2 research outputs found

    The Wasserstein Distance as a Dissimilarity Measure for Mass Spectra with Application to Spectral Deconvolution

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    We propose a new approach for the comparison of mass spectra using a metric known in the computer science under the name of Earth Mover\u27s Distance and in mathematics as the Wasserstein distance. We argue that this approach allows for natural and robust solutions to various problems in the analysis of mass spectra. In particular, we show an application to the problem of deconvolution, in which we infer proportions of several overlapping isotopic envelopes of similar compounds. Combined with the previously proposed generator of isotopic envelopes, IsoSpec, our approach works for a wide range of masses and charges in the presence of several types of measurement inaccuracies. To reduce the computational complexity of the solution, we derive an effective implementation of the Interior Point Method as the optimization procedure. The software for mass spectral comparison and deconvolution based on Wasserstein distance is available at https://github.com/mciach/wassersteinms

    Incremental Calibration of Architectural Performance Models with Parametric Dependencies

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    Architecture-based Performance Prediction (AbPP) allows evaluation of the performance of systems and to answer what-if questions without measurements for all alternatives. A difficulty when creating models is that Performance Model Parameters (PMPs, such as resource demands, loop iteration numbers and branch probabilities) depend on various influencing factors like input data, used hardware and the applied workload. To enable a broad range of what-if questions, Performance Models (PMs) need to have predictive power beyond what has been measured to calibrate the models. Thus, PMPs need to be parametrized over the influencing factors that may vary. Existing approaches allow for the estimation of parametrized PMPs by measuring the complete system. Thus, they are too costly to be applied frequently, up to after each code change. They do not keep also manual changes to the model when recalibrating. In this work, we present the Continuous Integration of Performance Models (CIPM), which incrementally extracts and calibrates the performance model, including parametric dependencies. CIPM responds to source code changes by updating the PM and adaptively instrumenting the changed parts. To allow AbPP, CIPM estimates the parametrized PMPs using the measurements (generated by performance tests or executing the system in production) and statistical analysis, e.g., regression analysis and decision trees. Additionally, our approach responds to production changes (e.g., load or deployment changes) and calibrates the usage and deployment parts of PMs accordingly. For the evaluation, we used two case studies. Evaluation results show that we were able to calibrate the PM incrementally and accurately.Comment: Manar Mazkatli is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD