403,742 research outputs found

    LaCViT: A Label-aware Contrastive Training Framework for Vision Transformers

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    Vision Transformers have been incredibly effective when tackling computer vision tasks due to their ability to model long feature dependencies. By using large-scale training data and various self-supervised signals (e.g., masked random patches), vision transformers provide state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarking datasets, such as ImageNet-1k and CIFAR-10. However, these vision transformers pretrained over general large-scale image corpora could only produce an anisotropic representation space, limiting their generalizability and transferability to the target downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose a simple and effective Label-aware Contrastive Training framework LaCViT, which improves the isotropy of the pretrained representation space for vision transformers, thereby enabling more effective transfer learning amongst a wide range of image classification tasks. Through experimentation over five standard image classification datasets, we demonstrate that LaCViT-trained models outperform the original pretrained baselines by around 9% absolute Accuracy@1, and consistent improvements can be observed when applying LaCViT to our three evaluated vision transformers

    Enhancing Visually-Rich Document Understanding via Layout Structure Modeling

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    In recent years, the use of multi-modal pre-trained Transformers has led to significant advancements in visually-rich document understanding. However, existing models have mainly focused on features such as text and vision while neglecting the importance of layout relationship between text nodes. In this paper, we propose GraphLayoutLM, a novel document understanding model that leverages the modeling of layout structure graph to inject document layout knowledge into the model. GraphLayoutLM utilizes a graph reordering algorithm to adjust the text sequence based on the graph structure. Additionally, our model uses a layout-aware multi-head self-attention layer to learn document layout knowledge. The proposed model enables the understanding of the spatial arrangement of text elements, improving document comprehension. We evaluate our model on various benchmarks, including FUNSD, XFUND and CORD, and achieve state-of-the-art results among these datasets. Our experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method provides a significant improvement over existing approaches and showcases the importance of incorporating layout information into document understanding models. We also conduct an ablation study to investigate the contribution of each component of our model. The results show that both the graph reordering algorithm and the layout-aware multi-head self-attention layer play a crucial role in achieving the best performance

    Efficient Zero-shot Visual Search via Target and Context-aware Transformer

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    Visual search is a ubiquitous challenge in natural vision, including daily tasks such as finding a friend in a crowd or searching for a car in a parking lot. Human rely heavily on relevant target features to perform goal-directed visual search. Meanwhile, context is of critical importance for locating a target object in complex scenes as it helps narrow down the search area and makes the search process more efficient. However, few works have combined both target and context information in visual search computational models. Here we propose a zero-shot deep learning architecture, TCT (Target and Context-aware Transformer), that modulates self attention in the Vision Transformer with target and contextual relevant information to enable human-like zero-shot visual search performance. Target modulation is computed as patch-wise local relevance between the target and search images, whereas contextual modulation is applied in a global fashion. We conduct visual search experiments on TCT and other competitive visual search models on three natural scene datasets with varying levels of difficulty. TCT demonstrates human-like performance in terms of search efficiency and beats the SOTA models in challenging visual search tasks. Importantly, TCT generalizes well across datasets with novel objects without retraining or fine-tuning. Furthermore, we also introduce a new dataset to benchmark models for invariant visual search under incongruent contexts. TCT manages to search flexibly via target and context modulation, even under incongruent contexts

    Integrating kNN with Foundation Models for Adaptable and Privacy-Aware Image Classification

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    Traditional deep learning models implicity encode knowledge limiting their transparency and ability to adapt to data changes. Yet, this adaptability is vital for addressing user data privacy concerns. We address this limitation by storing embeddings of the underlying training data independently of the model weights, enabling dynamic data modifications without retraining. Specifically, our approach integrates the kk-Nearest Neighbor (kk-NN) classifier with a vision-based foundation model, pre-trained self-supervised on natural images, enhancing interpretability and adaptability. We share open-source implementations of a previously unpublished baseline method as well as our performance-improving contributions. Quantitative experiments confirm improved classification across established benchmark datasets and the method's applicability to distinct medical image classification tasks. Additionally, we assess the method's robustness in continual learning and data removal scenarios. The approach exhibits great promise for bridging the gap between foundation models' performance and challenges tied to data privacy. The source code is available at https://github.com/TobArc/privacy-aware-image-classification-with-kNN.Comment: Accepted at 21st IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (IEEE ISBI 2024

    GasMono: Geometry-Aided Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Indoor Scenes

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    This paper tackles the challenges of self-supervised monocular depth estimation in indoor scenes caused by large rotation between frames and low texture. We ease the learning process by obtaining coarse camera poses from monocular sequences through multi-view geometry to deal with the former. However, we found that limited by the scale ambiguity across different scenes in the training dataset, a na\"ive introduction of geometric coarse poses cannot play a positive role in performance improvement, which is counter-intuitive. To address this problem, we propose to refine those poses during training through rotation and translation/scale optimization. To soften the effect of the low texture, we combine the global reasoning of vision transformers with an overfitting-aware, iterative self-distillation mechanism, providing more accurate depth guidance coming from the network itself. Experiments on NYUv2, ScanNet, 7scenes, and KITTI datasets support the effectiveness of each component in our framework, which sets a new state-of-the-art for indoor self-supervised monocular depth estimation, as well as outstanding generalization ability. Code and models are available at https://github.com/zxcqlf/GasMonoComment: ICCV 2023. Code: https://github.com/zxcqlf/GasMon

