I could see these shadows in the trees that were following him and then as soon as we passed town square, I looked back and we started down this row of trees and one of ‘em came down and knocked him off his bike. So I had to come back and I went and got him and it was choking him, it was crazy. It was on top of him choking him, he couldn’t breathe. So, it sounds kinda cheesy, we started singing hymns. We got back on our bikes and started going and it felt like they were pushing us forward like the world behind us was folding over top of itself, over top of us, and it was pushing us off our bikes. And they kept showing up in front of us, like they, everything was folding in over top of us and then those shadows, they had faces that were kinda sketchy, but they kept showing up in front of us, so we had to ride between us to get home. It was probably the scariest thing that ever happened to me on my mission

    The Black Figure

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    It was at, like, 8 in the morning. 8 or 8: 30 in the morning. So a time where, normally when I come after work or if it’s super early that’s when I [pause] it was a point in the day when I’m never freaked out to go downstairs, which I thought was interesting. [long pause] So I was walking downstairs with some boxes [indicating with hands as if she were holding them] and KJ [line cook] was working. He’s like, what was KJ? Like 6’2ish, 6’3 right? So as I’m turning the corner, I see something walking [extends hand forward] and in my mind [pause] you know how when you see something, but it’s not [pause] you know how your brain completes things for you? Like looking back on it, it was a black figure, but in my mind I was like, “That’s KJ. It’s totally KJ. What’s KJ doing walking into the conference room?” So I followed him [eyes widen, and she leans forward slightly] to see if [pause] I thought maybe he was on the phone and something wasn’t okay. So I followed him into the conference room and [pause] nobody was in the conference room, and I was close enough where I would’ve heard a door or seen the back door, ya know something would’ve [pause] I was that close. So nobody was there, KJ was upstairs, and like [laugh] after that happened I think, I hope this is okay to swear [pause] oh, fuck, like realizing that [pause] wasn’t [pause] what I saw, it was, it was just a black shadow that was tall and like [widens shoulders and pumps out chest] huskier, just walking into the conference room [laughter] And um it was like person-shape but it was nothing, like no details. [I ask if it was out of her peripheral vision] No it was dead on [extends hand outward] It was, like, somebody’s walking in there [pause] And the weirdest thing to me is why I followed it. ‘Cause I am such a scaredy cat. Like that was the weirdest thing. And I wasn’t scared, until I, when I realized it was like “oh shit” but it wasn’t, like, in my mind, ‘cause I’ve never really experienced anything like that, and it could be nothing, easily, but, um, I wasn’t afraid. Like it didn’t feel malicious or weird or anything, it just [pause] was [pause] what it was. [after a conversation deviation from the conversation I ask if Andrea believes in ghosts] I don’t know [speaking quietly, thoughtfully looking at me] I wanna say that I believe in energies, and I think that things can, like, maybe manifest, like, like if something kinda like if there’s something [pause] I wouldn’t say that I don’t believe in them but I tend to think that like things can kinda stay in [pause] like if something bad has happened somewhere over and over again there’s gonna be some sort of energy there that is there. But again I don’t think this is a bad energy so that kinda conflicts with what I, what I think, ya know? [long pause] And it could totally be nothing. Heather [owner] and I did mess with the shadows, cause she [laughing] she was like I went downstairs, cause I didn’t know if I should tell her, but it was just too, like I’d never felt that sure about something for sure happening [pause] like something happened, and there was no way for us to get a shadow in that spot of the room. And it was in the day. I mean it was light out, super light out, the lights were on down there, so [pause] Well I was carrying boxes so I kinda went down again and saw where my shadow was. My shadow was in the hallway still right [using hands to gesture to hallway] ‘cause it’s not long enough with the way that the lights were, so. I could’ve, I mean it could’ve just been my brain doing some sort of malfunction [laughing] like I don’t know [laughter] but I did, I don’t know if this, I don’t know if this is worth putting in anything but a few days before that happened, I came into work after work, and I don’t really like to be here when no one else is here, cause it just gives me the heebie-jeebies, so I brought Olive [Andrea’s dog] in with me, and [in a whisper, eyes widening] Olive like lost her mind. It was really weird. But I think there’s weird noises in here that she doesn’t understand but we were in the office and she stayed under the desk and like, cried. Until we left. Which I thought was really weird. I think it could’ve been the ice machine, so that is something that I think is possi- [breaks] ya know? It could just be that and she didn’t know the, doesn’t really know the building [pause] but she typically doesn’t act like that, so I thought that was weird

    Letter from Sarah [Muir Galloway] to [John Muir], 1872 Oct 27.

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    [4] [in margin: Has Merril Moses\u27s gone home, or is he still with you. how did he enjoy his visit, is he the same impulsive [illegible] boy he used to be or [has he?] sobered down yet, I should like to see him again]to see either Davids Wife, or Dan\u27s, but she would give a good deal to see [underlined: yours]. Grand Ma Galloway keeps wonderfully well considering all things, her health seems even better than last summer. She is always much pleased to hear about you, and speaks of you every time I see her. she told me to tell you that she is very grateful for your remembrance of her, the others of of the family are usually well, but they have had quite a trial lately. Mr Love came from Scotland for little Johnnie and he having been petted, and played with and cared for by everyone in the family, seems to have wound himself so firmly around their hearts that they can hardly be [in margin: 580] comforted. They have heard however that he has safely arrived in S[illegible] and joined his sisters. How are you getting along John - are you comfortable and happy but I suppose I need hardly ask for I should draw from your letters that you are as happy as the day is long. I imagine somehow that you will be much changed in appearance since we saw you, and sometimes [illegible] if you do not [underlined: sometimes] visit civilized places so that you could have a picture taken to send to us if you do, you must not forget, like a dear good boy. I trust you have received a pair of woolen socks that I started off in your direction about five weeks ago, they may replace one of those pair\u27s that have such awful big holes in them, and keep your feet warm while wandering among the rocks and snow. Here is a picture of George I will send. I think it pretty good, I have also one of [Celiey?] that I will send another time they were taken less than two week\u27s ago. David says he has no news to send, he is lying on the grass at the soon cracking hickory nuts, which occu- pation seems to agree with him much better than writing letters. The children will perhaps write next time, they were very much pleased with your last letters to them, and [underlined: I also] appreciate your kindness to them when you have so many things to think about. do not be very long in letting us hear from you, and again good bye my Dear Brother Sarah [1] Mound Hill Octr 27th /72My Dear Brother Again I endeavor to span the distance between us to have a talk with you this beautiful quiet Sabbath morning. I have reproached myself many times for being so long in writing to you, but visions of [underlined: sewing], [underlined: knitting] or [underlined: work] in some form or other has kept hurrying me along, making me [underlined: seem] a very forgetful Sister, but better late then never. John, only do not pay me back in my own Coin. We have been moving along about as usual through the past summer. Anna helping me in the house and George his Father in the fields. and I assure you neither of us have been very idle, but we may be thankful we have all had such good health as we have, for there has been more sickness around us [underlined: this] [underlined: Fall] than any other I can think of, and 00630 [2]indeed all over the country. I presume you have heard of Fathers sickness. Mother says she does not think he was ever so sick in his life, he would not hear of any Doctor coming to see him so that the folks hardly knew what to do, as he seemed to grow worse every day, but Dan-came to see him and he willingly took his medicine the girls wrote I suppose every day and they had letters back as often with prescriptions. he seems to be gathering strength very slowly but I trust he will soon be well again. Dans visit was so short that I did not see him at all, he seems to be getting along un- commonly well, he has bought a house, and I suppose will have moved into it by this time. Mother says he looks worse and weary having to work so hard. David Muir has been very sick too, not being able to attend to the store at all, for some time, he has been riding out in the country a good deal lately which seems to be helping him greatly [3]The Firm, have bought a Horse and Buggy now and I think will not co[illegible] them- selves to business as closely as they have done We have had a long, pleasant visit from Mary the past summer, she was looking much better than she did the summer before, and seems to be enjoying very good health, she seems to be getting along very nicely at the University, and was looking forward with much pleasure to another years study, expecting to accomplish much in that time. I also had about a weeks visit from your old Friend Jane Mitchell, now Mrs Root. she looks very motherly indeed with her two little boy\u27s, we were talking about you, and she said, she never could think of you as looking any other way, than you did when you run down the side walk in Madison with Jessie on your back and she and Mimmie after you with their pop- gun\u27s, and they had such good times playing with you. She says she has no particular curiosit

    Looking back and moving forward - reflecting on our practice as teacher educators

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    Letter Written by Edith Speert to Victor A. Speert Dated October 3, 1944

