6 research outputs found

    Filterscape: energy recycling in a creative ecosystem

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    This paper extends previous work in evolutionary ecosystemic approaches to generative art. Filterscape, adopts the implicit fitness specification that is fundamental to this approach and explores the use of resource recycling as a means of generating coherent sonic diversity in a generative sound work. Filterscape agents consume and deposit energy that is manifest in the simulation as sound. Resource recycling is shown to support cooperative as well as competitive survival strategies. In the context of our simulation, these strategies are recognised by their characteristic audible signatures. The model provides a novel means to generate sonic diversity through de-centralised agent interactions

    Da emergência da sonoridade às sonoridades emergentes: mediação tecnológica, emergentismo e a criação sonora com suporte computacional

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    Apresentamos uma visão panorâmica e crí­tica de como o uso computador enquanto artefato de criação musical pode retroagir sobre os próprios modelos composicionais mediados por este. De maneira similar às mudanças de paradigma que o uso de dispositivos de gravação trouxe à criação musical, emergindo disto a sonoridade como um aspecto central do discurso sonoro, o uso de computadores tem potencializado novos campos de ação criativa não orientados à determinação das estruturas da obra em si, mas à criação de condições ambientais favoráveis ao surgimento de estruturas como um aspecto emergente da própria interação entre as partes do sistema. A partir da discussão de distintos modelos composicionais, trataremos como a criação com suporte computacional tem sido explorada como aporte à emergência de novas estruturas

    Distributed computing manipulatives

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2007.Includes bibliographical references (p. 65-67).Distributed systems and the emergent properties that can arise out of simple localized interactions have fascinated scientists and artists alike for the last century. They challenge the notions of control and creativity, producing outcomes that can be beautiful, engaging and surprising at the same time. While extensive work has been done using computer simulations of such systems in fields like artificial life and generative art, their physically embodied counterparts are still in their infancy, in part due to the complexity of building and deploying such systems. In this thesis, I will discuss how simple tangible nodes can enable playful and creative experimentation with the concept of emergent behavior. Specifically, I will address how embodied interaction scenarios involving parallel systems can be implemented and how a range of sensing and actuating possibilities can be leveraged to generate novel and engaging experiences for the end users. In particular, the use of sound will be explored as a medium for representation. Finally, I will argue that there is value in making the transition from software simulations to a situated and manipulable instantiation of these concepts, both for the designer of a system and its users.by David Bouchard.S.M

    Cagnoni, Jürgen Branke, et al (eds), Springer-Verlag Heidelberg, pp467-476 The Virtual Ecosystem As Generative Electronic Art

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    Abstract. This paper proposes four desirable attributes of processes to be applied in generative electronic art. By example, it then demonstrates that the virtual ecosystem in its entirety is a process with many of these desirable attributes. The paper contrasts this process with the use of cellular automata. It outlines a number of generative artworks with which the author has been involved that utilize the virtual ecosystem, and discusses their pros and cons in the context of generative art. The paper suggests means by which the application of the four desirable attributes may extend the creative possibilities for these works.