    HINT: High-quality INpainting Transformer with Mask-Aware Encoding and Enhanced Attention

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    Existing image inpainting methods leverage convolution-based downsampling approaches to reduce spatial dimensions. This may result in information loss from corrupted images where the available information is inherently sparse, especially for the scenario of large missing regions. Recent advances in self-attention mechanisms within transformers have led to significant improvements in many computer vision tasks including inpainting. However, limited by the computational costs, existing methods cannot fully exploit the efficacy of long-range modelling capabilities of such models. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end High-quality INpainting Transformer, abbreviated as HINT, which consists of a novel mask-aware pixel-shuffle downsampling module (MPD) to preserve the visible information extracted from the corrupted image while maintaining the integrity of the information available for highlevel inferences made within the model. Moreover, we propose a Spatially-activated Channel Attention Layer (SCAL), an efficient self-attention mechanism interpreting spatial awareness to model the corrupted image at multiple scales. To further enhance the effectiveness of SCAL, motivated by recent advanced in speech recognition, we introduce a sandwich structure that places feed-forward networks before and after the SCAL module. We demonstrate the superior performance of HINT compared to contemporary state-of-the-art models on four datasets, CelebA, CelebA-HQ, Places2, and Dunhuang

    A-JEPA: Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture Can Listen

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    This paper presents that the masked-modeling principle driving the success of large foundational vision models can be effectively applied to audio by making predictions in a latent space. We introduce Audio-based Joint-Embedding Predictive Architecture (A-JEPA), a simple extension method for self-supervised learning from the audio spectrum. Following the design of I-JEPA, our A-JEPA encodes visible audio spectrogram patches with a curriculum masking strategy via context encoder, and predicts the representations of regions sampled at well-designed locations. The target representations of those regions are extracted by the exponential moving average of context encoder, \emph{i.e.}, target encoder, on the whole spectrogram. We find it beneficial to transfer random block masking into time-frequency aware masking in a curriculum manner, considering the complexity of highly correlated in local time and frequency in audio spectrograms. To enhance contextual semantic understanding and robustness, we fine-tune the encoder with a regularized masking on target datasets, instead of input dropping or zero. Empirically, when built with Vision Transformers structure, we find A-JEPA to be highly scalable and sets new state-of-the-art performance on multiple audio and speech classification tasks, outperforming other recent models that use externally supervised pre-training.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2207.06405 by other author

    Detection-aware multi-object tracking evaluation

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    Master Universitario en Deep Learning for Audio and Video Signal ProcessingMulti-Object Tracking (MOT) is a hot topic in the computer vision field. It is a complex task that requires a detector, to identify objects, and a tracker, to follow them. It is useful for self-driving, surveillance and robot vision, between others, where research teams and companies are trying to improve their models. In order to determine which model performs better, they are scored using tracking metrics. In this thesis we experiment with MOT metrics aware of detection by using correlation matrices. By analyzing the results, we realize that tracking metrics incur in certain issues that prevent them for correctly reflecting tracking performance. The performance of the detector is relevant when scoring tracking models. The problem observed is that tracking metrics weigh differently elements that evaluate detection performance. Thus, improving one detector’s aspect with a high weight in the MOT metric will significantly improve the tracker’s score, but not necessarily indicating the amount of effort done by the tracker. That is, trackers are not evaluated in a balanced way. In order to solve this issue with the tracker scoring, we present a new multi-object tracking metric, based on the effort done by the tracker given a certain set of detections. This effort is calculated based on the improvement of bounding boxes over the ones given by the detector and the precision to keep the trace of the objects in a sequence. The metric has been tested for two widely employed datasets and shows us its reliability scoring tracking metrics. Also, it do not incur in the problem presented above

    TiMix: Text-aware Image Mixing for Effective Vision-Language Pre-training

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    Self-supervised Multi-modal Contrastive Learning (SMCL) remarkably advances modern Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) models by aligning visual and linguistic modalities. Due to noises in web-harvested text-image pairs, however, scaling up training data volume in SMCL presents considerable obstacles in terms of computational cost and data inefficiency. To improve data efficiency in VLP, we propose Text-aware Image Mixing (TiMix), which integrates mix-based data augmentation techniques into SMCL, yielding significant performance improvements without significantly increasing computational overhead. We provide a theoretical analysis of TiMixfrom a mutual information (MI) perspective, showing that mixed data samples for cross-modal contrastive learning implicitly serve as a regularizer for the contrastive loss. The experimental results demonstrate that TiMix exhibits a comparable performance on downstream tasks, even with a reduced amount of training data and shorter training time, when benchmarked against existing methods. This work empirically and theoretically demonstrates the potential of data mixing for data-efficient and computationally viable VLP, benefiting broader VLP model adoption in practical scenarios.Comment: Accepted on AAAI202
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