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    [Transcription begins] 10/3/44 My adorable darling— This day ran fairly smoothly for me. I got to work on time, after reading a chapter in Persons & Places by George Santanyana which is too beautifully written to suit my earthly mind. While at work in the afternoon Miss Cadle hurries and transfers me to Woodhill Nursery School because a teacher got ill & had to go home. Since she chose me out of the 3 other girls I mentioned, I guess that means I’m the most “experienced.” Anyhow, I enjoyed myself at Woodhill as the children seemed to respond to me & my technique. I would like to work there always as it is rather close to home. Tomorrow I go back to the training school. Nuts! Honey, there’s one little boy at Woodhill—honestly, he looks as if he might be our child—brown eyes like mine, hair like yours, skin like yours & his teeth & smile are just like you. His name is Dominic—he’s about 3 ½ yrs.—a devil & positively between us, there was “love at first sight.” When I got in this evening I found a letter from Kitty Spur—nothing new with her, but Kathy gave birth to a baby son. I think it was premature, because just now I figures [sic] out that whe [sic] was pregnant when we were there in April. See what I mean?—Use your fingers & count! Called your folks & said “hello.” Sanf was resting, but told your mom (after I inquired) that he hasn’t as yet phoned Miss Buckholtz. I’m very angry with him because, No. 1, he said he wanted volunteer work, 2—I told Miss B. he was interested & would call her & now he’s making a liar out of me & 3—if he was uninterested he could have said so in the first place, before I went ahead & spend [sic] time & energy seeing what I could locate for the 2 of us. Nuts! Now I can see I do everything by myself, for myself. In a way I hate my job because these last few days I haven’t been able to do all I care to do, & also, I’m always tired. Of course, that may mean that I’m still not used to work. Mort used the Ford today & he got “stuck” on Euclid Hts. Blvd. I knew that would happen soon, because the care was getting in pretty bad shape. So now, I think [I]’ll give it a general overhaul! Bubs—you know, I was just thinking how I’d adore biting you—preferably your “tusch”—you always “yell” when I bite & get rather angry—but sweetheart, I love you so much, I even want my sense of taste to enter into it! Honey—it’s only 9:30 and already ‘m sleepy. I wonder what’s wrong with me?—Can I be getting to [sic] much fresh air? I’m looking forward to this week-end & meeting Amy Embry. She sounded so nice on the phone. I love you Vic! Ever and Ever, Edith [Transcription ends

    Letter Written by Edith Speert to Victor A. Speert Dated October 3, 1944

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    [Transcription begins] 10/3/44 My adorable darling— This day ran fairly smoothly for me. I got to work on time, after reading a chapter in Persons & Places by George Santanyana which is too beautifully written to suit my earthly mind. While at work in the afternoon Miss Cadle hurries and transfers me to Woodhill Nursery School because a teacher got ill & had to go home. Since she chose me out of the 3 other girls I mentioned, I guess that means I’m the most “experienced.” Anyhow, I enjoyed myself at Woodhill as the children seemed to respond to me & my technique. I would like to work there always as it is rather close to home. Tomorrow I go back to the training school. Nuts! Honey, there’s one little boy at Woodhill—honestly, he looks as if he might be our child—brown eyes like mine, hair like yours, skin like yours & his teeth & smile are just like you. His name is Dominic—he’s about 3 ½ yrs.—a devil & positively between us, there was “love at first sight.” When I got in this evening I found a letter from Kitty Spur—nothing new with her, but Kathy gave birth to a baby son. I think it was premature, because just now I figures [sic] out that whe [sic] was pregnant when we were there in April. See what I mean?—Use your fingers & count! Called your folks & said “hello.” Sanf was resting, but told your mom (after I inquired) that he hasn’t as yet phoned Miss Buckholtz. I’m very angry with him because, No. 1, he said he wanted volunteer work, 2—I told Miss B. he was interested & would call her & now he’s making a liar out of me & 3—if he was uninterested he could have said so in the first place, before I went ahead & spend [sic] time & energy seeing what I could locate for the 2 of us. Nuts! Now I can see I do everything by myself, for myself. In a way I hate my job because these last few days I haven’t been able to do all I care to do, & also, I’m always tired. Of course, that may mean that I’m still not used to work. Mort used the Ford today & he got “stuck” on Euclid Hts. Blvd. I knew that would happen soon, because the care was getting in pretty bad shape. So now, I think [I]’ll give it a general overhaul! Bubs—you know, I was just thinking how I’d adore biting you—preferably your “tusch”—you always “yell” when I bite & get rather angry—but sweetheart, I love you so much, I even want my sense of taste to enter into it! Honey—it’s only 9:30 and already ‘m sleepy. I wonder what’s wrong with me?—Can I be getting to [sic] much fresh air? I’m looking forward to this week-end & meeting Amy Embry. She sounded so nice on the phone. I love you Vic! Ever and Ever, Edith [Transcription ends

    Interview with The University of Manchester Faculty e-learning Managers conducted by Graham McElearney for ALT News Online, Issue 18, November 2009.

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    Graham McElearney conducted an interview with the four Faculty e-learning Managers at The University of Manchester. This document is the full transcript of the interview. The discussion includes e-learning strategy, organisational structure, current choices of tools and the future of the institutional VLE

    From Grounded Foot to Leaping Foot: Practice and Pedagogy Forum

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    A sharing and demonstration of research by Central School of Speech & Drama Senior Lecturer, Debbie Green, and Academy of Live and Recorded Arts Movement Tutor/Director, Ita O’Brien, into the development of the leaping foot from the grounded foot. The focus of their exploration is on the actor’s experience of being grounded to her/his experience of lightness through elevation from an anatomical awareness of the feet and the mechanism of leaping. They discuss various disciplines of movement that foreground working the feet and encourage a mindful approach to the use of the feet in a progressive practice
    • …