12 research outputs found

    Is Our Model for Contention Resolution Wrong?

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    Randomized binary exponential backoff (BEB) is a popular algorithm for coordinating access to a shared channel. With an operational history exceeding four decades, BEB is currently an important component of several wireless standards. Despite this track record, prior theoretical results indicate that under bursty traffic (1) BEB yields poor makespan and (2) superior algorithms are possible. To date, the degree to which these findings manifest in practice has not been resolved. To address this issue, we examine one of the strongest cases against BEB: nn packets that simultaneously begin contending for the wireless channel. Using Network Simulator 3, we compare against more recent algorithms that are inspired by BEB, but whose makespan guarantees are superior. Surprisingly, we discover that these newer algorithms significantly underperform. Through further investigation, we identify as the culprit a flawed but common abstraction regarding the cost of collisions. Our experimental results are complemented by analytical arguments that the number of collisions -- and not solely makespan -- is an important metric to optimize. We believe that these findings have implications for the design of contention-resolution algorithms.Comment: Accepted to the 29th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2017

    On the Impact of Geometry on Ad Hoc Communication in Wireless Networks

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    In this work we address the question how important is the knowledge of geometric location and network density to the efficiency of (distributed) wireless communication in ad hoc networks. We study fundamental communication task of broadcast and develop well-scalable, randomized algorithms that do not rely on GPS information, and which efficiency formulas do not depend on how dense the geometric network is. We consider two settings: with and without spontaneous wake-up of nodes. In the former setting, in which all nodes start the protocol at the same time, our algorithm accomplishes broadcast in O(Dlogn+log2n)O(D\log n + \log^2 n) rounds under the SINR model, with high probability (whp), where DD is the diameter of the communication graph and nn is the number of stations. In the latter setting, in which only the source node containing the original message is active in the beginning, we develop a slightly slower algorithm working in O(Dlog2n)O(D\log^2 n) rounds whp. Both algorithms are based on a novel distributed coloring method, which is of independent interest and potential applicability to other communication tasks under the SINR wireless model

    Deterministic Communication in Radio Networks

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    In this paper we improve the deterministic complexity of two fundamental communication primitives in the classical model of ad-hoc radio networks with unknown topology: broadcasting and wake-up. We consider an unknown radio network, in which all nodes have no prior knowledge about network topology, and know only the size of the network nn, the maximum in-degree of any node Δ\Delta, and the eccentricity of the network DD. For such networks, we first give an algorithm for wake-up, based on the existence of small universal synchronizers. This algorithm runs in O(min{n,DΔ}lognlogΔloglogΔ)O(\frac{\min\{n, D \Delta\} \log n \log \Delta}{\log\log \Delta}) time, the fastest known in both directed and undirected networks, improving over the previous best O(nlog2n)O(n \log^2n)-time result across all ranges of parameters, but particularly when maximum in-degree is small. Next, we introduce a new combinatorial framework of block synchronizers and prove the existence of such objects of low size. Using this framework, we design a new deterministic algorithm for the fundamental problem of broadcasting, running in O(nlogDloglogDΔn)O(n \log D \log\log\frac{D \Delta}{n}) time. This is the fastest known algorithm for the problem in directed networks, improving upon the O(nlognloglogn)O(n \log n \log \log n)-time algorithm of De Marco (2010) and the O(nlog2D)O(n \log^2 D)-time algorithm due to Czumaj and Rytter (2003). It is also the first to come within a log-logarithmic factor of the Ω(nlogD)\Omega(n \log D) lower bound due to Clementi et al.\ (2003). Our results also have direct implications on the fastest \emph{deterministic leader election} and \emph{clock synchronization} algorithms in both directed and undirected radio networks, tasks which are commonly used as building blocks for more complex procedures

    Faster deterministic communication in radio networks

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    In this paper we improve the deterministic complexity of two fundamental communication primitives in the classical model of ad-hoc radio networks with unknown topology: broadcasting and wake-up. We consider an unknown radio network, in which all nodes have no prior knowledge about network topology, and know only the size of the network n, the maximum in-degree of any node Δ, and the eccentricity of the network D. For such networks, we first give an algorithm for wake-up, in both directed and undirected networks, based on the existence of small universal synchronizers. This algorithm runs in O(min{n,DΔ}lognlogΔloglogΔ) time, improving over the previous best O(nlog2n)-time result across all ranges of parameters, but particularly when maximum in-degree is small. Next, we introduce a new combinatorial framework of block synchronizers and prove the existence of such objects of low size. Using this framework, we design a new deterministic algorithm for the fundamental problem of broadcasting, running in O(nlogDloglogDΔn) time. This is the fastest known algorithm for this problems, improving upon the O(nlognloglogn)-time algorithm of De Marco (2010) and the O(nlog2D)-time algorithm due to Czumaj and Rytter (2003), the previous fastest results for directed networks, and is the first to come within a log-logarithmic factor of the Ω(nlogD) lower bound due to Clementi et al. (2003). Our results have also direct implications on the fastest deterministic leader election and clock synchronization algorithms in both directed and undirected radio networks, tasks which are commonly used as building blocks for more complex procedures

    Energy-Efficient Leader Election Protocols for Single-Hop Radio Networks

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    International audienceIn this paper we investigate leader election protocols for single-hop radio networks from perspective of energetic complexity. We discuss different models of energy consumption and its relation with time complexity. We also present some results about energy consumption in classic protocols optimal with respect to time complexity -- we show that some very basic, intuitive algorithms for simplest models (with known number of stations) do not have to be optimal when energy of stations is restricted. We show that they can be significantly improved by introducing very simple modifications. Our main technical result is however a protocol for solving leader election problem in case of unknown number of stations nn, working on expectancy within O(logϵn)O(\log^\epsilon n) rounds, with each station transmitting O(1)O(1) number of times and no station being awake for more than O(logloglogn)O(\log \log \log n) rounds