370,445 research outputs found

    3D Imaging With Metamaterials

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    Here we present a new kind of 3D display using near zero index (NZI) metamaterial in front of a 2D display. The virtual distance of a pixel is controlled by the refractive index of the metamaterial. As near zero index metamaterials are highly dispersive, a minor shift in the frequency can cause a big change in the virtual distance, hence enabling the control of depth with fine frequency tuning. We derive closed form expression for the virtual distance of a point source in case of lossless isotropic materials and provide a procedure to calculate virtual distance for arbitrary material with given material parameters. A double negative metamaterial working in the microwave regime is demonstrated as proof of the concept


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    This article discusses the role that new digital technologies play on conservation-restoration of fragmentary artefacts. Above all, the use of these tools is essential in case the artefacts have lost the formal unity and reach us without documentation concerning their original position, as in the case of the Roman frescoes from Sybaris, object of this study. The creation of virtual models proves as fundamental for the material and formal recomposition of the artefacts, especially in the creation of a new support and display choices. This last aspect required an analysis on the effects that virtual reconstructions and augmented reality have on visitors.This article discusses the role that new digital technologies play on conservation-restoration of fragmentary artefacts. Above all, the use of these tools is essential in case the artefacts have lost the formal unity and reach us without documentation concerning their original position, as in the case of the Roman frescoes from Sybaris, object of this study. The creation of virtual models proves as fundamental for the material and formal recomposition of the artefacts, especially in the creation of a new support and display choices. This last aspect required an analysis on the effects that virtual reconstructions and augmented reality have on visitors

    The Evolving Technology-Augmented CourtroomBefore, During, and After the Pandemic

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    Even before the COVID-19 Pandemic, technology was changing the nature of America’s courtrooms. Access to case management and e-filing data and documents coupled with electronic display of information and evidence at trial, remote appearances, electronic court records, and assistive technology for those with disabilities defined the technology-augmented trial courtroom. With the advent of the Pandemic and the need for social distancing, numerous courts moved to remote appearances, virtual hearings, and even virtual trials. This Article reviews the nature of technology-augmented courtrooms and discusses virtual hearings and trials at length, reviewing legality, technology, human factors, and public acceptance, and concludes that virtual hearings will continue after the Pandemic

    The Evolving Technology-Augmented CourtroomBefore, During, and After the Pandemic

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    Even before the COVID-19 Pandemic, technology was changing the nature of America’s courtrooms. Access to case management and e-filing data and documents coupled with electronic display of information and evidence at trial, remote appearances, electronic court records, and assistive technology for those with disabilities defined the technology-augmented trial courtroom. With the advent of the Pandemic and the need for social distancing, numerous courts moved to remote appearances, virtual hearings, and even virtual trials. This Article reviews the nature of technology-augmented courtrooms and discusses virtual hearings and trials at length, reviewing legality, technology, human factors, and public acceptance, and concludes that virtual hearings will continue after the Pandemic

    Augmented Exercise Biking with Virtual Environments for Elderly Users:Considerations on the use of auditory feedback

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    Virtual reality (VR) has been shown to function well as an assistive technology to physical therapy for elderly users. Elderly users, and more specifically retirement home residents, form a unique user group in this field, due to their characteristics and demands. In a case study, retirement home residents used an audio-visual virtual environment (VE) augmentation for an exercise bike. Besides a visual display, a soundscape was played to the subjects using headphones. The soundscape was not no- ticed wand the headphones were found to be obtrusive. In this paper, we consider and discuss possible approaches to alternative auditory and haptic delivery methods for future studies. These nonvisual displays need to fit the requirements and limitations of the retirement home subjects who are to exercise using the VE-based augmenta- tion from the case study

    Fast Correction of Tiled Display Systems on Planar Surfaces

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    A method for fast colour and geometric correction of a tiled display system is presented in this paper. Such kind of displays are a common choice for virtual reality applications and simulators, where a high resolution image is required. They are the cheapest and more flexible alternative for large image generation but they require a precise geometric and colour correction. The purpose of the proposed method is to correct the projection system as fast as possible so in case the system needs to be recalibrated it doesn’t interfere with the normal operation of the simulator or virtual reality application. This technique makes use of a single conventional webcam for both geometric and photometric correction. Some previous assumptions are made, like planar projection surface and negligibleintra-projector colour variation and black-offset levels. If these assumptions hold true, geometric and photometric seamlessness can be achievedfor this kind of display systems. The method described in this paper is scalable for an undefined number of projectors and completely automatic

    Unified dispersive approach to real and virtual photon-photon scattering at low energy

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    Previous representations of pion pair production amplitudes by two real photons at low energy, which combine dispersion theoretical constraints with elastic unitariy, chiral symmetry and soft photon constraints are generalized to the case where one photon is virtual. The constructed amplitudes display explicitly the dependence on the ππ\pi\pi phase-shifts, on pion form factors and on pion polarizabilities. They apply both for space-like and time-like virtualities despite the apparent overlap of the left and right-hand cuts, by implementing a definition of resonance exchange amplitudes complying with analyticity and consistent limiting prescriptions for the energy variables. Applications are made to the pion generalized polarizabilies, to vector meson radiative decays, and to the σγ\sigma\gamma electromagnetic form factor. Finally, and evaluation of the contribution of γππ\gamma\pi\pi states in the hadronic vacuum polarization to the muon g−2g-2 is given, which should be less model dependent than previous estimates.Comment: 53 pages, 18 figure
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